全名叫"椰菜果" 英文 kohlrabi作者: regal 时间: 2007-1-4 15:47
南京人叫它皮辣, 通常就是切片或丝炒肉作者: Periapt 时间: 2007-1-5 00:37
谢谢二位解答!刚才拿它炒火腿了,味道不错:p作者: renee7 时间: 2007-1-5 12:31 标题: how to peel? how to peel?作者: 121606 时间: 2007-1-5 12:51
Same way you peel a potato, or apple, or pear, or carrot
just take the green skin off. then trim off the tough stringy fibre on the bottom half.
If you have strong teeth, the skin is edible. Taste like the skin of broccoli.