
标题: 想找爱好写作的朋友 [打印本页]

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-2 11:43
标题: 想找爱好写作的朋友
I am looking for someone who likes to write and have a good writing skills in English and Chinese. Hopefully, we can do some thing together. I have some ideas.

Also, if we have so many friends who have the same interest, we can organize a 书社 or some thing similar. Who knows?

Call me at 514-667-8706(home), I usually get home at around 6:30 pm and weekend.
作者: TBOX2005    时间: 2007-8-2 12:21

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-2 21:37
标题: BeYond Free-Lancer Club
Thanks for some friends' supports. Believe or not. Everyone has his/her own expertise. Our goals are not only to make friends with the people who has the same interest but also to encourage each other to write/share ideas. We read, learn, write, and grow. If possible, we can make some contribution to our chinese community.

感谢朋友们的支持. 相信与否. 每个人都有自己的专长 我们的目标不仅是为了结交朋友. 更重要的是互相鼓励, 共同创作, 交流想法. 如果可能, 我们能为我们中国人团体做一些贡献.

Please find my email address below. If you have interest and please send me an email. I will send you a name list by email (blank excel sheet). The name list includes your contact information and what do you like to write and what is your goals in the near future and in the long term. Before our first meeting, your personal information is confidential.

I name the club as BeYond. we can change it if a lot of people don't like the name.

My email: liminjie8000@yahoo.com.cn

我的电子邮件地址如下. 如果您有兴趣,请给我发送电子邮件. 我会寄给你一份空白excel名单, . 这份名单包括你的联系信息,你喜欢写什么,什么是你的近期和长远目标. 在第一届会议之前, 你的个人资料是保密的. 俱乐部的英语名字是BeYond . 如果有很多人不喜欢这个名字.我们是可以改变的.

I am looking forward to hearing from you/seeing you!
作者: Salsawx    时间: 2007-8-2 22:28
标题: 我很感兴趣
最近脑海里突然出现写小说的想法,虽然不确定自己的写作水平怎样,或许还很差,但是很有兴趣和大家交流自己的IDEA,所以希望能融入这个写作氛围,自由的写自己的东西然后和大家分享。本人Chinese girl, 24, speaking both english and french, 今年2月份从大连来到这个陌生的地方,在这里近半年的生活赋予了我新的思想和情感。下面是我的EMAIL:xia-w@hotmail.com,
TELEPHONE (HOME)514-9353207

Picture 66.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 1)

Picture 66.jpg

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-3 10:40
标题: up!
作者: redsmile    时间: 2007-8-3 16:03
标题: 联系

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-3 17:26
标题: reply
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-3 20:44
标题: Planned meeting
Hello, everyone. We are planning to have our first meeting at 6:00 pm on this sunday( Aug 5, 2007). The meeting place will be held at Tim Hortons as follows( at the corner of street University and Sherbrooke)

Tim Hortons
674, Sherbrooke Ouest
Montréal,QC H3A 1E7 CA

If you have time, please join us. We might have seven or eight people to come if they are free. Either you can email me your contact information, or just show up in the meeting. We would be very happy to meet you there. For the people on my list, I will send you an email shortly to remind you this meeting and what we will discuss in our first meeting.

Please bring your ideas and add to our discussion. If you could not come, it will never be late. We are still looking forward to seeing you in the next meeting.

Have a nice evening!
作者: solitair    时间: 2007-8-3 23:21
也许中文您是专业作家,不过英文实在应该再练练,虽然哈金也是CHINGLISH,不过语法还是没啥错误的,顶多来个“bare hip兄”啥的,愿望不错,不过我希望能具备相应的能力才更加有说服力。
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-4 11:02
No one is perfect. The most important things for us are to have our goals, encourage each other, learn, improve, and grow.

As you know, there are always some people who only know to criticize others and do nothing.

In addition, you must know that some people do have very excellent English writing skills but might have no good idea or are happy to who they are.

I don't know which group your guys would like to belong.

As well, I don't know if you can write such paragraphs in a minute without checking the errors!

If you can, it would be great. I would like to invite you to join with us. Maybe, you can be a professor to teach us how to write without errors. Or, you can became my personal editors. Currently, I have an opening post, and I am trying to find someone who can help me to edit my writings. It will be greatly appreciated!

