1. Change your laundry detergent. Use detergent for baby, i.e. Ivory Snow. Those are least sensitive to your skin.
2. Take bath with Aveeno Oatmeal Bath pouch every night. Make sure the water temperature is warm but not hot. You can buy Aveeno Oatmeal Bath pouch in Jean Coutu, Wal-mart, etc. If you find it's too expensive, you can also bath with baking soda. I did it for almost 2 month.
3. Stop wear any synthetic material. All cloth must be 100% cotton.
4. Apply Aveeno Baby daily lotion as needed. Make sure to get one with no perfume added.
5. Don't eat any food that can cause rash, such as spicy food, seafood, etc.
6. Whatever you do, don't scratch the rash especially at night when it became more itchy.作者: 虞美人 时间: 2008-1-19 20:32 标题: 紫草油可帮到你. 去药房问问有没紫草,用香油或植物油烧热了泡上,用油搽在有湿疹的地方,几天就好了.上网查查紫草油的功效,你就知道了.