
标题: Gazette终于开始张牙舞爪 [打印本页]

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 09:31
标题: Gazette终于开始张牙舞爪

Torch-relay protests are a lesson in democracy

The Gazette

Published: 4 hours ago
Note to the communist government in Beijing(北京共产党政府注意了): If you really want the world to buy this kinder-gentler-China image you're so desperately trying to project, then don't send a squad of thugs in wraparound sunglasses to jog through democratic countries protecting the "Olympic Holy Flame."(如果你们真心希望全世界认可你们拼命想设计的少许温和的中国形象,请不要让一班带着墨镜的暴徒穿行于民主的国家和保护奥运圣火

Sometimes you really do have to stifle those totalitarian instincts. What works so well for you in Lhasa, won't always be so successful in Paris or London or San Francisco.(有时候你真的不得不因为极权主义者们的本能而窒息,什么你们在拉萨已经做得很好了,不要再总是说巴黎,伦敦和三藩多么得成功

Note to the International Olympic Committee(国际奥委会注意了): For the sake of simple decency, repress those disdainful sniffs about how "distasteful" it is for anyone to use the torch relay as a focus for protests and demonstrations.(为了所谓的礼仪,施压于那些对任何人利用奥运火炬传递来进行抗议示威而嗤之以鼻的人吧)

When you granted the Games to a country with a hopeless human-rights record, you should have been ready for this. Whether it's hammering home its control of Tibet or jailing dissidents in Beijing or giving comfort to the murderous regime in Khartoum, China can pretty well be counted on to do something to upset the world's sensibilities. You should have known that.(当你们将奥运会授于一个对于人权毫无希望的国家,你们该有所准备,无论她是否捶门和控制西藏,将反对意见者打入大牢,安慰Khartoum杀人政权,指望中国可以做一些让世界震惊的事情,你们该已经知道了吧

To the protesters, we'd like to say: Good work. You have done a service to Tibet, Darfur, and Chinese dissidents alike, by puncturing the absurd rhetoric about the Olympics being above politics. Of course they're not, and perhaps never have been. Adolf Hitler (who, incidentally, invented the torch relay) tried to use the Games to showcase the glories of the Aryan state; both sides in the Cold War used them to "prove" the superiority of their respective systems. Now China is trying to use the Games to prove it has changed - and it is failing miserably so far.
To the big companies who paid so much to be official Olympic sponsors: Your advertising strategy might help in the Chinese market, but at what price elsewhere? Next time, think twice about the host state you cozy up to.(对于那些赞助奥运的大公司们,你们的广告策略是可能会帮助你们进入中国市场,但是其他地方你们出价多少?下次你们可要多考虑了。

Finally, a word of solace to the organizers of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games, suddenly anxious that their torch relay could become a target for protests against the seal hunt, or something: Canada, unlike China, has other avenues of protest, which should reduce pressure on torchbearers heading for Vancouver. And even if it doesn't, please remember that our way of dealing with dissent doesn't include thugs in sunglasses.(最后,安慰那些温哥华2010年冬季奥运会组织者们,不要担忧火炬传递会被那些抗议屠杀海豹的人们破坏,加拿大不同于中国,将会有其他方面的抗议,将应该会减少给会火炬手们前往温哥华的压力,即使没有做到,请记住我们有我们的处理方法,是不会使用那些带着墨镜的暴徒

The IOC's decision to grant the 2008 Games to Beijing was a calculated risk, and for the Olympic movement at least, it might well have been a mistake. But for the rest of us - and that would include the people of China - it has paid off in ways the committee could never have imagined.(国际奥委会决定授予北京召开奥运会,是一个计划好的风险,至少对于奥运运动,他已经是一个错误,是奥委会不可能想象的到的

As Nikki Dryden, human-rights lawyer and former Olympic swimmer, said on CBC Radio this week: "If the Olympics had been awarded to Toronto, we wouldn't have been having any of these conversations."(人权律师Nikki Dryden,前奥运游泳选手说:如果让多伦多举办本届奥运会,我们就不会有这么多是非讨论了