走自己的路, 让他人去说吧!
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-4 12:50
标题: 书山有路勤为径
作者: solitair    时间: 2007-8-4 21:00
得了,本来挺真诚地说两句,结果您是不是觉(jiao三声)着俺们是嫉妒您呢,您老得空查查旧贴,俺本人一介小女子名不见经传的就不说了,人家sniper同志可是10贴有7贴跟英文挂点边……前两年在mcgill修creative writing的时候俺和同学们上课得互相读自个儿写的文章交换feedback呢,您这点儿肚量,就您这水平,我提了哈金都后悔,您知道那是谁么?和您分享俺的感受还真是让人觉得浪费智商,您走自己的路去吧,俺不说您,谁都不敢说您,您的英文特别perfect,俺都不好意思用英文回话儿,您慢慢走好好走,争取走到瑞典文学院去,俺在台下给您鼓掌,行了吧。
作者: spotcat    时间: 2007-8-4 22:54
标题: 这两位有点泼热水(因为是夏天的关系)的味道,其实,还是与人为善点吧!


除了美国的哈金,法国的戴思杰,姗姗等,甚至蒙特利尔的ying chen 都是从外语半通到夺得文学大奖的。据魁省文学辞典介绍,Ying chen刚到蒙特利尔法语只能勉强应付日常生活,在三四年间吧,她就赢得加拿大总督文学奖。她的法语可能也就是楼主的水平。

作者: redsmile    时间: 2007-8-6 11:21
标题: 支持 liminjie8000
作者: helpwanted    时间: 2007-8-6 15:46
标题: what's the problem
I think LZ has said it very clearly since the very beginning: Read, learn, write, and grow.

It's all about learning & sharing together guys, and has nothing to do with being a super star who is followed by admirers, and who likes to show off. It's about "us" not "I Me My Mine Myself", so what's the problem?

Honestly I can't see even a tiny hint of showing off from LZ's posts.

If you're really good at sth and think that it's your cup of coffee, then share it, and please, don't spit into other's coffee.
作者: Tiggr    时间: 2007-8-6 15:47
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2007-8-6 16:17
中文也好, E文也好, 写出有意思的东西都不容易. 我觉得语法不是大事.
我个人的体会, 好东西不一定有高深的语法和词汇, 高手弄的就好看.

作者: christmas111    时间: 2007-8-6 16:56
Post by solitair
得了,本来挺真诚地说两句,结果您是不是觉(jiao三声)着俺们是嫉妒您呢,您老得空查查旧贴,俺本人一介小女子名不见经传的就不说了,人家sniper同志可是10贴有7贴跟英文挂点边……前两年在mcgill修creative writing的时候俺和同学们上课得互相读自个儿写的文章交换feedback呢,您这点儿肚量,就您这水平,我提了哈金都后悔,您知道那是谁么?和您分享俺的感受还真是让人觉得浪费智商,您走自己的路去吧,俺不说您,谁都不敢说您,您的英文特别perfect,俺都不好意思用英文回话儿,您慢慢走好好走,争取走到瑞典文学院去,俺在台下给您鼓掌,行了吧。

1. 没觉得你真诚。其实和我一样,说起话来都是刺,就是坏蛋。
2. “人家sniper同志可是10贴有7贴跟英文挂点边”。我们不去讨论sniper英文的水平,只说你摆的事实完全无法导出任何跟sniper英文程度有关的结论。好比我摆事实说我每天总共吃3顿饭,每顿吃5两...大家还是不知道我的体重。
3. “前两年在mcgill修creative writing的时候俺和同学们上课得互相读自个儿写的文章交换feedback呢”。那你把自己的东西拿出来给大家feed back一下?否则你提“互相”干嘛。分明现在只有你在说别人,没让别人有批判你的机会。
4. 我也不知道哈金是谁。其实我从来没搞清楚过麦克尔-杰克逊和麦克-杰克逊是否同一个人。
5. 没人要求过你用英语回话,不用不好意思。
6. 其实lz也就是单复数和动词变换有点小毛病,逻辑和肚量都很不错。大家如果需要证明自己英语更高明,或者lz的英语太糟糕,不如证明自己初中的时候英语就更好,没人关心哪位初中的时候中文好不好。
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-6 17:18
标题: Many thanks to everyone
Dear everyone:

Thank you so much for being very supportive or not supportive. Ms. Sniper, hopefully, I didn’t make mistakes this time. Honestly, I was happy that you pointed my errors out so that I will be more careful whenever I write.

