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Post by vana
. . . . . 我的酿法是跟意大利人学的,酒庄里的传统酿法。用优选的葡萄直接榨碎发酵。除了葡萄不添加任何东西,酵母也不用。因为是自己喝,所以也不用稳定剂,个人感觉这样更健康一些,酒的味道更纯正。
Post by 童趣社
Post by montrealpost
Didn't want to discourage anyone last year . . . . .
- >90% of grapes in Quebec are eating grapes, make awful wine.
- University of ? has developed few ~hybride :p grapes that can be grown in Quebec
- These 'new' grape varietals can be purchased from a few places
- Believe a number of Wineries in Quebec are selling these wine already.
Theoretically, it'll takes ~4 years for your plant to mature. U'll only get ~1 bottle per plant @~4th year. After that . . . . . . ha ha . . . . . many many more bottles . . . . .
When I remember/find name of University/place(s) that u can buy the baby plants, I'll post it here.
Happy 1st day of Spring
Post by xiyuanfans
. . . . 若有好的葡萄来酿酒,的确什么都不加就很棒了
Post by montrealpost
"要喝酒,先从种葡萄开始,MP你真难为人。" ==> 破axe 沉boat!! ~$0 cost for life :p
Post by montrealpost
MP 不会输入中文, 请原谅烂E文!
Post by Quebecquebec;2161560
I have several sets of 自酿葡萄酒工具, $50 CND a set. Inform u how to make wine if you want.
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Post by Quebecquebec;2161560
I have several sets of 自酿葡萄酒工具, $50 CND a set. Inform u how to make wine if you want.
Post by montrealpost;2162804
To Quebecquebec, a friend of mine looking for bottle drainer(=tree, 45place) + blash bottle washer, u have?
Wine Kits: * Not recommend for 1st time wine maker, buy 3x2 get 1x2 of the cheaper ones free *
1. DUO - Theorectically there are lots more, but only saw followings last August: (~$191/4x2)
- Merlot/Cabinet Sauvignon (Red),
- Chardonnay/Semillon (White),
- Shiraz(Red) + Gewurztraminer (White)
2. VI - Theoretically, they are supposed to have followings: (~$199/8kits, they're in double pack)
Red: Borolo, Cabernet Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chianti, Merlot, Montepulciano, Shiraz, Tuscany Rosso, Valpolicella
Rose: White Merlot, Zinfandel Blush
White: Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Moscato, Piesporter, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Chardonnay, Riesling, Saugvinon Blanc, Verdicchio
3. I'd like to buy 1 Port, ~~$120 @23L kit. Doubt if there are 3 more people interested, so anyone?
To web master: Besides in South Shore and prices, I haven't mentioned anything about the store nor the brand, please do not delete my thread/posting.
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Post by vj sakara;2224749
man , the euitment is it like that ?
http://www.costco.com/Browse/Pro ... amp;topnav=&s=1
189 $ is kind of pricy ,,,
Post by 金圣叹;2225004
。。。。。。。 美女的背后都是陷阱 。。。。。。。
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