China's 19-country, 130-day relay has become a part of that conversation. That it's now a magnet for pro-Tibet and pro-Darfur activists shows the kind of creativity a free society can breed. Stifle the opportunity for protest in China itself, and demonstrators will find other and perhaps more effective ways to show their feelings. Dissent will be heard, whatever Beijing's hard-hearted mandarins might try to do.(中国的19国,130天的火炬传递已经成为社会讨论的焦点,特别是那些藏独活动者们向我们显现的创造一个自由的社会,也将会寻找其他更有效的途径表达他们的感受,无论北京方面如何强硬,反对的意见还会听得到的
© The Gazette (Montreal) 2008
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 09:52
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 10:17
作者: 香水有毒    时间: 2008-4-10 11:31
Post by 2009wahaha
组织到他们门前示威, 就在下周末, 各位以为如何? 再请OTTAWA的也来支持.

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 11:34
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 11:53
作者: simpercc    时间: 2008-4-10 11:55

这是西方民主的产物,中国人还没有什么太多的实践。所以应该请一些event planner好好策划一下。去gazette家门口示威是很正确的行动方向
太多了。千变万化。只是有些人貌似中国人,却不懂得自爱“中国人”这块牌子。巴不得去做plastic surgery,向某名歌星一样把全身的血液都换上1000遍。:frown:
作者: IT GUY    时间: 2008-4-10 12:08
I just "highly praised" their work (protesters, Paris Police and ... The Gazette) by sending this picure to letters@thegazette.canwest.com

4730.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 747)


作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 12:21

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 13:23
No international torch relay for 2010 Games: Vanoc(温哥华2010年将不在世界范围内举行火炬传递)

Jeff Lee, Canwest News Service

Published: 54 minutes ago
BEIJING - Vancouver's Olympic organizers won't conduct an international torch relay, but may still make stops in some cities or places, including Paris, London and Vimy Ridge, the CEO of the Vancouver 2010 Organizing Committee said Thursday.

But any decision to take the torch to places outside of Canada will have to await a review by the International Olympic Committee in the wake of the violent protests that have beset the 2008 Beijing torch relay.(竟然归功于北京)

John Furlong said he hasn't ruled out the possibility that the torch for the 2010 Winter Games could make stops at places of significance to Canadians on its transit from Olympia, Greece to Vancouver in late 2009.

But, he said Vanoc had never really considered a full-fledged international torch relay like Beijing's simply because it will have a big enough job just covering Canada.

"You exhaust a lot of time that you have by going internationally. In Canada alone we're talking 1,000 cities, 35,000 kilometres, 200 celebrations over 100 days. So we have our hands full," he said.

"The most-asked question I get from people is 'Are you going to bring the torch to my town'," he said.

"With our plan to take this to so many cities and towns in Canada, I don't think it's really possible to consider a full-on international relay."

Furlong confirmed that Vanoc has considered as possible stops London, Paris and Vimy Ridge in France, where Canadian soldiers in the First World War won their stripes as a fighting force. But he said there were no plans for relays in those locations, and no final decision has been made.

"We talked about options like anybody would, but we've made absolutely zero determinations about this," he said. "We haven't finalized our plans yet and we haven't determined what we will do. Is it out the question? No. But our focus has largely been on dealing with our own country and having a torch relay that is consistent with our own vision."

On Wednesday the International Olympic Committee's executive board discussed the status of the Beijing torch relay route and agreed to not change its international destinations. IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies said the relay organizers and the host cities may still make changes to the local routes.

IOC president Jacques Rogge said the organization will consider after the Beijing Games whether or not allow international relays. He said Athens in 2004 held the first international relay and it was a success. The Beijing relay, on the other hand, is not.

Earlier in the day Rogge said the constant protests against the torch relay and questions over freedom of expression had created a crisis for athletes, whom he said are "in disarray."

He told a news conference that the last few days were "a period that I would describe as not being so easy for the Olympic movement." He described it as a crisis that the IOC will overcome, but one not as bad as the terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Games or the boycotts of 1976, 1980 and 1984.

Rogge also said he had pressed Chinese authorities live up to a "moral" promise they made in 2001 to improve human rights.

