有没有人可以大喝一声告诉我:"这全是你杞人忧天,胡思乱想,不用担心啦!!" wink作者: moooo 时间: 2002-3-20 14:54
I think you will get a new high price for the apartment, because your name is not on the current lease. But it is still good to ask the price before you do anything. You can bargain with the landload for the price.作者: share 时间: 2002-3-20 18:28
How to bargain with the landlord, may I ask?
I am going to look for an apartment tomorrow, ahhh, hope I can bargain as well...作者: johnny 时间: 2002-3-21 23:26
你继续住下去了。作者: Don_Juan 时间: 2002-3-21 23:35
如果房东要涨房价,会提前三个月通知房客续租后的房价,并要求你签字同意,按你的情况也就是4、5月份,到那时你自然可以和房东协商或考虑搬走。如果房东不提前通知你,是不能涨价的,明白啦?所以说没有什么好担心的,放心的住下去吧。作者: benny 时间: 2002-3-26 07:11
涨也不会涨多少!如果按照你说的是好房子,就算你承受不了了,也很容易SUBLET出去的。作者: swift 时间: 2002-3-26 15:50
If landlard sign new lease, he also should write the old
rent in new lease, so the new rent will not be much more
than now. do not worry!