As a rule, you are required to make instalment payments if your estimatd income tax payable for the year, in addition to source deductions, is more than $1,200. Instalments must be made in four payments, no later than the 15th of March, June, September and December.
You will find, attached hereto, remittance slips to be used for your next two payments. Rather than calculating the amount of your instalments yourself, we suggest that you pay the amounts indicated below, which we determined on the basis of your most recent income tax return and the fiscal amendments that apply as of this year.
Amount of remittances: $1,263.00 Due Dates: September 15, 2007
$1,263.00 December 15, 2007
我打电话问, 被告知这是预交2007年的,因为他们预计我2007可能又有balance, 不然就要受罚。请问如果我预计2007年balance会少于$1200, 现在我还需要交吗?谢谢!作者: jeffoo 时间: 2007-8-9 19:54
不需要。但如果你到年底有税要交的话,利息是很高的。省税大概是17%左右。作者: 红星闪闪 时间: 2007-8-9 21:01
yes, you will have to. becasue it is important of what they estimate, not yours.
if your 2007 income will significantly less than then what they estimated, you will get your instalments back.
the estimates is based on your income in privious years returns.作者: 红星闪闪 时间: 2007-8-9 21:06
Post by jeffoo
1st of all, 17%(=1st offense, penalty 5% of tax owning+1% of tax owning each month, max 12 month. ) is not an interest, it's penalty.
2nd of all, it's not provincal, it's federal penalty.
3rd, it's on tax ownings, not on instalments.作者: jeffoo 时间: 2007-8-9 22:02
2。我说的17%是大概的数字跟penaty的5%+1%month无关。去年实际上是19%, 是普通欠税利率+10%的额外利率。而且是年利率,capitalized daily,而penaty是税直接乘X%
3。对,是对应交税收息,但是如果有instalement未交的话,利息是从应交instalement的时候开始计的。税率魁省要高于联邦。作者: YGHR 时间: 2007-8-10 09:41
我也受到这样的信, 如果图省事, 是不是就先按那个数交了, 年底报税时, 多交的会退给我??:confused:作者: neuron 时间: 2007-8-10 12:35
Yes, I got the same letter, I will do as YGHR suggested, I am sure if it is overpaid, I can get it back.