有问题多交流吧作者: 小K 时间: 2002-3-21 00:46
我现在用的就是。作者: mtl_tony 时间: 2002-4-7 15:50
我刚装的VIDEOTRON的CABLE,三台电脑共享,效果挺好。电视和上网服务都要,因此安装免费,首5个月网费较便宜,好象是25元左右。买的猫129。95+税=149。48。在网上跟FUTURESHOP买了个ROUTER,NETGEAR RT314,69。99+运费+税=100,可能就是LEONARD说的那款,朋友们都说不贵。BUREAU EN GROS有一款网卡在促销,D-LINK,12。97+税=14。92,我去的是AT&T大厦旁的那间分店,在SQUARE VICTORIA地铁站附近。网线在康大旁的华人电脑店买的,1元/米,每根线再加5元做两端的插头。曾考虑过用HUB,后听说需要一台电脑整天开机做服务器,于是改用ROUTER。我电脑知识极为有限,装这个系统全靠朋友帮助,以上信息仅供大家参考。作者: Rocky@canada 时间: 2002-4-8 17:48
My point of view:
A. 3 PCs + 1 Hub + Cable Modem won't work in this case. I think that's because Videotron won't allow over two IP addresses to logon from the same cable modem with the same userID. Not the matter of signal intensity but the network setting at the ISP side. They have many ways to kick you off line.
B. 1 PC with 2 network cards and Router software(like Sygate) + 1 Hub + 2 PCs should be OK. But the drawback is you need to keep the server PC switching on ALL THE TIME, which may be an issue in an shared appartment.
C. The best way is buying a router. It's a good solution for above A and B.
Any other recommendation welcome.作者: 小K 时间: 2002-4-8 23:43
Rocky@canada 的回答完全正确。100分。
呵呵……beliveau如果你在做的过程中有麻烦可以告诉我。我会抽时间帮你搞定它。当然是FREE啦~~交个朋友。作者: Eveve 时间: 2002-4-9 13:02
It depends on your ISP and your cable modem.
WebSTAR DPX110 Cable Modem's USB port and Ethernet port can be used simultaneously. With the addition of a hub, up to 32 separate digital devices can be supported with a single WebSTAR DPX110 Cable Modem. But does your ISP really allow you to do it?作者: taoli1354 时间: 2002-4-10 23:01
个人建议,可以循序渐进,先尝试PC路由,后购买专用路由器。但一个朋友,告诉我,采用专有路由器后,你将无法提供Server服务,这将会影响某些P2P软件的使用。因为你的PCServer在自己的小网内。由于Cable是采用Lease IP的方式,一般你能维持Offline时间低于24小时的话,你是可以维持住一个固定的IP的,这样你有机会试一试Server。但DSL则是DHCP,每次上线重新分配IP。作者: Rocky@canada 时间: 2002-4-11 16:19
Actually NETGEAR RT314 is an 'Router + 4 ports Hub'. And each of PCs behind it are in the same subnet.作者: alex 时间: 2002-4-13 08:47
使用router好像有诸多不便,而且对一般用户来说设置很麻烦,所以选择router 还是多付钱,就看你自己的需要了。作者: pathfinder 时间: 2002-6-9 23:14
1台式机带有两网卡, 一笔记本有一网卡, 想共响VIDEOTRON, HOW? I HAS FAILED. DO I HAVE TO NEED A HUB?作者: pathfinder 时间: 2002-6-9 23:35
Member # 5624
posted 03-21-2002 00:46
我有SYGATE, 但是要装在NOTEBOOK 上还是装在DESKTOP 上?作者: raven 时间: 2002-6-10 02:03
1, u need a crossover cable to connect ur laptop and pc directly( no hub needed)
2, connect ur second NIC on ur PC to ur cable modem.
3. if the os of ur pc is not XP, then ur need a gateway/router proggie such as wingate/winrouter running on ur pc, otherwise, just share ur internet connection and enjoy.
good luck.作者: pathfinder 时间: 2002-6-10 10:57
raven, thank you,
i still have some questions:
1, where can i buy crossover cable and what is it?
2, why not use the first NIC to connect cable modem, what's the difference between these two NIC?
3,what i did is connect one NIC to cable modem,and it work,
connect another NIC to network card in notebook,
pc displayed "a network cable is unplugged".
what's wrong?作者: raven 时间: 2002-6-10 12:50
crossover cable is a kink of cable that connect two computers directly to each other,
Saving the cost of a hub when u want to interconnect two computer.
just go to some computer stores and tell them u need a crossover 5 class cable, they will give u a right one. use this calbe to connect pc and laptop.