据我的经验,多跑几家,不一定老盯着中国人,既然价格统一,挑个感觉好的就行了,货比三家你就明白了。 wink作者: frankfly 时间: 2004-2-4 00:36
对不起,收据问题是问choushi,搞错了。Volant ,对不起。作者: mikeatmtl 时间: 2004-2-4 12:45
If you don't get the invoice, it means that they don't want to take any responsibility of your surgery, you can't sue them.
Go back and get your invoice, this is your right.作者: frankfly 时间: 2004-2-4 13:26
还是那句话,多跑几家,不要迷信华人。据我的经验,应该是统一收费标准的。至于怕交流不行,如的确发现不能在西人医生那里搞明白,买几份华人报纸,绝对所有华人牙医都能找到。作者: mikeatmtl 时间: 2004-2-4 15:39
This is not 100% correct. If there is one small hole in your teech, he/she can say there is a big one and charge you much more.
The clinic is like the garage, you can't trust them. Last year, I went to the Chinese dentist in NDG, she wanted to charge me over $1000 in cash to fix my teech. Then, I went to another dentist, just $200 by Master Card, everything is fine.作者: linus 时间: 2004-2-4 16:59
Dr Nan Wei-Hung is good. He is from Taiwan, always smiling to the patient, gentle treatment.作者: james2002 时间: 2004-2-7 16:58
To mikeatmtl:
who is the dentist who charge you $200? I want to see him. please tell me the address and phone number so that I can cantact him.
thank you.作者: mikeatmtl 时间: 2004-2-8 19:50
To james2002,
This is his phone number: 987-6200.作者: FGB 时间: 2004-2-10 00:09
请问楼主说的那家店大概在什么位置,附近又没有什么地铁站之类的。。俺最近也回不去国正想堵牙呢。。作者: summerbeetle 时间: 2004-2-11 20:11
2101 Marcel Laurin。如果你知道华人超市夏威夷就好办了,两者在一个mall里面。
由于我不会贴图,建议你进入黄页(www.canada411.com)后点击“find a business”,然后点“phone number”项,输入该诊所电话号码(含区号514),search后即可得到地址,同时也可以得到地图指示。五角星处即是。作者: frankfly 时间: 2004-2-11 22:11
吸取我的教训,去楼主推荐的那个地方记得要收据。要有心里准备,不要人家拿出魁省统一的收费标准你心里一沉-跑这么老远也是这个价。作者: choushi 时间: 2004-2-17 05:05
Initially, “推荐一位牙医” is in a personal file for inter- classmates information exchange started in Aug.02, and show up here 2004, just was randomly tossed out in order to clean it from unused files. I never expected a truth telling would cause a desperately aggressing from montpetit, neither deliberately disclose a shabby dentist. It merely reveals a true story, and this article had been running around among class folks for a year. It was uploaded to SINOQUEBEC from another province (not in Montreal) two weeks ago ( I’ve been out of Quebec several months). So, what for if I advertise? (For commission fee, revisiting), definitely not.
Since: I’ve moved out Quebec permanently; 1. we did not get any extra benefit from this doctor and don’t even have his card anymore. 2. The surgery was over for a quit while (summer of 2002). 3. My wife did not get a receipt either (we forgot to ask for it).
The rest is why montpetit so desperate, malicious with a guilty conscience here to allege (积点口德积点阴德,对你有好处把?做得好于不好,每个人都自己心里有数,你不喜欢可以不去,犯得着到这里来别有用心地打击别人吗?)作者: Volant 时间: 2004-2-17 21:04
choushi, I srongly support you! Let everybody know that shabby "dentist" and avoid to be cheated again. What you did is absolutely right! The montpetit obviously is a “托”, or maybe he is just the petit husband of that shabby dentist! Who knows ...作者: yuxi 时间: 2004-2-17 21:58