另 外 奉 劝 各 位 新 手 , 如 逢 天 气 不 佳 路 滑 , 开 车 尤 其 小 心, 即 使 有 雪 胎 和 ABS -- 这 次 车 祸 本 人 车 速 并 不 快 , 开 始 煞 车 的 时 间 并 不 晚 , 但 因 为 路 面 有 薄 冰 , 煞 车 时 眼 睁 睁 看 着 车 往 前 滑 直 到 撞 上 。作者: BLC 时间: 2002-3-12 21:32
你的车是什么型号?那一年的?如果车速不快,车闸好使得话,不应该发生这种情况。这边下雪路上就撒盐,路上都是水,没有冰,一般来说煞车不会有问题。你的车闸是DISK吗?DISK的闸比较灵敏。作者: zelda 时间: 2002-3-16 08:54
私了了为好。作者: laodao 时间: 2002-3-16 10:34
Based on the information you provided, I am sure you are 100% responsible for this accident.
It's better to resolve it between you and her. Actually, you pay $300. It will be good for you. As for her,there is no impaction for her insurance due to 0% responsibility.
If she or you send the "Joint report" to either insurance Co. There would be a claiming record for both of you, but the reponsibility will be divided between you and her.
Someone said it would be no good for her if claimed. It's not quit true,usually someone said " The accident is not my fault" was just on one's opinion, the insurance Co. would send a final report to both for sharing the responsbility from 0% to 100%, not just 0% and 100%.