
标题: 紧急求援!!!!! [打印本页]

作者: davidlxs    时间: 2006-12-11 11:40
标题: 紧急求援!!!!!
我的电话514 815 2228
作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-11 13:04
你好。就如电话上我们谈的,你完全可以立即中断租约:立即给他发挂号信;同时去租务法庭立案并要求合理的赔偿--租务法庭有一个中断租约的表格,填好后和你立案的通知一起以挂号信寄给你的房东:Quebec Rental Board/La Régie du logement
Montréal region: 1-514-873-2245

如果还有疑问,星期天你可去 YMCA HOUSING CLINIC 咨询,他们的服务是相当专业的:WMCA Housing Legal Clinic (Stanly/Maisonnueve) 514 849 8393
At inside of YMCA - Downtown Montreal Open every Sunday 11:00am, free consultation.

保存此网页,或许会为你今后的生活提供一些方便: • 信息分享:魁省华裔创家立业之需
作者: davidlxs    时间: 2006-12-11 22:33
非常感谢! 明天就去奥林匹克城,虽然有点远. 如果要求赔偿,多少才是合理? 这个房东太可恶了,居然威胁我,吃定我是新移民,而且还说抓到的老鼠都是很小的,不会伤害婴儿, 真是把我当白痴. 有没有儿童保护机构可以寻求帮助?
作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-11 22:55
要求赔偿的多少你可根据你的实际情况计算,但最好要算得比较合理,不然如果法官产生疑义你反而得不丧失。这些你可直接向租务法庭或 YMCA HOUSING CLINIC 咨询。
Post by davidlxs
非常感谢! 明天就去奥林匹克城,虽然有点远. 如果要求赔偿,多少才是合理? 这个房东太可恶了,居然威胁我,吃定我是新移民,而且还说抓到的老鼠都是很小的,不会伤害婴儿, 真是把我当白痴. 有没有儿童保护机构可以寻求帮助?

作者: security    时间: 2006-12-12 02:25
作者: wuti    时间: 2006-12-12 10:39
标题: rental board can help you
1. go to rental board and request to cancel the lease because of the mice problem.
2. take pictures of mice you catch and mice shit as proofs. This is very important.
3. for the deduction (赔偿 )of the rent, it cannot be decided by you or even you cannot ask the judge to compensate the amount to you. you have right to demand the compensation. the final amount will be decided by judge.
4. if you have any further questions, you may send me a private message and I give you a call to tell you what you should do.

Post by davidlxs
非常感谢! 明天就去奥林匹克城,虽然有点远. 如果要求赔偿,多少才是合理? 这个房东太可恶了,居然威胁我,吃定我是新移民,而且还说抓到的老鼠都是很小的,不会伤害婴儿, 真是把我当白痴. 有没有儿童保护机构可以寻求帮助?

作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-12 11:18
I don't think the guy wants to deduct for the rent since he wants to break the lease for the worst living condition what he should ask is compensation I believe so.
Post by wuti
1. go to rental board and request to cancel the lease because of the mice problem.
2. take pictures of mice you catch and mice shit as proofs. This is very important.
3. for the deduction (赔偿 )of the rent, it cannot be decided by you or even you cannot ask the judge to compensate the amount to you. you have right to demand the compensation. the final amount will be decided by judge.
4. if you have any further questions, you may send me a private message and I give you a call to tell you what you should do.

作者: wuti    时间: 2006-12-12 13:45
I guess that you are right. but

1. deduction of the rent is the only way to compensate the tenants and the deduction comes into effect from the date when the tenant claims. tenants can never ask for a certain amount of money for compensation. it is the judge who makes the decision for compensation based on the rent.

2. even though LZ wants to cancel lease, still he has to go to rental board.

Post by peterpan1668
I don't think the guy wants to deduct for the rent since he wants to break the lease for the worst living condition what he should ask is compensation I believe so.

作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-12 14:07
Yes, he has to go to Rental Board for cancel his lease; but for the compensation, the tenant could list of his expenses as such as like exterminate cost, moving expenses, install new telephone line and etc., right? By then the judge will analyze what will be the fair compensation to close this case.
Post by wuti
I guess that you are right. but

1. deduction of the rent is the only way to compensate the tenants and the deduction comes into effect from the date when the tenant claims. tenants can never ask for a certain amount of money for compensation. it is the judge who makes the decision for compensation based on the rent.

