再次感谢各位指点作者: brave 时间: 2001-7-2 19:18
I strongly recommand to take SONY. Because the electronic components, software, and service are the best.作者: Chaos 时间: 2001-7-2 21:58
Thanks, my friends, a lot of thanks!作者: Matrix 时间: 2001-7-3 14:09
Strongly recommend Nikon880 or ?980? + 64M memory.
When chosing DC (digital camera), you'd better take 分辨率/像素,光学变焦,USB接口,记忆体等 into consideration.三百万像素的已经足够专业啦,三倍光学变焦(不要相信数码变焦),若嫌记忆体不够大可另配。
专家意见:SONY的DV(DIGITAL VIDEO)技术一流,但论到CAMERA,NIKON IS BETTER.作者: C&C 时间: 2001-7-3 23:49
这是用我的SONY DSC-P50拍的。
时间:焰火节开幕 晚上12点左右 作者: flying111 时间: 2001-7-4 15:58
我已经买了sony的数字摄像机带数字相机但还没有试过拍照片因为很麻烦它没有mac的softwear但我用mac所以请教有人用过吗?效果如何?多谢!作者: brave 时间: 2001-7-4 18:31
Mac is the best PC for graphic design etc.. So if you just can't plug your SONY in, please consult with the assistant of FUTURE shop, they can help you.
SONY + Mac = BEST 作者: flying111 时间: 2001-7-4 19:03
Thank Brave! I cannot try cause my video camre in China right now and my Mac in Montreal. Funny? Do you have software for Mac and do you use Mac? If you do we could exchange. My email;fengxinkl@yahoo.com作者: redneck 时间: 2001-7-4 19:16 flying111,do not worry man. Now it is INTERNET times when you can get anything you want. Please visit www.sony.com and look for the section of Support. You will find what you need.作者: jxsimon 时间: 2001-7-12 12:53
1、你的SONY P50耗电如何?(我记得是2节AA电池5号)
2、是在CAN买的吗?要多少money?作者: C&C 时间: 2001-7-12 14:16
普通电池用不起,只能支持30分钟,我现在用的是专用锂电池,充一次电可用2个小时。是在日本买的,416美元,加拿大可能也有卖的。作者: davaid 时间: 2001-8-31 15:40
你拍的照片确实不错。请问你花了多少钱,在哪里什么时候买的?我有朋友在国内马上要过来,在国内带会不会便宜一些,请教了,谢谢作者: C&C 时间: 2001-9-1 01:17
电池加外接电源67美元作者: zqc 时间: 2001-9-5 18:25
My digital camera is Olympus c-2040, very very clear and nature.作者: Rebecca 时间: 2001-12-2 04:36
不要太贵的,100万像素左右就行,我们已经在国内上网查了一下价格,最中意的是:SUMSONG(三星) 130万像素 内存8M 1680人民币!
谢了! 作者: JQI 时间: 2001-12-3 22:53
我买的尼康800还是满不错的,就是费电池。哪位有什么好的建议,买一块充电电池怎么样?贵吗?作者: Chaos 时间: 2001-12-4 00:32
Rebecca,赶快在上海买好了再过来,这里比国内贵得多了。作者: Rebecca 时间: 2001-12-4 20:51
chaos,非常感谢!这就去买了! 作者: tdk 时间: 2001-12-5 00:35
KODAK digital camera is cheaper in canada than in china 作者: Rebecca 时间: 2001-12-6 01:51
tdk,不要吓我,多少钱?CCD及其它主要参数你记得吗? 作者: tdk 时间: 2001-12-6 10:24
you can check the web: www.futureshop.ca or www.bureauengros.com
by yourself.作者: Rebecca 时间: 2001-12-11 02:15
好像数码相机这个东西,还是国内的便宜,130万像素的统统1600RMB左右了。还有的随便玩玩的,只有300不到!作者: icerain 时间: 2001-12-31 22:23
在CANON中,4万象素的G2 S400,3万象素的S300,2万象素的A20,到底选哪一种好?
MILNOTA中,有3万象素的S304 和2万象素的E201, 和CANON比,哪个是最好的选择?
谢谢!!!!作者: Cutter 时间: 2002-1-2 11:38
小声说如果比较关心画质,对价格不太敏感,还是nikon吧。Nikon 990/995都十分好。可以参考www.dpreview.com.cn (E), www.dpnet.com.cn (c). www.xitek.com 中的数字论坛(国内没有那个搞摄影的不知道)
http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10003860&newdeptid=14&logon=&langid=EN&dept=0&WLBS=fsweb10#作者: fk 时间: 2002-12-21 18:58
Olympus D-520 is a excellent camera for its' price, the quality of picture is better than other similiar cameras, like sony p-51, nikon 2000. I possess one, a lot of fun.作者: can2000 时间: 2002-12-21 20:01
请问通过USB 连接数码相机和电脑transfer 相片,会对数码相机不好吗?
谢谢!作者: xxqq 时间: 2002-12-21 21:34
没有什么不好,而且对某些数字相机来说,USB是唯一的方式,不知道你担心的是什么 作者: gxu464 时间: 2002-12-23 08:24
请问:“蔡司”镜头,“蔡司”的英文名或德文名是什么?作者: yy156 时间: 2002-12-23 12:09
ZEISS LENS作者: 悠然 时间: 2002-12-24 20:30 http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fuji6800z/
请大侠看看这一款相机。谢谢!作者: cinz 时间: 2002-12-26 00:51
seems www.dpreview.com only delivery within united states. huh??作者: cinz 时间: 2002-12-27 14:06
want to compare to chinese price? it's a good and completed one www.zol.com.cn作者: hi3231 时间: 2005-2-11 23:55
Post by QuebecQQ2
canon a95
2年前的都让你给挖出来了:rolleyes:作者: Musi 时间: 2005-2-15 12:58
I am a Chinese and forevre I am. so I don't buy Japanese stuff if I can make my choice. Have anybody heard about the Sony has been put in lawsuit for blocking other battery using on sony Camcorder? Maybe their products are good, but not as good as an only choice. Kodak is good and Samsung is not bad.
In my opinion, I would buy cheap one for 3-5 years and change another new model for next decade. because u know electronics upgrade so rapidly, maybe it's gabage for 2010. A digital camera with an extra SD/MMC card, that all u need. Not this brand memory stick or that brand name battery stick with special charger.
good luck.作者: ferry_gao 时间: 2005-2-15 14:01
sony sucks.