例如患儿对牛奶或某些食物过敏,暴饮暴食,大量冷饮,消化不良,肠蛔虫钻动等,这些诱因刺激肠壁上的迷走神经,由于迷走神经兴奋,引起肠壁平滑肌痉挛性收缩,肠蠕动增强,出现腹痛发作。经过一段时间缓解后,可重复发作,故腹痛呈阵发性或间歇性发作。对小儿肠痉挛的治疗主要以解痉止痛为主,同时要查明诱因。可用热水袋敷腹部,服解痉药颠茄片,严重者注射阿托品。有肠蛔虫者驱虫;对牛奶过敏者,改用豆浆代乳品;有消化不良者,减少饭量,吃消食山楂片。作者: fairy 时间: 2007-10-11 09:55 标题: 先從飲食改進,這些天給點輕淡的,半流飲食,可給7-up 先從飲食改進,這些天給點輕淡的,半流飲食,可給 7-up作者: cloud66 时间: 2007-10-12 12:24 标题: Thank you Fairy Give me so many information on it. Now my daughter has been good. I think it is also 肠痉挛 because the doctor had taken stomach picture for her and said there are too many gas in stomach. She got pain for more than 10 days and so I worry it.
Do you think I need give her the medicine for 寄生虫 because I know the children in China will take pills for 寄生虫 every year. My daughter is not fat, so i don't know whether I need to give her the medicine?