陈教授的文章我以前也很 喜欢看。作者: billinquebec 时间: 2007-4-8 23:34
其实 笛卡尔的 书 也很值得看。作者: No-Return 时间: 2007-4-10 02:00
I read the first paragraph. Why do I see logic loopholes almost everywhere? "把艺术归结为感人" is not equivalent to 艺术=感人. It says nothing more than 艺术 has the property of 感人. Logically one should not go one step further to claim that anything that is 感人 must be 艺术. This is one loophole from "这个定义的疑问主要来自另一个方面:舍己救人是感人的,但舍己救人并不因此成为艺术". What 托尔斯泰 claims is not a definition at all. A definition implies "=", a sufficient AND necessary condition. What he says is ONLY a necessary condition of anything can be categoried as art.作者: Live-Free 时间: 2007-4-20 21:40