<small>[ 05-26-2003, 23:54: Message edited by: Moderator4 ]</small>作者: Apolo 时间: 2003-5-26 19:35
I once meet this old guy two weeks ago(I think it is some person. I called a number in Gazette 817**** this saturday, I know the voice of him. He used a different number last week.) It is the same story, but the car is Neon 1995. He said it is his wife's car and he is very busy , so he can't go to SAAQ together with me. He used same strategy.Finally, I didn't buy buy the car. I think he is a cheater. The car maybe stolen from other place. Becareful these ****ing cheater.作者: William 时间: 2003-5-26 22:58
Hello Shouxuan:
please publicize his name and phone number to alert our community.作者: 魁北克城华人 时间: 2003-5-31 23:39
谢谢你的经验,这对要买二手车的是个提醒.好同志!!作者: Apolo 时间: 2003-6-3 22:39
最近一直在找二手车, 车没找到. 当地的骗子到遇见不少. 阿拉伯人, 土而其人, 当地貌似忠厚的洋人. 感觉都是鬼鬼祟祟的. DELEAR, BROKER, 还有说是自己车的骗子. 有的竟然不让亲自开, 说没有保险怕出事. 感觉这里的欺诈一点也不比国内少. 明明引擎盖上的大坑是撞的,却骗人说是车主用手按的, 难道超人在这里? 买二手车, 当然不是买新车, 不可能没毛病, 但感觉他们似乎在后边都隐藏点什么. 每天看GEZETTE, 这帮家伙的电话都熟悉了, 看来要想买到物有所值的车, 还真不容易.作者: woandlion 时间: 2003-6-4 12:27
Exactly, exactly!!!
Almost all of them are not honest.作者: William 时间: 2003-6-7 01:13
one time I found a Corolla. price is very good. outlook is terrific. owner is a seemingly honest middle class white. live in big house. and to my surprise, he unnecessarily took me to see his new lexus and his wife's van as well as the garage where he had constant maintenance. but when i insisted to have a frame check-up at caa recommanded garage, he would rather go to his garage under the pretext to have a quick transaction. i am almost sure the car had big accident.
when you intend to get a 2nd hand car, make sure to check the frame. caa recommand me to AutoPro at the crossroad of Westminster and St.Jacque.作者: govancouver 时间: 2003-6-9 20:12
所言甚是.阿拉伯人卖车如同他们在JEAN TOLON卖菜一样,一点不可信任.作者: tasso 时间: 2003-6-10 21:21
大家别上阿拉伯人的当!1,难缠,2,欺骗。没一句实话。作者: tasso 时间: 2003-6-10 21:23
大家别上阿拉伯人的当!1,难缠,2,欺骗。没一句实话。作者: Happydk 时间: 2003-6-11 15:45
After reading your bad experience about buying second hand car, I'd like to join the conversation. I just want to bring up a few issues to discuss.
When you buy a car from private or garage and when the warranty is over, you must have it checked all the time unless you are a mechanic yourself.
For William, you shouldn't ask your friend to publicize the crooker's names on the web, bylaw they could sue you for ruining their reputation.
Take care作者: hello12345 时间: 2003-6-17 11:02
你去Gazzate网站,查分类广告,不是DEALER的那种,在网上搜索他的电话,如果出现不止一次,此人一定是骗子,你想想啊,这人明明是DEALER,还装成私人卖车,每次卖不一样的车,这人不是有病就是骗子。反正他不能天天换电话,网站上保留一段时间的记录,想改也改不了。作者: QC 时间: 2003-6-18 07:42
根据个人的经验,在Journal de Montreal(本地流行的法文报纸)上的卖车广告十有八九是自称车主(而并不是车主)的人在卖车。尽管是法文报纸,打电话一问都会讲英语,说明什么? 另外,在越是诱人的卖车广告,大家越要格外小心,本人就曾经差点被骗。作者: hongk 时间: 2003-6-20 07:45
除。不知为何?作者: Shouxuan 时间: 2003-6-20 08:36
注意!!!昨天的GAZZETE上,这家伙又开试卖这辆车了。他的电话是941-0832。作者: hongk 时间: 2003-6-20 09:13
前几天在Gazzate上面看到一个二手车:97年Mazda Protege,15.5万公里,要价$5,500。
5.感觉到欺骗,停止交易。作者: hongk 时间: 2003-6-20 09:16
本人刚刚打过电话,此车已经卖了。作者: Hurricane 时间: 2003-6-24 03:49
我也告诉大家,有个家伙总在Namuir或De La Saver Jean Talon & Decarie 交接处开车接买车车去车库看他“妻子“的车。这个家伙看似当地人中产阶级,个头很大,约50-60岁,他一般卖Toyata经济型车,把外观弄得很干净。电话轮流换。作者: beerbeer 时间: 2003-6-24 20:21
what is the guy's name? and do you know his phone number? because I just bought an used car from a old guy close to jean-dalon作者: easyway 时间: 2003-6-24 21:37
2) 还需要别的文证实私人车主的OWERESHIP吗?
