不知道哪位前辈还知道什么好的ISP能给个好价格的dryloop? 先谢了. 作者: lancer001 时间: 2006-11-23 18:08
vif dryloop 39.9 /month作者: 黑山老猫 时间: 2006-11-23 18:23 标题: reply 我就是从vif转出来的. vif也是我用过的isp, 我用了2年, 感觉不错. 可惜dryloop就是要39.9.作者: 黑山老猫 时间: 2006-11-23 23:49 标题: 现在好像谁拿Bell都没辙 真是霸王呀. 比中国电信还牛. 偶可真是服了Bell了. 江青当初也有倒台的时候, 这bell可是江山永不变色. 一霸几十年. 牛!!作者: njerca 时间: 2006-11-24 17:16
There is no way to avoid Bell since the physical phone line is provided by it. Once you are using DSL, you have to pay for the Bell line. That is the reason for ISP other than Sympatico charge you $10 for dryloop. This price is based on CRTC rules. Sympatico just waives this $10 for competition with other ISP since it comes from Bell.
To totally get rid of Bell, you have to use cable service which is not cheap as DSL and all have limitation of data.......
So no good deal at all......................i'm using Sympatico anyway before good cable deal..........作者: 绿风信 时间: 2006-11-27 12:44