"This is what I would call a moral engagement, not a juridical one. I would definitely ask China to respect its moral intentions."

And he said he is also concerned that China has not fully implemented a new media law that allows reporters to go where they want and interview whom they choose unimpeded.

Vancouver Sun
作者: IT GUY    时间: 2008-4-10 16:05
I put this new picture here. This ZD was arrrested by British police one day before he attacked Jingjing. Please send these two pictures together to The Gazette.

20080410121609.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 687)


作者: cpmm    时间: 2008-4-10 16:08
Post by IT GUY
I put this new picture here. This ZD was arrrested by British police one day before he attacked Jingjing. Please send these two pictures together to The Gazette.

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-10 19:04
Post by IT GUY
I put this new picture here. This ZD was arrrested by British police one day before he attacked Jingjing. Please send these two pictures together to The Gazette.
作者: 西岛美枝子    时间: 2008-4-10 19:34
就是的, 他们故意的, 故意诋毁中国, 如果没有那些圣火护卫队员, 你敢想象结局会怎样吗? 那么多照片显示那些藏独分子是暴徒, 他们不用, 他们就是故意的.
Post by xqrjbk

作者: Casablanca    时间: 2008-4-10 23:07
标题: 抵制 GAZETTE
抵制 这种垃圾 媒体, 本来它就没有市场, 本地法裔基本不看这个报纸的, 那些有文化的英裔也只读大报, 像环球邮报, 或者干脆纽约时报, 有个本地朋友就告诉我说不要看这个报纸, 没有意义. 所以这个报纸只好靠发 一些 攻击中国,丑化少数民族的报道来 吸引读者, 满足那些无知的人的白人优越感,

这种 垃圾东西,建议大家不要订了, 免费赠送也不要
作者: yyp&ap    时间: 2008-4-11 01:57
标题: 支持抵制GAZETTE
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 09:28
Post by 2009wahaha
我从来不订可乐也极少喝, 以后不喝了:cool:
作者: whoknowsxyz    时间: 2008-4-11 09:35
Strongly support the idea to demostrate against Gazette next weekend!

We cannot let Gazette get away with murder!!!

作者: 公元2009    时间: 2008-4-11 09:48

Post by 2009wahaha
组织到他们门前示威, 就在下周末, 各位以为如何? 再请OTTAWA的也来支持.

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 09:56

Boycott Chinese goods(抵制中国商品)


Published: 3 hours ago
A simple and non-violent way to protest against China's actions at home, in Tibet and elsewhere is to boycott items made in China as well as retailers who carry Chinese merchandise.

This would put a big hole in their pockets and might even open China's eyes to the fact that we can fight back. Plus it would help our own economy by keeping our dollars at home.

Joseph Spiegler


他们显然目的明确了,他们的用心不经意中显露出来了, 除了妒嫉他们还会做什么?
作者: whoknowsxyz    时间: 2008-4-11 10:07
We should invite our fellow Chinese both in Toronto and Ottawa to join us for the demonstration against Gazette....

"ro-Tibet" or boycott of Beijing Olymic Game is anti-Chinese!!!  Some western media and those anti-Chinese racists purport to know Tibet better than our Chinese people!!!  They are simply so afraid of an ever becoming stronger China!!!
作者: 祖國您好    时间: 2008-4-11 10:11
标题: 這些伎俩中國人還沒看清楚嗎?

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 10:33
Post by whoknowsxyz
We should invite our fellow Chinese both in Toronto and Ottawa to join us for the demonstration against Gazette....

"ro-Tibet" or boycott of Beijing Olymic Game is anti-Chinese!!! Some western media and those anti-Chinese racists purport to know Tibet better than our Chinese people!!! They are simply so afraid of an ever becoming stronger China!!!
作者: IT GUY    时间: 2008-4-11 10:41
Post by 可怜被洗脑者

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 10:55
Post by IT GUY
作者: NMR    时间: 2008-4-11 10:56
标题: 停买法货
no french product pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:confused:

Subject: 4.7, 停买法货五年
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:42:33 +0800