2. even though LZ wants to cancel lease, still he has to go to rental board.

作者: davidlxs    时间: 2006-12-12 21:41
谢谢各位同胞,今天去了奥林匹克城,那人对事实和证据不关心,只是告诉我一些程序和可能的后果. 如果我要马上终止合同并马上搬走, 第一步先给房东寄挂号信,第二再寄一份正式表格(在REGIE DU LODGEMENT拿) 第三步再到REGIE DU LODGEMENT立案, 第四步等候开庭审判,打官司. 赢了官司,我算顺利离开,并有可能要求一些赔偿; 输了官司,我要赔偿余下十个月的房租并房东可能提出的其他补偿.
一句话, 要搬走就要打官司, 不知道这官司有多大胜算, 要花多少钱和时间?各位有经验的能否提个建议? 有没有办法可以不打官司也可以立即搬走?
如果不搬走,那对我女儿太危险了,她才5个月大. 不知道有没有什么儿童保护机构可以提供一些帮助?
作者: yanne    时间: 2006-12-12 22:21


作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-12 22:23
你还是该去 YMCA HOUSING CLINIC 咨询,他们的服务是相当专业,相信你不会失望:WMCA Housing Legal Clinic (Stanly/Maisonnueve) 514 849 8393
At inside of YMCA - Downtown Montreal Open every Sunday 11:00am, free consultation.

Post by davidlxs
谢谢各位同胞,今天去了奥林匹克城,那人对事实和证据不关心,只是告诉我一些程序和可能的后果. 如果我要马上终止合同并马上搬走, 第一步先给房东寄挂号信,第二再寄一份正式表格(在REGIE DU LODGEMENT拿) 第三步再到REGIE DU LODGEMENT立案, 第四步等候开庭审判,打官司. 赢了官司,我算顺利离开,并有可能要求一些赔偿; 输了官司,我要赔偿余下十个月的房租并房东可能提出的其他补偿.
一句话, 要搬走就要打官司, 不知道这官司有多大胜算, 要花多少钱和时间?各位有经验的能否提个建议? 有没有办法可以不打官司也可以立即搬走?
如果不搬走,那对我女儿太危险了,她才5个月大. 不知道有没有什么儿童保护机构可以提供一些帮助?

作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-12 22:43
补充一点: 租务法庭接待人员的态度可能冷了一点,但是这些信息和步骤完全是对的。

Organization for the Protection of Children’s Rights (O.P.C.R.).

Head Office Montreal

Riccardo Di Done
Founding President

5167, Jean-Talon East

Suite 370

St-Leonard (Quebec)

Canada H1S 1K8

Tel: (514) 593-4303
Fax: (514) 593-4659
Email: [email="info@osde.ca"]info@osde.ca[/email]

Watts line: 1-800-361-8453 (Canada)

Comments - Suggestions?
Post by davidlxs
谢谢各位同胞,今天去了奥林匹克城,那人对事实和证据不关心,只是告诉我一些程序和可能的后果. 如果我要马上终止合同并马上搬走, 第一步先给房东寄挂号信,第二再寄一份正式表格(在REGIE DU LODGEMENT拿) 第三步再到REGIE DU LODGEMENT立案, 第四步等候开庭审判,打官司. 赢了官司,我算顺利离开,并有可能要求一些赔偿; 输了官司,我要赔偿余下十个月的房租并房东可能提出的其他补偿.
一句话, 要搬走就要打官司, 不知道这官司有多大胜算, 要花多少钱和时间?各位有经验的能否提个建议? 有没有办法可以不打官司也可以立即搬走?
如果不搬走,那对我女儿太危险了,她才5个月大. 不知道有没有什么可以提供一些帮助?

作者: 小虾    时间: 2006-12-12 23:32
刚刚给Peterpan1668回了贴, 就看到了这个帖子。 我的情况与David有些类似。 我也是想提前终止租约,我的房东说要去告我。我想问问大家,如果因为居住环境存在HANDICAP, 比如老鼠,噪音等问题, 我们是不是可以马上搬走,不必等租约到期。 我已经给房东邮寄了挂号信要求终止租约,同时给RDL也邮寄了要求终止租约的挂号信。做到这些是不是就可以先搬走了呢?



