因事情较急,本人又毫无此方面之经验,拜托祝位了!!作者: Henry_Montreal 时间: 2003-3-14 13:02
I did it before in Bank, very easy.
$6.00 bank draft, will get the money in China about 2 weeks by register mail.
good luck作者: jacy 时间: 2003-3-14 13:06
都好,在银行办电汇,一周左右到中国。费用每次28 :p作者: grammar 时间: 2003-3-14 13:28
Mail a personal check back...
write pay to your family member's name,
the cheapest way! Ask someone brings the check for u to China (fast and safest, hehe)作者: linuxmac 时间: 2003-3-15 12:39
请问是在哪一个bank办的bank draft?只要6刀?这么便宜?请那位朋友指点一下。作者: wxfng2 时间: 2003-3-15 17:14
Wire Transfer, 24hr-48hr, 30$ each.作者: Henry_Montreal 时间: 2003-3-15 23:58
HSBC bank can write the bank draft for u $6.作者: liu618 时间: 2003-3-16 16:43
Can we use a personal check? If we can, it's for sure that's the cheapest way!作者: canadacontact 时间: 2003-3-16 17:05
你这里最简单的办法就是写一长个人支票寄过去就可以了,但接受的人要过大约1个月才能拿到钱。而且给你换成美圆了。所以个中得失你自己痕量作者: hzc111 时间: 2003-3-31 09:40
因为我需要加元,因此不会有手续费。可以按照中间价结算,两不吃亏。作者: Ni Hao 时间: 2003-3-31 18:52
Jacy, 不知你说的是哪家银行电汇¥28,我问过Royal Bank 得¥45。电汇是wire transfer 吗?作者: Ni Hao 时间: 2003-3-31 18:53
Jacy, 不知你说的是哪家银行电汇$28,我问过Royal Bank 得$45。电汇是wire transfer 吗?作者: alan lin 时间: 2003-3-31 19:13
go to any Western Union outlet. Only $30 Canadian transaction fee for $1,000 sent. Slightly higer fee for higher amount. You will get a transaction code. The money is sent to China instantly, usually within 15 minutes. Call the recepient in China to tell the transaction code and pick up the money at any authorized agricultural bank or postal office. Very convenient and fast.Much better than bank.作者: autoday 时间: 2003-3-31 19:45
在TD银行我用电汇(Wire Transfer)汇过CND2000,费用是CND30。48小时内到帐。但是需要提供收款人的银行帐号、姓名、住址、电话号码,以及收款行(最好是中国银行)的名称、地址、电话号码、邮政编码。以上信息全部要用英语或法语。
用银行汇票(Bank Draft)也可以,大概寄CND2000以内,费用不超过CND10。只需提供收款人的英文名字就行了,由银行填好金额和名字后,你自己装信封里寄出去就完事了。收款人大概要等1个月左右才能从国内银行里取出钱。作者: lao liu 时间: 2003-4-5 13:27