标题: Don、Folks,请教! [打印本页] 作者: 沙湾 时间: 2003-10-18 21:12 标题: Don、Folks,请教! 最近启动车后总是听到车底右前部有清脆的金属刮擦和敲击声,动车时游离配合均匀就没有声音,否则有声响。车运行一段时间之后这种现象就消失了,但是停下来后怠速时随发动机震动还是有声音。情况刚刚发生,而且好像和震动情况有关联,请问可能是什么原因呀?会不会是排气管的问题?哪里见车车比较专业呀?谢谢!作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-10-18 22:36
The water pump, need check. As you know the sound it worst sympton for diagnosing. There are no other parts doing the metal attrition at right underneath.
You can call carman or another guy to check or directly send to garage ask them to listern.
Could be possible.
Diagnosing by Listerning should be free.作者: 沙湾 时间: 2003-10-18 23:53
Don,谢谢回复。我今天下午去了canadian tire,可是它们检查还要收费,而且要先交钱再检查,不保证能找出原因,所以我一看就撤了。不知道其他车行是不是也这样?要是能免费当然好啦。作者: V6 时间: 2003-10-19 19:39
Call me 523-9404.作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-10-19 20:30
Maybe you can ask carman to listern your car.作者: Folks 时间: 2003-10-19 21:50
Whoever can find out your problem based on what you described will be a genius and I shall raise my hat to him.
Send your car to a reliable garage. There is no free lunch in this country. Somehow somewhere you will have to pay this inspection fee... I have seen them all.作者: kapagi 时间: 2003-10-20 18:53
Folks: you are right.somebody told me:you breath air,you have to pay.Here is Canada.作者: 沙湾 时间: 2003-10-20 20:01
To Folks: 我倒不是不想花钱,只是心里实在没底儿,像Canadian Tire那样的要检查费不说还不保证找到原因,便宜事儿他都算计好了,这种摆明了当冤大头的事我当然不愿意干。
曾经有一个同胞在此 Offer 给我服务, 把"毛病"跨的象海口那样大, 你要小心.作者: kapagi 时间: 2003-10-20 20:18
to 沙湾:go to 205 ch.Bates.we have very good mechanic.作者: hisence 时间: 2003-10-20 20:39
不好意思, 冒昧问一下,FORKS大侠, 或者其他的朋友,NISSAN 200SX正常的轮胎压力是多少,我刚买的车,纯是菜鸟一个,所以问一个初级的问题,见笑。作者: 沙湾 时间: 2003-10-20 20:42
谢谢Folks和Kapagi, Phil Bailey好像是远了点儿,不知道205 ch.Bates是地址还是店名?另外有个问题,像我说的这种故障现象检查是否应该在有Hole的车行才行?问题太多,各位别嫌烦啊 wink作者: Folks 时间: 2003-10-20 21:05
正常的气压应在32 - 35 LBS 之间.注意一定要冷胎量.作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-10-20 21:23
It'a shame to charge on this kind of job. Metal attrition noise is so easy to tell and need maximum 5 min to do so. I don't know why Canadiantire charge money on this.作者: peterxu20 时间: 2003-10-20 23:50
I agreed DonCherry's answer, almost 100% chance due to the water pump. For I have had such experience before.
Hi DonCherry, you are man expereinced and knowledge.
Could you tell me the possible problem for following
Everyday the car is first started (cold start), the car is powerless whatever pressing gas pad, it runs around 20 to 40KM/h , but engine speed could be high as long as pressing hard on the pad, it needs to be drived 5 or 10 minutes before returning NORMAL作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-10-21 11:09
Hi DonCherry, you are man expereinced and knowledge.
>>Thanks, please don't say that, I learned lot from friends here, guys like Folks, carman, louji, and others I cannot remember the name. Most of fellows here are warm-hearted and nice.
Could you tell me the possible problem for following
Everyday the car is first started (cold start), the car is powerless whatever pressing gas pad, it runs around 20 to 40KM/h , but engine speed could be high as long as pressing hard on the pad, it needs to be drived 5 or 10 minutes before returning NORMAL
>>You must have an old car. The problem could involve lot things, but you can figure out one by one.
1)Does car easier to start? Does it easier to stall? If so, basically need a cleanup type of tune-up such a new air filter, new sparks/wires/distributor cap,rod, clean throttle body valve, etc.
If not, the mixture is not perfect when cold, not a big issue for old cars.
2)Cylinder lose pressure because of wore out. Nothing can do on this kind of lose.
3)Transmission is old, in vintage status, or fluid is to dirty. So it is slower to response/up-shifting.(Assuming it Is automatic transmission)
I think first two are main reasons. If it is old car, just drive as usual.作者: peterxu20 时间: 2003-10-21 22:24
Don Chery:
surely,it is a old van,Dodge voyager
"sparks" this is the part I want to check, V6 there are another three sparks in the rear side of engine, is very hard to replace or check.
wires/distributor cap/air filter have been replaced recently.
automatic transmission is old indeed, but avoid to touch, for it is too complicate to do that.
I do intend to have a cleanup type of tune-up done in a inexpenesive garage, especially check/replace the sparks. Do you think if there is a good place to do that?