不知David是否介意告诉我你的联系方式。 我的邮箱是kateyoung5@hotmail.com.

我今年3月份搬到现在住的这个公寓,第一天晚上还在倒时差就发现我楼上的邻居非常吵。头几天忍了,后来发现他们天天如此。楼上住的是一个意大利小伙子和他的黑人女友。听房东说他们这两个人是夜里上班,白天睡觉。由于房子是木地板,他们走路又特别重,就象是有人在用木锤在敲地板。他们通常是从半夜1点或3点开始活动,不停地从客厅走到卧室,把什么东西扔到地板上,我几乎天天在熟睡的状态下被他们吓醒,有时候他们还会激烈地争吵,女的歇斯底里地号哭。白天他们的音响震得天花板发颤。他们旁边的两户邻居也对他们很有意见。为了制止他们的噪音,我在前几个月先后56次找他们谈话,要求他们在晚上11点以后停止制造噪音,但没有任何效果。后来我就给房东打电话,大概有78次之多,而且大多是在半夜或凌晨我被吵醒以后打的。房东每次都答应去和我楼上的邻居交涉,我相信他去了,但仍没有什么改进。我还报过2次警,警察做了记录但没有来。那个黑人女人非常粗野,有一次他们折腾的实在是太厉害了,我就用拖把敲了敲房顶,她接连骂了三次FUCK YOU!还故意使劲跺脚。她还让房东告诉我,如果嫌吵,自己买房子搬出去,住公寓都是这样!


由于实在是没有办法,我决定自己搬出去。我上周刚刚给regie du logement写了信要求即刻解除与房东的租约,并告诉房东我要在12月底搬出去,我的租约2月底到期。房东是个老移民,中国人,他一听就火了,说他不同意我搬,如果我一定要搬他就到租务法庭告我。我认为是他没有给我提供一个peaceful,安全的居住环境,是因为有长期的,无法忍受的噪音这个handicap我才不得不搬的。我这样搬出去我也是有损失的,搬家的费用,重新开电话,水电等等的费用都要我自己承担。但是,这些与我无法休息,好好睡觉都没法相比。我已经到了极限了。我单身一人住在这里,很害怕自己生病,因为没人会管我。

作者: nidie    时间: 2006-12-13 10:08
标题: 可以据理力争。同时告诉是哪个中国房东......

Post by 小虾
刚刚给Peterpan1668回了贴, 就看到了这个帖子。 我的情况与David有些类似。 我也是想提前终止租约,我的房东说要去告我。我想问问大家,如果因为居住环境存在HANDICAP, 比如老鼠,噪音等问题, 我们是不是可以马上搬走,不必等租约到期。 我已经给房东邮寄了挂号信要求终止租约,同时给RDL也邮寄了要求终止租约的挂号信。做到这些是不是就可以先搬走了呢?



不知David是否介意告诉我你的联系方式。 我的邮箱是kateyoung5@hotmail.com.

我今年3月份搬到现在住的这个公寓,第一天晚上还在倒时差就发现我楼上的邻居非常吵。头几天忍了,后来发现他们天天如此。楼上住的是一个意大利小伙子和他的黑人女友。听房东说他们这两个人是夜里上班,白天睡觉。由于房子是木地板,他们走路又特别重,就象是有人在用木锤在敲地板。他们通常是从半夜1点或3点开始活动,不停地从客厅走到卧室,把什么东西扔到地板上,我几乎天天在熟睡的状态下被他们吓醒,有时候他们还会激烈地争吵,女的歇斯底里地号哭。白天他们的音响震得天花板发颤。他们旁边的两户邻居也对他们很有意见。为了制止他们的噪音,我在前几个月先后56次找他们谈话,要求他们在晚上11点以后停止制造噪音,但没有任何效果。后来我就给房东打电话,大概有78次之多,而且大多是在半夜或凌晨我被吵醒以后打的。房东每次都答应去和我楼上的邻居交涉,我相信他去了,但仍没有什么改进。我还报过2次警,警察做了记录但没有来。那个黑人女人非常粗野,有一次他们折腾的实在是太厉害了,我就用拖把敲了敲房顶,她接连骂了三次FUCK YOU!还故意使劲跺脚。她还让房东告诉我,如果嫌吵,自己买房子搬出去,住公寓都是这样!