3) 若车主说自己是FIRST OWNER,有什么方法核实?
4) 从私人手里买车用什么方式付款合适? 什么时侯(刻)交钱安全?
谢谢!作者: tvb 时间: 2003-6-26 10:03
I know the guy who Hurricane mentined. The old guy's office is in a industry building near the Metro Jean Talon. He sells his wife's car. No one knows how many wife he has).
I almost buy his car with my friend. But finally , we feel he is not honest as his looking. From his name, I guess he came from East-europe, though his english is good. I also found he change his Tel Number to sell different car.作者: leeleelee 时间: 2003-7-10 15:14
I bought a used car one month ago.The man who sold the car to me is just the old guy near Jean Talon. He wrote a waranty for the transmission within 30 days. But after I called him, he is always try to avoid me to talk about this. He also changed the milage. I want to sue him. Any body has the same experience can join me? For those who just bought new car, please print the history record from SAAQ, you will see if you are cheated or not. If anyone who has bought the car from the same guy with the same experience, you can contact me at sue_ruben@hotmail.com作者: hellenkuo200 时间: 2003-7-18 23:38
if you see the number is 3445497 on The Gazzate, you'd better not to look his cars.作者: tnt100 时间: 2003-7-22 13:31
I met this guy too. He come from Russian and his first name is Phi**p( I checked his medicard and driver's license). He showed me a very clean and nice Toyota 96. When I asked the VIN of this car, he told me he would give me the next day. But he try to persuade me to give up the VIN. Then I asked him to return my deposit, or I would call police. I think this car is not a legal car. My suggestion is don't buy his car.作者: classic 时间: 2003-7-22 17:25
If he told you VIN, you can check the previous milage and how many owners of the car etc, then he could not cheat you that one owner for this car. If you find he cheats you, get a proof and sue him, you can get compensation.作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-7-22 23:39
No, I think the Toyota 96 is legal, otherwise, even you buy, you cannot register it. I think he might show you one nice car and sell you another crap car.
Why you write down the VIN? It is under windshield in front of driver side.作者: leeleelee 时间: 2003-7-24 17:41
How could you know his real name? We(persons who were cheated by him) are going to sue him these days. If you have some suggestion or want to join us, email sue_ruben@hotmail.com. We need your help.作者: benny 时间: 2003-8-17 21:33
听说还有人在这私自拼装车卖,真的假的????作者: zyg111 时间: 2003-9-3 19:25
我最近也差点上了一个埃及骗子的当.此人年龄在30左右,看车地点在岛北的一所HOUSE,他说他是车主,几年前从DEALER买的旧车,现在换新车准备买掉此旧车.态度极其热情,配合很积极,因为当时车挂的是魁省牌照,我要看他魁省的REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE,他找了半天也没找到,谎称收拾东西时和保险卡放在一起了,等交易时一定带到.等到了交易那天,车又换了一个外省的牌照,并带了一些单据,说可以过户,没问题.因交易前我到SAAQ用VIN查不到此车的信息,查牌照和此车不符,我开始怀疑他是个骗子,后来又偶然发现他在同一天的报纸广告上用他的另外一个电话号码卖另一部车,这才使我确信无疑.等交易那天,我揭穿了他并要回了押金.
看车时一定要看他的全部手续,REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE上的信息要和车及车主一致,一定到专业车场验车,交易前一定要查车的以往历史记录($8.00 在SAAQ查询),押金收据一定要写清楚并写明违约责任.
这是我个人得到的经验教训,希望大家引以为界.作者: 蓝月一度 时间: 2003-10-4 09:11
Anybody want to check VIN#
come here only 3$, quick and easy.
quick assured affordable VIN# check http://www.iphonenet.netfirms.com/vincheck.htm作者: 上海往事 时间: 2003-11-14 23:29
Thanks to everybody! This is my first time know that! thanks作者: song001 时间: 2003-12-7 18:04
Never call this number again,it is a crooked
ads on GAZZETE
MAZDA 1994 626, 4 door auto, 145,000 kms, a/c, mechanics A1, super clean, $4200. Call 514-668-9533作者: Jeff_Yuan 时间: 2004-1-16 01:01
我周二在此人手上买了辆车:98年Mazda Protege,13.8万公里,要价$6,000。
总的来说觉得这DEALER服务还可以,一上车先向你把车所有情况介绍一次,从方向盘到车身的一道小刮痕都不漏,再让你开一遍和回答问题,当然我一直都没提原车主,只是看了车证,开到南岸验车也没说什么,最后也没催我给钱。:-)作者: Updating 时间: 2004-1-24 22:29
买二手车一定要小心,现在有很多车是改了公里数的。如最近看到有一辆2000 Honda Civic SE,说是7万多公里,但实际上现任车主买回来的时候已经是10多万公里了,可能是他急着要回国,又想卖个好价钱,所以把公里数改了。