标题: 想念北京的酒吧 [打印本页] 作者: faye 时间: 2002-7-21 00:40 标题: 想念北京的酒吧 打个电话给国内的朋友,他们又在三里屯出没。我这个郁闷呀。曾经每个星期会在三里屯最少出没三次。我和我的铁姐们几乎没有我们没去过的吧。最喜欢banana的活动舞池,NO.64的超级热辣,Den的帅哥靓妹,NO.88的迷幻,Solution的open bar,Nashville的加勒比歌手,Havana奔放的节奏,还有兰桂坊经常出没的那三个美伦美幻的人妖,还有Loft的爵士乐,Big easy的blues,Hard Rock的农民气,Night man旁边卡拉OK的便宜,还有我那些个性分明,多才多艺,爽朗漂亮的朋友们。想念,想念北京的酒吧,想念曾经的轻狂,想念盈科中心星巴克里的大提琴乐队,想念羊蝎子的羊拐弯,想念潮好味的银鳕鱼,想念手从车顶窗伸出去感受风的感觉,想念秋日香山漫山的红叶,想念拿青春赌明天的疯狂驾驶......
不如,了解北京的朋友们,咱们一起聊聊,我真的很思念。这样回去又太没面子,死也要撑到三年后 frown作者: ciqi 时间: 2002-7-21 00:46
hehe, just back from BJ, same feeling with you! 作者: brooklyn 时间: 2002-7-21 01:26
i am not beijinese,but i have the same feeling with you,anyway i think i will go back to china.作者: ciqi 时间: 2002-7-21 01:46
and "Success" ,which has huge space and round platform, sure with many pretty actresses playing on it! amazing!作者: Tiana 时间: 2002-7-22 00:40
本人刚刚从北京来,虽不是北京人,但在北京工作好机年了.对三里屯,BANANA,热点,滚石,唐人街,簋街,还有熟悉的星巴克,哇,好怀念啊!!!最爱是三里屯,簋街,但是很可惜,簋街被拆了,我们在他拆迁的最后一天,狂饮至凌晨5点,最后的狂欢嘛!!!!!好想念他的麻小儿,和羊蝎子,特别是金鼎轩的,绝了!!!!作者: faye 时间: 2002-7-22 01:04
其实以前也没什么留恋的,关键是现在的生活太没劲。作者: Tiana 时间: 2002-7-22 01:46
深有同感,放着国内的高工资,高待遇不要,硬是来这从头做起,在国内想都没想过的工作,在这却让人打破脑袋的抢,为了什么哪!!!!!作者: ciqi 时间: 2002-7-22 10:02
hold on! , all my friends,it is another kind of experience for our life,and作者: faye 时间: 2002-7-22 11:33
没错,来加拿大,就是不同的生活体验。体验waitress,体验cashier,体验customer sevice, 体验Volunteer, 体验咖啡馆里无聊也无奈的我。刚开始的时候哭着喊着要去端盘子,卖东西。现在真的开始了,忽然发现自己不过是体验了一下最底层的生活而已。我以为我自己的人生阅历从此丰满了,可谁知,我从此更失落了。作者: banbooca 时间: 2002-7-22 11:52
if u lie down here, u r just nothing but a loser....well, we've already so many losers here...u wont change anything...
if u straight up u collar and get back what u have had b4 here, u will be a real backbone....作者: Amigo 时间: 2002-7-22 12:19
Faye, Find uself some friends here in real not just in BBS.Go out to explore the night life here and you will find the boring life away. We have beer night almost every weekend. You can send me e-mail if you want join us and know some new friend like you who like bar in Beijing.作者: Tim88 时间: 2002-7-22 12:38
我是北京人, 我也至怀念那里的一切. 我的父母, 我的同学和同事, 我的失落的青春....所以我也热切地盼望着能够重回北京, 畅饮三里屯, 吃翻金山城!
希望北京来的朋友们能够ENJOY YOUR LIFE HERE,也许有一天,当你永远地离开MONTREAL, 不再回来, 我相信你的眼角一定会噙满泪水, 我会的, 会至怀念在这里的每一天.所以趁我们还没离开,认认真真的感受这个城市吧!
再次祝北京的朋友们生活开心, 一切顺利!作者: tweety 时间: 2002-7-22 13:09
to be honest, i like the bars here more than those in 三里屯 :p作者: canlan 时间: 2002-7-22 14:47
I miss Blabla Bar in Beijing language and culture university.I miss the swiming poor and Sangna in BLCU.作者: CNN 时间: 2002-7-22 15:36
I never had such luxiary life in Beijing since I was poor as you right now.
I really dontl agree the opinon saying you are getting NEW experience for washing the dish, as a cashier or cleaner.... you don't need such fucccking experience, this is just a excuse.
You have to admited you already made a huge mistake for coming here. You need about 3-5 yrs to have a regular life here (I am sure you are miserable now, I am just a little bit better than you).
The people like you really should think again!
By the way, we always get out of town on weekend, if you need to join us, leave your contact info here.作者: faye 时间: 2002-7-22 16:04
My contact info? My profile is pulic, anybody can find my email address. Thank you for you kindness. Actually I just dont know how to get a banlance of myself, not how to have funs here. Anyway, I am not a loser, I will find my way out.作者: Wailingwall 时间: 2002-7-27 16:17
at night, beijing is a beautiful city. i like spending time with my friends to enjoy a happy time at night.作者: 风光无限 时间: 2002-7-27 17:16
哈九,我喜欢Corona extra。
即来之则安之,先在这里休息休息吧。作者: Chanel5# 时间: 2002-7-27 22:02
i miss BJ'bars very much.who can introduce any special bars in MTL?Maybe one day ,we could get together and enjoy there.作者: yy156 时间: 2002-7-27 22:25
agree with tweety:
to be honest, i like the bars here more than those in 三里屯
The longer you are here, the more you taste here作者: tiger 时间: 2002-7-28 20:24
I think you are missing your friends in bj.Bar always means freinds.As you have more friends here,you will like here.I go to bar with my friends every week,now i have some fun in my boring life here.