I would like to say many thanks to the people who came to our first meeting held at Tim Hortons last night. Thank you for spending your precious times and share your views on many things. For those people, who could not come, I will send you shortly re: the details we have discussed last night.

As a member of BeYond, I would invite everyone who has a dream to became a writer, who wants to or tries to write his/his own touching stories, and who likes to share his/her happiness, joyfulness, struggles and experience in love, marriage, work, study, region, and etc. It doesn’t matter what background you have, what age you are, what position you have, or whether you are rich or poor. We are all ordinary people to write/speak out the extraordinary stories.


作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-6 17:27
标题: Many thanks to everyone_continued
By doing so, we might help each other directly or indirectly; or let the people, who are experience in some difficulty circumstances, know that they are not alone.

Come, joint us, and share with us. We will be glad to meet with you and talk with you. <O:p

You have my emails and telephone number. I am sorry for writing English since I don’t have Chinese systems on the computer I am using right now.<O:p</O:p
作者: 快乐溪流    时间: 2007-8-6 18:25
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2007-8-6 23:01
标题: 全自动作诗机



作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-6 23:20
标题: 快乐溪流
I have sent you an email already and please check your email. Talk to you soon!
作者: Tiggr    时间: 2007-8-7 09:59



作者: fffff    时间: 2007-8-7 23:41
标题: 有些人怎么这么酸不拉圾的
那两个SXXX什么的(spotcat, 不是说您),就算你们的中、英、法......再好,恐怕也只会讽刺挖苦别人,此外毫无用处!还是一边歇着吧,别丢人现眼了!
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-8 15:46
标题: Ladies and Gentlemen
We are working on it now and we keep you posted.
作者: redsmile    时间: 2007-8-8 16:44
标题: 当我想你的时候

  是悲 是愁 是无寐的夜晚







      落英缤纷 珠玉满盘

  <o:p> </o:p>






  怦然跳动着的  那颗心



              枯萎 凋零

  <o:p> </o:p>



     冰藏着我的爱  沉眠







  醒来时  冷泪已将你的背影

             打湿  漂白 淡出
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-9 00:27
标题: 写给蒙城的自由写作人

不论批评也好,支持也好. 这些对我们来说也不是很重要.

经过朋友们的讨论和参与,我们出台了一个FAQ 来定位我们自己,请参考如下:
活动内容:交友联谊、小组讨论、定期讲座、文化交流 etc.。
我们的目标:希望能够给蒙城人的文化生活撒一点调味剂,或许有一天我们当中会出现一些诺贝尔文学获得者、加拿大总督文学奖获得者. 谁又能预测将来呢?

目前的项目;共同携手组办一个百人博客、博客的名字暂不公开. 博客专栏已小具规模. 若有感兴趣者,请发邮件给我. liminjie8000@yahoo.com.cn. 然后我发邀请给你, 你将成为我们的其中之一撰稿人.


欢迎大家踊跃来稿. 我们将会十分感谢.

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-9 00:28
标题: 写给蒙城的自由写作人

不论批评也好,支持也好. 这些对我们来说也不是很重要,最重要的是大家是否愿意走到一起来,携起手来共同努力,先把一些小事情做好。

经过朋友们的讨论和参与,我们出台了一个FAQ 来定位我们自己,请参考如下:
活动内容:交友联谊、小组讨论、定期讲座、文化交流 etc.。
我们的目标:希望能够给蒙城人的文化生活撒一点调味剂,或许有一天我们当中会出现一些诺贝尔文学获得者、加拿大总督文学奖获得者. 谁又能预测将来呢?

目前的项目;共同携手组办一个百人博客、博客的名字不公开. 博客专栏已小具规模. 若有感兴趣者,请发邮件给我. liminjie8000@yahoo.com.cn. 然后我发邀请给你, 你将成为我们的其中之一撰稿人.接到我的邀请后,请登录,即可自由在专栏下发稿.


急需大量各类文章和帮忙, 欢迎大家踊跃来稿.

