谢谢!!!作者: Melaine 时间: 2007-5-25 14:45
Not really. You will find a lot information if you input landing in the search area.
Can you post your sucessful timeline? 作者: Cobra_GT 时间: 2007-5-26 13:49
请问从护照寄出到收到护照用了多长时间? 谢谢
我的寄出2个星期了还没消息·····作者: huahua_1101 时间: 2007-5-26 17:47
Thanks for you guys! especially Fadala!
Here is my timetable:
Jan 10th, file opened;
Feb 12th, file no. received;
Feb 19th, medical report received, and done on 20th;
May 10th, notice for passport received, and mailed on 11th;
May 24th, passport received!
Don't worry, usually passport comes back within 3 weeks.
Good luck to everyone!作者: Melaine 时间: 2007-5-26 20:27
Thanks, buddy for your timetable.
Good luck to your landing!!作者: Cobra_GT 时间: 2007-5-30 18:28
请问楼主,你的护照是寄到buffalo吗? 回程用的expresspost national的信封?
护照还没回来,等着回国~ 急死人了。作者: Cobra_GT 时间: 2007-6-1 08:59
顶一下~ 最近有人收到从baffulo回来的护照吗? 从寄出护照到收到用了多长时间?作者: fisherwin 时间: 2007-6-1 14:24
I got the passport back last Thursday (I'm in Ontario though). It took about 3 weeks including the time on the way.作者: Melaine 时间: 2007-6-1 16:01
One of the friends is in the same situation. He is studing phd in Ontario. And applied for quebec immigration by then. Now, He is close to get permanent residence. Did u land in quebec? please share your landing experience with us.
Thank you!作者: Cobra_GT 时间: 2007-6-2 01:10
谢谢回复~ 看来我只能耐心等待了 下周1就整整3个星期了,希望能收到吧,唉作者: Melaine 时间: 2007-6-5 09:50
If you received the pp, please let us know. we are waiting for the return too.
Thank you and good luck:eek:作者: Cobra_GT 时间: 2007-6-5 10:17