其他的就随便了.作者: sunyan 时间: 2002-12-18 11:12
你首先要明确你买机器要干什么。然后才能选配置。p4吗不是人人都需要。作者: CSR 时间: 2002-12-18 11:56
I found a special deal as the follwing. What do you guys say?
AMD Athlon XP 1800+ 266 Processor(Retail)
ECS K7SEM266 Motherboard
256MB PC-133 SD RAM
Segate 40GB (7200rpm) HD
LG 52X CD Room
32MB 128bit video card (integrated)
3D PCI Sound (integrated)
Ethernet 10/100 Lan (integrated)<
1.44MB Floppy Drive
ATX 300W Mid Tower Case
3 Years Labour Warranty
1 Year Parts Warranty
$399 + tax作者: sunyan 时间: 2002-12-18 12:41
你说的主板应该不支持1800+!它的主芯片是SIS730的,最大支持200外频如跑266就是超频,将造成系统的不稳定。象早期的BX2000+主板一样,常常出问题。西捷的硬盘太热。,噪音也不小。wd的硬盘很好。顺便说一下这款主板是很早以前的产品了,应该是停产了。质保可能会有点难。作者: Homerun 时间: 2002-12-18 13:28
Athlon的热功耗相当大,散热问题将是对ECS的这款小体积MicroATX型主板的重大考验。建议使用ATX型主板另多加一个机箱风扇 http://www.meanmachine.com/Motherboards/SocketA/ECS_K7SEM266_Motherboard_Specs.htm作者: WangYcca 时间: 2002-12-19 01:41
没意思。作者: CSR 时间: 2002-12-19 02:08
Thanks friends. I will keep my eyes open for another choice and I will call the friends who kindly left me phone number if I decide to buy. The funny thing is when I check the site which sell the special deal as $399 and it was sold out. It seems there are a lot of ppl went for the CHEAP DEAL. You guys saved my ass. I will buy around Xmas and want to see if FutureShop have any good deal.