If any prefessional accountant has this kind of experience, please contact me by email toodiehard@hotmail.com. List your price and phone number in the email. Thanks.作者: barry1118 时间: 2003-2-7 17:00
I think you have to do your tax report in ON. What is really bad is that you need pay both ON and QC local tax for your income.
Good luck.作者: Login-Name 时间: 2003-2-7 19:43
My spouse has done this before. It is ture that Barry1118 can file income tax return in Ontario as long as his/her permanent address on Dec 31 02 is in Ontario.
I think the previous replier was wrong in saying that Barry would be paying both Ontario and Quebec provicial taxes. In this case, Barry should only pay Ontario provincial tax plus federal income tax.
However, Barry must pay attention, not to give Quebec tax officer any excuse to chase after him/her. Such as, be sure not hold a Quebec driver license or medicare card.作者: Login-Name 时间: 2003-2-7 19:47
My previous reply should use "DieHard" in places of "Barry1118 and "Barry". It was DieHard that wants to file return in Ontario.
Sorry for the name mixed-up.作者: DieHard 时间: 2003-2-9 10:38
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!作者: DieHard 时间: 2003-8-10 08:53
可以,我的税已经退回来了,好几千呢。 :cool: