话说回来,大多数时候你可以讲道理,但有的时候小孩子就是无理取闹,不打他你拿他没折。作者: 老黄牛 时间: 2003-3-6 20:56
Parents in Canada have a legal duty to provide their children with the necessities of life until they reach age 16. It is illegal in Canada to abuse your children, either physically, psychologically, or sexually. All forms of child abuse are serious crimes. Abuse can include spanking children enough to cause bruises, terrorizing or humiliating them, any kind of sexual contact, and neglect. Police, doctors, teachers and children's aid workers will take action if they think children are being harmed. In serious cases, children can be taken away from their parents. Some cultural practices are not acceptable in Canada. For instance, all forms of female genital mutilation (FGM) are prohibited under Canadian law. (上述是加拿大法律最权威的解释,即可以轻打,只要不属于abuse就可以)
因此呜呜说得最有道理.sunshine,中国有句古训即"子不教父之过",把小孩送到教会去受教育,有用吗?即使没用也不能怪"万能的上帝",上帝的很多子民不也出了问题吗?作者: discovery 时间: 2003-3-7 00:02
i think that spanking a parents right!!!
but spanking should be only used as a last option!
i was spanked when i was young, maybe i deserved it a few of those times :rolleyes: (realLy?? :confused: ).
i think the canadian government is way too involved in saying how a parent sees fit to raise their child, and parents are too nervouse to disiplin their children, and because of it, children and teens/pre-teens especially are getting away with too much!
呜呜 is right! parents might only disiplin their children behind closed door!!!
also,in canada, classroom discipline is lacking. teachers may lack the skills, confidence, or courage to discipline students.