
标题: 享受孤独 [打印本页]

作者: I AM YOUR FATHE    时间: 2002-5-15 14:16
标题: 享受孤独
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-15 14:47
because you are my father???
作者: lh    时间: 2002-5-15 18:37
  很有意思。你的壳很厚,也有感觉吗? 你不知,我身边一位朋友,每每说话,“王八”二字不离口。你们可能是兄弟。
作者: rosewiththorns    时间: 2002-5-15 22:13
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-16 01:05
我有一个女朋友也在多伦多, 有一份不错的工作, 就是个人问题没解决, 所以经常参加各类交友活动,也经常向我通报她的最新进展, 给人的感觉是生活满丰富多彩的,没想到她也有孤独。有一天深夜,她独自饮酒,喝得差不多时,便放声大哭。哭泣中她打电话给我,先是醉头醉脑声明没别的意思,只是觉得十分孤独。 又呕气的说:有了车 子,就象有了男朋友,可以带我随处转,有个房子就象有了家。”我一点不惊讶,我很清楚所有的快乐背后都隐藏着成倍的孤独和痛苦!其实谁又不是呢? 和家人打电话的时候永远说:我在这里挺好的,从来不生病。方下电话就只有抱着枕头哭的份儿。性格决定命运,为了身份离乡背井,为了出国不顾一切的来了, 是我先抛弃了亲情和友情, 就活该生活在冰天雪地中,与寂寞不同,寂寞可以叫很多人来闹,一闹寂寞就会跑。而孤独是闹不走的,因为孤独就住在心灵深处, 是用精神支付的高消费。
作者: UFO001    时间: 2002-5-16 01:40
Find your God
you'll never feel lonely

Trust ME
作者: Matrix    时间: 2002-5-16 02:08
Yeap, alone and lonely are totally different, most of the time I am not alone but I still feel lonely, 'cuz even if your closest relatives and friends they sometimes just don't understand you and don't know what u really want and want to do...  :cool:
作者: tdk    时间: 2002-5-16 12:24
loneliness is touched by feeling, but solitude is touched by heart. in the state of fickleness, you will feel loneliness. but only when you are in the state of peace, do you taste the solitude. solitue is a state of your heart, loneliness is only a superfacial feeling, which can be easily smoothed by a hilarious party or some sweet words.
loneliness is nothing but a repugnant devil, no one like. but the solitude is not.
作者: Cinderella623    时间: 2002-5-16 20:54
作者: Charlotte    时间: 2002-5-16 23:00
作者: mingliao    时间: 2002-5-17 01:52
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-17 11:46
Cinderella623, check you mail, thanks!
作者: tdk    时间: 2002-5-17 12:17
林志炫 - 蒙娜利莎的眼泪
作者: Cinderella623    时间: 2002-5-22 00:25
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-22 00:45
so you got tons of e-mail?   wink  good for you. can i to see you?
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-22 00:46
so you got tons of e-mail?   wink  good for you. when i go to Toronto,can i see you?
作者: rosewiththorns    时间: 2002-5-22 22:33
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-23 13:29
so, can you give us the book's name and let's see it. prove it! not only you and me have the feeling of being lonely, so you can't say if there is something I made it of my imagination or if it's fictitious, i NEEDN'T prove something to u,if you want, i give you my friend's tele in Toronto,you will know if i am a lier.
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-23 13:46
作者: Wells . 大西瓜    时间: 2002-5-23 14:02
我很享受孤独的,但有时又喜欢挑起别人的热情大玩一顿。孤独有它独有的美,只有会品尝的人才能知道。喜欢孤独的人内心也是火热的,经过孤独的酝酿之后,会烧得更烈。象又一次的复生。  :cool:
作者: rosewiththorns    时间: 2002-5-23 19:12

作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-23 23:32
congradulation! you find it! so you think i am copy? now i figue out what's in your mind, first, you admire for what i wrote, some words remind you, or some ideal similar to you, then you wonder how can i write such kind of thing? so you believe i must have copyed from some book, yes, you read more, you think more, some word you just speak them out even without even think. because it impressed you. tell you one thing , i can write soem really beautiful words and articles,at least not worse than yours. but i needn't prove it here!
作者: Cinderella623    时间: 2002-5-23 23:41
作者: Cocoz    时间: 2002-5-24 00:02
one example: chinese idiom: ren2yun2ji4yun2, means other people speak that way, and you agree and speak like that way, but when you didn't meet it before, you will never know you can express so simply and accurately.so you study.
the english word: ****, when you hear english people speak, you speak, you wouldn't ask where it comes from,i tell you its an abbr of For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and the word GOLF is Gentleman Only Lady Forbidden. it is study, not copy. and one more, if i write i will make it for money, because i and i spent my time to read, to study, of course i and the time i spend the experience i have worth that. i wouldn't drop here for free, and amusing people. some kind of things to you maybe that's weird,but that's a part of my life, so you cna't say it's fictitious.here is a place like big garbage can, every one throw what they like. and i can understand some people like things for FREE.

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