到欧洲的时间不多,才20多天,但我接触的华人让我感慨:世界各地,都有我们龙的传人在顽强的生存。愿更多的华人移民能在他们喜欢的地方落地生根,幸福生活!我祝愿他们是因为,即使他们的国籍不是中国了,但他们的根还在中国,他们的血液,也永远是流着中国人的血,他们永远是我们的中国同胞。 作者: anaelzhu 时间: 2007-11-2 22:12 标题: 不是国家的问题,是人本身的问题! 我的意思是,身为中国人你无法选择,至少不要天天抱怨,中国这不好,那丢脸,这就不积极了吧,更给自己的国家丢脸.作者: 2dian 时间: 2007-11-4 16:13
跟国家应该有一点儿关系,为什么大多是第三世界国家往西方发达国家跑呢?作者: nidie 时间: 2008-1-6 12:12 标题: 欧洲的华人如此? 不可想象。作者: zkwang 时间: 2008-1-13 22:00 标题: when I was in Europe when I was in Europe, Most chinese girls of my class (graduates of compute science )are just like they were China.
Well known university, well educated, strong background (parents). Their hopes are in China.
They won't do cheap things.
While, I can't deny there are someones do cheap things. While, I should say only those cheap guys buy the cheap things.
While, as you mentioned the red zone, I should say, I once visited a girl, i mean i vistied you guess , I don't know it is an arab or a turkey, that is just business.
Don't be too serious with those pimps and hookers, they are in a different world, just pretend no see. In youtube, a white hero beat a white woman's black pimp gains high clicks.
What is your comment? just don't trouble yourself.
who cares?