由于实在是没有办法,我决定自己搬出去。我上周刚刚给regie du logement写了信要求即刻解除与房东的租约,并告诉房东我要在12月底搬出去,我的租约2月底到期。房东是个老移民,中国人,他一听就火了,说他不同意我搬,如果我一定要搬他就到租务法庭告我。我认为是他没有给我提供一个peaceful,安全的居住环境,是因为有长期的,无法忍受的噪音这个handicap我才不得不搬的。我这样搬出去我也是有损失的,搬家的费用,重新开电话,水电等等的费用都要我自己承担。但是,这些与我无法休息,好好睡觉都没法相比。我已经到了极限了。我单身一人住在这里,很害怕自己生病,因为没人会管我。


作者: wuti    时间: 2006-12-13 10:30
To 小虾 :

Sorry I cannot print my posting in Chinese.

For your case, you should do following steps:

1. You send a registered letter to your landlord to mention the problems you are having with your neighbors and ask him to fix these problems within 10 days. Otherwise you are ready to go to rental board to take a procedure.

2. If he solves the problems, you stay as it is now. otherwise, you go to the rental board and open a case for your landlord. you can claim what ever you want, such as cancel the lease, ask for deduction of the rent, ect.. you can never move out without judge's decision.

3. if you move out now, you will have trouble.

4. I understand your situation very much. If you need more information, you tell me you phone number, I may talk to you over the phone.

Good luck.

To Davidlxs

1. You should follow the steps the RGL told you. At this moment, RDL is not interested in your detailed description about your problems. They are only interested in your points so that they can put them into your file. All the proofs should be carefully prepared and show them when you attend hearing. It is the judge who are most interested in your detailed description and proofs, not the receptionist.

2. you pay your rent on time.

3. At my best knowledge and experience, you should win your case 99.99999%. However, if you lose, the worst thing is that you stay in your appartment until the lease ends.

Good luck.
作者: 小虾    时间: 2006-12-13 23:58
Hi Wuti,

Thanks a lot for your kind reply.

I called 911 this morning at 2am because my neighbour kept making noise for 3 hours at midnight. Two police officers came over. They are very nice people and suggested me to go to the RDL for help and told me how to collecte vidence.  But based on what you said, I cannot move out and have to bear the noise until the legal decision. I heard that it'll take a long time to go into the legal procedure and get the final result. That will be meaningless for me, my least will expire in Feb 2007. I've told my landlord I won't renew the lease. So the best way to solve the problem is go through the rest of two months with the noise, right?

my phone number is 514-7281066.

For your case, you should do following steps:

1. You send a registered letter to your landlord to mention the problems you are having with your neighbors and ask him to fix these problems within 10 days. Otherwise you are ready to go to rental board to take a procedure.

2. If he solves the problems, you stay as it is now. otherwise, you go to the rental board and open a case for your landlord. you can claim what ever you want, such as cancel the lease, ask for deduction of the rent, ect.. you can never move out without judge's decision.

3. if you move out now, you will have trouble.

4. I understand your situation very much. If you need more information, you tell me you phone number, I may talk to you over the phone.
作者: kirkbf    时间: 2006-12-14 01:30
Post by yanne





作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-14 01:44
Post by kirkbf



作者: davidlxs    时间: 2006-12-14 10:35
标题: 来看看这个如此狡猾的房东
谢谢各位鼓励和支持, 房东收到我的信, 然后过来和我谈找了一个非常专业的灭鼠公司, 第二天就来,而且保证不用毒药. 而后第二天房东就和一个长得很猥琐的人提了一大桶用毒药浸泡过的花生米. 我立刻拒绝他们进入, 然后他们就反复解释会如何如何小心, 如何如何没有关系. 我要他们提供相干证明, 没有. 他们就只是摆放两个粘鼠板, 然后我才明白什么狗屁专业灭鼠公司, 房东其实在准备和我打官司, 他根本就不想花钱真正检查, 他要的就是所谓灭鼠公司的一张纸,证明他已经努力了. 然后我问隔壁邻居, 一家从斯里兰卡来的,一家从印度来的, 他们都不愿和我说话,显然房东跟他们说过什么.

