<small>[ 06-30-2003, 10:37: Message edited by: Moderator4 ]</small>作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-6-30 12:25
Noice comes from power steering pump. It is normal for old cars. Don't keep steering to the end side too long when turn the wheel, because in this way, the pump is under full load.作者: 这旮旯人儿 时间: 2003-6-30 13:25
谢谢DonCherry!如果要想修好它,费用大约要多少?因为将方向盘打到底的情况虽然不经常出现,但声音确实比较恼人。作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-6-30 18:29
About $200~$300. It's not a big issue, You don't need spent that money. Just be careful when you turn.作者: 这旮旯人儿 时间: 2003-6-30 18:41
Thanks a lot,DonCherry!