作者: Lalune06    时间: 2007-8-9 00:40
呵。。。。楼主的 E 文表达还不错,就是语气有点强烈,语法有些大家共有的常见错误。总体很好。
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-9 15:05

蒙城记忆栏目(Our Memories)

To our freelancers:

Time flew by but not our memories

There are always somethings

rooted deeply in our memories.

As you know, we are just a moment in the universe.

Life is a journey. Short but beautiful!

Maybe, at the certain moment, you are touched by some people or some stories.

Please write down and share with us.

Let us to laugh with you, cry with you, and be touched by those memories.






那么清晰,... 那么生动...



人生旅程. 简短而美丽!



让我们与你一起哭,与你一起笑, 与你一同被你的故事感动吧!
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2007-8-9 15:40
knock, knock
who's there
Anna who?
Anna author want be
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-9 21:50
标题: To: wlyx_01
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-9 22:00
Post by 圆明园
knock, knock
who's there
Anna who?
Anna author want be

Anne of Green Gables:confused: . I am joking.
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-9 22:07
标题: 蒙城记忆/岁月(Our Memories)_征文
作品可长可短.最好是描写蒙城的人或事为背景. 我们的目标是共同撰写蒙城百人的故事. 如果可能,我们也可以共同出书.

截稿日期: 十一月末.

If you are interested, please send me your email and I will invite you to log in as a freelancer in our 百人博客 so that you can share your story with us. Maybe, our stories will be published later on. Who knows?

Due date: At the end of November.

When you write alone, you might not want to continue sometimes. With a group of people who has similar interests, you also have so many readers to read. For sure, you will have better chance to be successful writer.
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-16 17:01
标题: 想找爱好写作的朋友-Proposed second MSN Meeting
想找爱好写作的朋友-Proposed second MSN Meeting
<HR style="COLOR: #efefef" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Hello Everyone:

Our achievements

So far, I think, everything is doing fine. Since I posted my first plan in sinoquebec about two and half weeks ago, we had 14 people who are interest to join with us to write or have some activities with us. We have six people who have signed up in our google blog and started to post their own creations. It is pretty encourageous.

We would like to let you know, our Google blog was created on August 7, 2007. Please see the link:


From Google blog, you can see that some columns have been set up. In addition to those columns, we will have the following columns in the near futures: 财务顾问, 税务论坛, 英文作品, 法文作品, 好书推荐, 游子心情, 美味佳肴 etc.

As we do more, we will create more as we need.

Under Google blog, you will see some links of other blogs under 博人们的博客. All links is/will be added with permission of the Montreal authors. If you like, we would do the same thing for you. We will do the same in the Wenxuecity blog .

About two days ago, we also created the blog in Wenxuecity as below: But not all the articles have been moved to there yet:


I did comparison between Google blog and Wenxuecity blog in my email to those people on my email list.: This topic will be discussed in our proposed second meeting to see which blog we will choose to present to our Montreal friends:

Finally, Our proposed meeting:

Some of our friends asked whether we are going to have the second meeting this week. The answer is yes. At the beginning I thought it will be held at my home in Southshore . I called some of you; it seems very difficult for some people to come to my home this weekend due to their busy schedule. How about we will have a MSN network meeting? What do you think? It would be great that you can inform me your availability.

The date proposed will be

1. Friday August 17 2007 , at 9:30pm
2. Saturday August 18, 2007 , at 8:00pm
3. Monday August 20, 2007 at 8:00pm

Just please simply put yes on the day you are available. If you don't have MSN Messenger, you might have to install one. Please give me your ID once you install it. I will add to my MSN contact list.

I am looking forward to talking with you.

I hope my writings are clear, if not, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at night at 514-667-8706(home) or email me at liminjie8000@yahoo.com.cn

Thank you again for your support all the time.
<!-- / message --><!-- edit note --><HR style="COLOR: #efefef" SIZE=1>Last edited by liminjie8000 : Today at 04:56 PM.
<!-- / edit note -->
作者: liangzhou_C    时间: 2007-8-16 17:33
标题: 好的,坚持下去!
有心人, 天不负, 三千越甲可吞吴, 有志者, 事竞成, 百二秦关终属楚
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-17 09:49
标题: Meeting time
The date will be tonight

Friday August 17 2007 , at 9:30pm.