各位有经验的帮帮忙, 我给如何收集证据, 光有照片行不行? 我昨天又抓到两只老鼠, 这次我没扔掉,但我也没法留到开庭审判呀? 我该如何做?
作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-14 10:46

Organization for the Protection of Children’s Rights (O.P.C.R.).

Head Office Montreal
Riccardo Di Done
Founding President

5167, Jean-Talon East,Suite 370
St-Leonard (Quebec)
Canada H1S 1K8

Tel: (514) 593-4303
Fax: (514) 593-4659
Email: [email="info@osde.ca"]info@osde.ca[/email]
Watts line: 1-800-361-8453 (Canada)

Comments - Suggestions?
作者: wuti    时间: 2006-12-14 11:12
take a picture of mice and go to rental board. no witness is also OK.

Post by davidlxs
谢谢各位鼓励和支持, 房东收到我的信, 然后过来和我谈找了一个非常专业的灭鼠公司, 第二天就来,而且保证不用毒药. 而后第二天房东就和一个长得很猥琐的人提了一大桶用毒药浸泡过的花生米. 我立刻拒绝他们进入, 然后他们就反复解释会如何如何小心, 如何如何没有关系. 我要他们提供相干证明, 没有. 他们就只是摆放两个粘鼠板, 然后我才明白什么狗屁专业灭鼠公司, 房东其实在准备和我打官司, 他根本就不想花钱真正检查, 他要的就是所谓灭鼠公司的一张纸,证明他已经努力了. 然后我问隔壁邻居, 一家从斯里兰卡来的,一家从印度来的, 他们都不愿和我说话,显然房东跟他们说过什么.

各位有经验的帮帮忙, 我给如何收集证据, 光有照片行不行? 我昨天又抓到两只老鼠, 这次我没扔掉,但我也没法留到开庭审判呀? 我该如何做?

作者: wuti    时间: 2006-12-14 11:37
I called you. but no body answered. my suggestion is that you stay where you live now, but you have to get some compensation from what you suffer from. the procedure is:

1. send a registered letter to your landlord and give him/her 10 days to fix the problem.
2. if he/she does not fix, go to the rental board and request deduction of rental.

My comment:

1. keep the police report as a proof.
2. do not do anything which will damage your reputation or credits.
3. you may think a small compensation for from which you have suffered as a kind of consolation.

wish you good luck.

Post by 小虾
Hi Wuti,

Thanks a lot for your kind reply.

I called 911 this morning at 2am because my neighbour kept making noise for 3 hours at midnight. Two police officers came over. They are very nice people and suggested me to go to the RDL for help and told me how to collecte vidence. But based on what you said, I cannot move out and have to bear the noise until the legal decision. I heard that it'll take a long time to go into the legal procedure and get the final result. That will be meaningless for me, my least will expire in Feb 2007. I've told my landlord I won't renew the lease. So the best way to solve the problem is go through the rest of two months with the noise, right?

my phone number is 514-7281066.

For your case, you should do following steps:

1. You send a registered letter to your landlord to mention the problems you are having with your neighbors and ask him to fix these problems within 10 days. Otherwise you are ready to go to rental board to take a procedure.

2. If he solves the problems, you stay as it is now. otherwise, you go to the rental board and open a case for your landlord. you can claim what ever you want, such as cancel the lease, ask for deduction of the rent, ect.. you can never move out without judge's decision.

3. if you move out now, you will have trouble.

4. I understand your situation very much. If you need more information, you tell me you phone number, I may talk to you over the phone.

作者: zhh    时间: 2006-12-14 21:15
作者: zhh    时间: 2006-12-14 23:01
作者: zhh    时间: 2006-12-14 23:10
个人认为Davidlxs 和小虾可以用“Notice of Abandonent of the dwelling" 马上搬出, 而不用付房租的。 不知道对吗?
作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-15 01:00
相信应该是这样的。当“Notice of Abandonent of the dwelling" 寄出以后,房东便不可再向房客追讨房租;但房客亦必须尽快搬出;然后等租务法庭的法官仲裁。

Post by zhh
个人认为Davidlxs 和小虾可以用“Notice of Abandonent of the dwelling" 马上搬出, 而不用付房租的。 不知道对吗?

