该机VIDEO没有AUDIO。但有AUDIO的Sony 机又要贵一百多刀呢。所以从性价比而言,该机还是不错的。作者: whiterabbit 时间: 2002-12-29 13:24
i have a nikon digtal camera,the performance is really good,the image quality is perfect,but, the only problem is the shape is not vogue.
so, if you care the quality of the image, you should think about the nikon, the performance will not disappoint you.
i and my boyfriend shot a lot of picture, and we compare with the other brand,our friends are jealous for our smart choice.
anyway, good luck!作者: forgotmypasswor 时间: 2002-12-29 14:47
从技术上讲digital 8已经过时,miniDV正是如日中天。
如果用发展的眼光看,SONY的microMV应该是未来的方向,虽然目前贵了些。另外买数字机不要净图便宜,同样的miniDV机,有些廉价机的分辨率可能和Hi8的机子差不多,根本达不到500线的分辨率。作者: DieHard 时间: 2002-12-29 19:01
Which model is your Nikon? Coolpix 2500, 3500, 885 or something else?作者: 小火龙 时间: 2002-12-31 13:20
请问SONY专卖店在哪里?作者: 悠然 时间: 2002-12-31 13:49
Montreal and Area