大家能否推荐一种一个月要带的时候用2,3次,平时放着,不太会坏的隐行眼镜呢。作者: sino101 时间: 2001-11-16 18:42
2﹐taohua﹐Daily wear是指常戴型嗎?那Extended wear是指什么﹖
很抱歉﹐對隱形眼鏡實在是不懂。作者: blessy 时间: 2001-12-11 16:54
请问crystal:国内的隐形眼镜批发市场在哪里?作者: Crystal 时间: 2001-12-11 18:28
blessy,我说的眼镜批发市场,是在广州的人民路上,就在上下九附近,这个批发市场不单批发隐形眼镜,还批发眼镜架和验眼仪器等。但别的城市有没有,我就不知道了。作者: celibate 时间: 2001-12-11 22:07
请问各位隐形先辈,散光眼睛可以配隐形吗?从前在国内听说不能配就断了念头,在这后又听这里的朋友说能配,不知可是真的?我的眼睛400度散光,没有近视,左眼还有50度远视,不知怎么搞的,越念书越不近视,反倒远视了。谢谢。 作者: Crystal 时间: 2001-12-12 17:29
在国内,散光的一样可以配隐形眼镜,但是比没有散光的要贵许多。但来这儿后,还没光顾过眼镜店,所以不知道这儿的情况。 作者: sino101 时间: 2002-1-14 16:16
发现网址一个: web page
去了附近一家眼镜店,价格是:眼镜片$150,验光费$25。推荐选用Cooper Vision,CIBA and Bausch &lomb, 不知好不好?作者: minicat 时间: 2002-1-14 21:22
要图方便,就做近视眼手术,国内7100元,做完就好,不用该纱布,马上就正常。不知在蒙城有没有这样的手术,费用怎样?作者: 砾 时间: 2002-1-15 10:21
Laser operation is very popular in Montreal, and the technic here is one of the best around the world.
$2400 for both eyes. or you could find cheaper price in the Market.作者: minicat 时间: 2002-1-28 04:22
相对国内,是不是太贵了?为什么这里什么都比国内贵?你们是怎样忍受的?!!作者: 砾 时间: 2002-1-29 16:10
再说这里也有比国内便宜的东西呀.作者: minicat 时间: 2002-1-31 00:27
你见过什么比国内便宜的,请说来听听。作者: sino101 时间: 2002-1-31 15:51
About the lase operation, please visit the web site;www.icon.ca/uvision
the price is $2000 for both eyes.我有个朋友在国内做这种手术,只付4000 人民币 for both eyes。我有点不明白? 作者: 砾 时间: 2002-2-1 23:58
Hi, minicat, you have to compare apple to apple, not only the price. for example, the laser operation as you said , it is more expensive than in China, but when we live here, we can't buy an airticket to go back to china just for the operation, and after the operation, in here , you can have free check up as often as you like in your life,even could have the operation redone, but if you were operated in china, you can't go back every six months , right?
Housing in Quebec is not expensive,as well as gasoline, foods, education , daycare($5/day)etc.
If you are new here, you will find out someday, just remember that it is meaningless to calculate what is cheaper in Canada or in China, you can't get all the good things from two different countries.作者: coffee 时间: 2002-7-11 08:55