作者: 小虾    时间: 2006-12-15 02:03
wuti你好, 我全天都在学校上课,下了课又去办了别的事,真的不好意思,一天都没在家,所以没有接成你的电话。 通常我每天5点以后都应该在家, 只是这段时间事情特别多。很抱歉,明天我也得出去。如果你不介意的话,可以告诉我你的联系方式吗?我的邮箱是kateyoung5@hotmail.com. 我也希望能和你在电话里详细地谈谈我的情况,看看是否有更好的解决办法。

另外, 想请教zh h 和peterpan1668, 你们提到的Notice of Abandonment of the dwelling是怎么回事, 要向哪个部门,如何申请这个notice of abandonment of the dwelling. 我到是希望能申请到这个东西赶紧办出去,尽快结束这个噩梦。

作者: peterpan1668    时间: 2006-12-15 02:32
【Notice of Abandonment of the dwelling】的表格可以去 REGIE DU LODGEMENT 拿( PROJECT GENESIS 也有此类表格并可以为你免费填写)。notice of abandonment of the dwelling 填完后一定要以挂号信发出,如果房东同意解除租约,当事人一定要求房东以书面立据为凭;否则当事人应该在 REGIE DU LODGEMENT 注册备案,候期待法官审理仲裁。
Post by 小虾
另外, 想请教zh h 和peterpan1668, 你们提到的Notice of Abandonment of the dwelling是怎么回事, 要向哪个部门,如何申请这个notice of abandonment of the dwelling. 我到是希望能申请到这个东西赶紧办出去,尽快结束这个噩梦。


作者: wuti    时间: 2006-12-15 15:18
landlord cannot refuse your demand to sublet your present dwelling to anyone unless the future tenant(s) have bad credit. For my suggestion, you may refer to my postings in this title. i may re-write them as follows:

call police, ask for a report, send a registered letter to your landlord, give him/her 10 days to fix the problem, go to rental borad, request to cancel the lease and compensate for what you have suffered from so far.

if you need more information, send me your phone number.

Good luck!

Post by zhh

住的apartment楼下一直很吵,也报过警, 所以也一直在看房。两个月前买了房,跟房东说要搬,他说可以转租,或赔三个月房租。我费了一个多月的时间,先找了两黑人女孩,房东说她们不是 family,不想租给她们。 现在找了个穆斯林,他又嫌人家麻烦多(宗教规矩),万一是恐怖分子呢, 又说也可能是guy, 也不肯。现在的问题是房子我也是从别人那sublease的,厨房和厕所需要翻新了。 我在网上看到如果我转租,房东没有重大的原因不可以拒绝。我怎样可以让他翻新呢?

他难为那两个小黑孩,让她们添application form, 问了一车的问题,SIN 啦,收入啦,雇主拉,生日啦, 结果把人吓跑了。 他只想拿我的三个月房租,再把房子租给别人收双份钱。


作者: davidlxs    时间: 2006-12-16 00:34
查到具体地址啦,多谢PETER PENG, 本周日一定去

YMCA Centre-ville
1440, rue Stanley
Montréal (Qc) H3A 1P7
Tél. : (514) 849-8393
Téléc. : (514) 849-7821

作者: davidlxs    时间: 2006-12-16 18:51
今天和房东大干了一场, 实在受不了他那盛气凌人的嚣张气焰!!!昨天没经过我同意就把老鼠药放到我家里,本想和他好好谈谈的,他躲着不见我,他老婆就骗我说马上回来,要我晚些去找他.然后我晚上11点半又去找他, 结果他报警说我骚扰他. 幸亏警察了解情况后还能通情达理. 今天中午房东终于露面了,刚要和他说话,就用指头点着我的鼻子说: 你们中国人就会从外面抓只老鼠来吓唬房东, 你若再要麻烦我, 我到警察局去告你,立马把你遣送回中国去! 我立马和他吵起来,然后叫他滚出去! 结果他妈的又叫两个警察来, 说我威胁要杀他, 真他妈的无耻!!
作者: zhh    时间: 2006-12-17 00:04

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