不胜感激,多谢多谢!作者: bd_hy 时间: 2003-10-3 22:27
非常感谢,我设置了dmz,但是还不行,你用的也是这个牌子的router吗?作者: WZN 时间: 2003-10-4 08:53
msn不支持经过路由器的语音聊天,换别的吧作者: qjj 时间: 2003-10-4 10:53
to windflower88, I have a question about your di624, have u ever used both 22m and 54m wireless connection. somebody said that in that case, the router will reboot frequently, and it can only run on 54m in that condition, and its firmware cant upgrade 802.11b from 22m to 44m connection, but di714 or 614 can. that s why so many people rather buy di714 and 614. is these true?作者: WZN 时间: 2003-10-4 13:37
你实现了吗?在6.0下作者: MacroKong 时间: 2003-10-4 16:13
if your router support UPnP,MSN should work via router.
and upgrade to MSN6, the version have many new functions, a great version!作者: bd_hy 时间: 2003-10-4 19:05
说明书说支持upnp,并且我也将路由的upnp服务设置成enable,msn是6.0的,但是还是不行,所以很奇怪。我不知道是不是我用的路由(牌子是:Network Everywhere
型号是:NWR04B)的问题,有没有哪位朋友和我用相同的路由却解决这个问题的?作者: bd_hy 时间: 2003-10-4 20:27
把router拔掉并去掉windowXP自带的防火墙,可以通话!作者: atom 时间: 2003-10-4 21:07
WZN:你开玩笑吧,msn当然能通过路由语音聊天啊,呵呵。作者: bd_hy 时间: 2003-10-4 22:14