Post by zyj2006
Post by Chinese Patient
建议油条还是少吃些,里面含有大量的saturated and trans fat,对身体非常不好的。
Post by 121606
十谷粥 + 油条
French Toast + 五豆桨
十谷粥料晚上放焖燒锅, 早上就好了, 油条是從冰拒取出, 微波叮20秒, 和新做的一樣.
五豆晚上用水浸, 早上放豆桨机, 蛋熟時豆桨也好了, 共20分钟.
Post by montrealpost
U . . . . . me . . . . never any breakfast for the simple reason of no idea+no time. Now, lots of time but still no idea + too hard to cook for 1 (besides bacon and egg)
Anything else that is simplier? Thanks in advance!
Post by 2dian
建荣,兴兴还存在吗?<!-- / message -->
Post by 121606
To have a simpler breakfast, you have to invest in a 焖燒锅, or now better still a
mulyifunction soy bean milk maker 九阳五谷豆槳机.(better for one person).
If you follow their instructions, use double the amount of ingredients, you can make
congee (五谷粥) in 20 minutes. i.e. after you turned on the machine, by the time
you finished dressing and washing, the 粥 is ready, with a piece of toast, voila, breakfast. ( If you have a mivrowave, make enough for more than one meal, save the rest in a frig. and reheat with the microwave when needed.) Use your imagination, put whatever come to your mind into making the 粥, everyday is different. don.t have to eat the same everyday. no cooking involved.
You already made bacon and eggs, so french toast is not a problem, nor is bacon
egg "MacMuffin" , or a fancier name, Egg Benedict. (or Egg sandwitch, same thing).
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