Another person to add:
[email="shanzhao@hotmail.com"]shanzhao@hotmail.com[/email] (In case I am late)

If anyone of you are interested, please put our name to your MSN contact list

Liangzhou: Thank you

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<HR style="COLOR: #efefef" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->有心人, 天不负, 三千越甲可吞吴, 有志者, 事竞成, 百二秦关终属楚


作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-8-23 16:59
标题: up
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-9-11 12:56
标题: 致圣劳伦斯河畔的人们

LILIES BY THE RIVER 圣劳伦斯河畔的百合 in google(我们的大本营): http://newmontreal.blogspot.com/

LILIES BY THE RIVER 圣劳伦斯河畔的百合 in wenxuecity:
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-9-11 17:39
标题: The Next Two Meeting Update
Dear Friends:

Please save the following two days if you would like to join us for the next two meetings:

September 28, 2007 Friday at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSeptember 28, 2007</st1:date> Friday at <st1:time w:st=" /><st1:time Hour="19" Minute="00" w:st="on">7:00 pm</st1:time> -9:00pm (In English)<O:p</O:p

Mr.Ostrander, Greg, who did his PHD of Political Science at Mcgill University. will talk about "Chinese from his views" and "Mao", written by Jung Chang(the author of Wild Swan) and Amy Tang's novels. Mr.Ostrander is a professor of John abbott College; moveover, and he started to teach at Concordia for Chinese Culture since this September.You can post questions after his speech.

October 26, 2007 Friday at <st1:time Hour="19" Minute="00" w:st="on">7:00 pm</st1:time> -9:00pm (In Chinese)<O:p

Mr. Zhu, who was a chief editor in China, <ST1:pwill talked about to which aspects should the new beginner writers pay attention.

Mr. Zhao, who is a PHD student at <st1laceName w:st="on">McGill</st1laceName> <st1laceType w:st="on">University</st1laceType></ST1:p, will share his views of Buddha and Literatures (佛学与文学创作). In addition, he will give some examples of writings on Buddha. Same as above, you can ask questions after their speeches.

With respect to the map and place we will meet, I will inform you one week before the meetings.

We are looking forward to seeing you.
作者: Tiggr    时间: 2007-9-12 13:31
I will be there
作者: eve_eve    时间: 2007-9-14 08:05

我喜欢写作, 也喜欢有这种爱好的人。
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-9-16 22:32
标题: To eve_eve
Thank you!
作者: Tiggr    时间: 2007-9-17 10:57
作者: Tiggr    时间: 2007-9-18 13:40
下一次的meeting 地点是Place Ville Marie food Court. 在卖Laura Secord巧克力和冰激凌的柜台旁边集合

Place Ville Marie food Court位于Cathcart街上,从St. Catherine 和Mcgill College Avenue得交叉口,沿着Mcgill College Avenue向南到头,进入大楼,直走进去就是快餐大厅。

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-9-21 09:12
标题: 九月二十八日召集

To everyone:


Ostrander, Greg (a PHD of Political Science from Mcgill; a professor of John abbott College, and he is currently teaching at Concordia for Chinese Culture)

-Greg 眼中的中国人
-浅说张容(Jung Chang, Wild Swans)的小说"MAO"
-浅说AMY TANG的小说
-问题解答Questions and Answers

We are looking forwarding to seeing you!

下一次的meeting 地点是Place Ville Marie food Court. 在卖Laura Secord巧克力和冰激凌的柜台旁边集合

Place Ville Marie food Court位于Cathcart街上,从St. Catherine 和Mcgill College Avenue得交叉口,沿着Mcgill College Avenue向南到头,进入大楼,直走进去就是快餐大厅。

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-9-24 22:12
标题: 九月二十八日座谈会
Greg对中国的文化和历史有着他深刻的认识和研究以及独到的见解。他每年都要去大陆深入生活,他也有着亲身的体验和第一手资料。此次座谈会上,除了谈"毛,未知的故事",Greg 还有浅说Greg 眼中的中国人。之后,小组讨论。大家可以探讨一下我们的领袖人物毛主席对我们的影响。座谈会将用英语。“圣劳伦斯河畔的百合”文学创作群将非常欢迎大家参加!
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-10-12 11:53
标题: Meeting on Oct 26, 2007 at 7:00pm-9:00pm
Ladies and Gentlemen :

The time flew by! Our next meeting on Oct 26, 2007 is around the corner. As Greg suggested in our last meeting, we will go to Café Mania. I went to check the site this morning, and I think, it is a really wonderful place for us. Please see the picture below. Inside the Café, there is a small separate room with a capacity of about twenty people or more, and the room is separated by a glass partition from main area. So we have a quiet place to discuss the literature. In addition, you can bring our laptops and use the internet free if you like.

Do you know where it is located?

It is located on the Metro level of Les Cours Mont-Royal. You can either go in from one of the two entrances on the Peel Street or go directly from the Peel Metro. Here is the link to check where it is. Please choose to view level 1, you will see Café Mania (but actually it is on the Metro level, two floors down from the Ground Level.)


If you are not sure about where it is, I will wait for you at the corner of Peel and Maisonneuve at 6:50pm -7:05pm. I am hoping to see everyone.

In case that you are late, here is the telephone number of the Café Mania:

Tel & Fax: (514) 849-5113. My cell phone is somewhere here

cafemania.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 229)


作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-10-13 22:31
标题: 圣劳伦斯河畔的百合 - 2007年10月26日星期五座谈会(中文)

1. 朱先生(在中国时曾任主编)将谈论一些写小说的写作技巧

2. 赵先生(麦吉尔大学博士生)将分享他对佛学与文学创作看法.

地点:Café Mania (详情请参阅上张贴)
时间: 2007年10月26日星期五 晚7点-9点

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-10-22 12:24
标题: up
作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-11-1 22:38
标题: 圣劳伦斯河畔的百合文学创作群十一月和十二月活动预告


2007年11月9日星期五座谈会(英文) 晚7点-9点

好消息 : 我们将在2007年11月9日星期五 晚7点-9点加一次会议。
会议内容安排如下: Greg Ostrander将谈谈鲁迅先生(中国现代文学之父)的一些写作技巧和鲁迅的短篇小说。见过Greg的笔友们都知道,Greg对中国的文化和历史有着他深刻的认识和研究以及独到的见解。座谈会将用英语。你可以在网上搜寻和阅读鲁迅的小说,与我们分享你喜欢的鲁迅小说中的章节或段落。

地点:Café Mania (详情请参阅前贴)

2007年11月23日星期五座谈会(中文) 晚6点45分-9点


地点:Café Mania (详情请参阅前贴)


正如我们会议上所讨论的,我们将在2007年12月举行圣诞联欢会。我会通知你们日期, 地点及有关细节, 你可以邀请你的配偶, 你的孩子, 你的朋友和我们在一起庆祝圣诞。有一点可以肯定,我们将会度过一个愉快和美好的圣诞。

作者: liminjie8000    时间: 2007-11-29 22:26
标题: 圣劳伦斯河畔的百合圣诞联欢-2007年12月14日晚

Hello All!

The Holiday Season is coming. We would like to invite you, your family, and friends to celebrate 2007 Christmas with us together at Café Mania (请参考前贴) at 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on December 14, 2007.

We will ask the owner at Café Mania to prepare some sandwiches and salad/soups. The cost to share is as follows:

- Each participant: $7
- A family(2 adults and 1 child): $15.
- A bigger family: you need to negotiate with the owner at Café Mania.

Would anyone of you like to volunteer bringing in extra things such as soft drinks, cookies, or chips? We have someone to bring two bottles of wines, one red and one white.

You might want to go out to drink or have coffee with others after the activities, and you can definitely do so.

There will no defined topics to talk during the party, but except for the activities, we would like to discuss with you on what kinds of activities we would like to organize in 2008.

We hope you, your family, or your friends will be able to join us. We will prepare some small gifts for the children under 16 years old. Organizing such an activity is quite a challenge, we therefore ask you to confirm your attendance and the age of your children on or before December 10,2007 so that we will tell Cafe Mania to prepare the food. You would be very kind if you can let us know what extra things you would like to bring. Thank you very much!

Please send email to [email="liminjie8000@yahoo.com.cn"]liminjie8000@yahoo.com.cn[/email] to confirm your presence.

If you can not show up for some reasons, we would like to wish you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year, and we hope we will see you in 2008.

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