方媒体的嘴脸。他们的报道可能不受政府控制,但是这并不代表他们就是正义的(请看http://anti-cnn.com/ for details)。


不知道自己的生活有多悲惨!What a JOKE!中国的社会虽然不像中国媒体报道的那么


都是Made in France,不像很多日货其实还是made in China,所以我们抵制她们真的是
目标明确。没有任何一个牌子是不可代替的。关于护肤品,我推荐Erno Laszlo,彩妆

附常见法货清单(与fashion有关的), 欢迎大家补充!
LV, 路易威登,法国知名度最大的品牌,LVMH group,旗下产品众多,其中的法国品牌有:
Louis Vuitton, Berluti, Celine, eLuxury, Emilio Pucci, Givenchy, Sephora, Chaumet
此外还有以下不知是否是法国的,但属于LVMH:Make Up For Ever,Fred

Hermes: 爱马仕, Chanel (香奈尔),Lancome (蓝寇),Guerlain(娇兰),biotherm(碧欧泉),
Clarins (娇诗韵),Nars, Nuxe。Chloe, Christian Dior。Talika (代替产品可用DHC), Bonjour, L'Oreal (欧莱雅), Sisley.

法国汽车, Citroën 雪铁龙, renault雷诺(法国最大国营企业),peugeot (标志)


作者: 0308    时间: 2008-4-11 11:00
不要理gazette, 它与法语的仗还打不过来呢. 经济利益, 让它自生自灭吧.
作者: NMR    时间: 2008-4-11 11:01
标题: 时尚MM爱国日记:穿上反ZD的T恤去上课的结果(图)



话 说我早上特地比往常早到了教室,我脱去外套,选择坐在最正面的位置。过了2分钟左右,老师盯着我看了半天才明白,大叫一声:“oh my god!” 其他同学不知道怎么了,都去看她,然后她说我今天穿了件很特别的T-SHIRT.然后同学都看着我,还不明白什么意思,老师让我解释下意思。我有点激动 了,所以,特地降低说话的语速,一字一顿的说,:“所有人都知道大熊猫是中国特有的动物,也只有中国才有。正如西藏一样。西藏属于中国,所以大熊猫也是, 反过来说,如果说西藏不属于中国,那么你得认为大熊猫也同样。”

然 后班里一些同学就开始和我探讨,那个ZD老师说:“oh,你把政治带进了我们的class。”我就晓得她会说这句,我也正在等她这句话,等了一年多了。我 反驳道:“不好意思,首先,我得说明一下,我不是第一个把你所谓的政治带到课堂来的人。实施上,真正的第一个人是你,也许我这样说会有点不雅,但是,难道 你不记得去年的这个时候,是谁花了2个小时在课堂上宣扬达赖喇叭,宣扬支持藏独,是谁向大家说我是达赖的虔诚弟子,每次他来都要和他亲自接见的?是谁质我 们所有在座的中国学生的感想而不顾的?是的,那个人就是你,我的老师。”

然后,那个老师就被我问的哑口无言了。不过,她比较聪明,还是 说今年她变了好多,她开始站在中立的角度和我讨论,说她以前认为事实就是你从新闻上,报纸上,历史书上所看到的所学到的,但是,现在她才发现,人必须耳听 四方,必须看到不同方面的声音,自己去探讨去了解,才能明白那些黑与白。她现在特喜欢在不同的国家看CNN,去看别的国家怎么报道美国的。但是,她去年去 了CNN在亚特兰大的总部,参观了所有的新闻制作流程,她非常震惊,因为,她看到的是,那些CNN工作人员就用一小段video,一张图片,就开始撰写新 闻,他们为什么不听听其他的意见,同样vdieo不同人拍的场景,同样图片不同人拍的角度呢??从那以后,她改变了对CNN的信任。


好, 已经有几个支持的了。我继续说道,为什么西方的媒体一项只报道中国的负面消息,和歪曲扭曲报道事实呢,因为,他们不想看到中国的强大,不想让自己的国人了 解真正的中国,然后,一个俄罗斯女同学就反驳我,(注,此女其实是亚裔人,但是全家人都是生在长在哦螺丝,此女特喜欢表现自己,特喜欢反驳别人所有的观 点)说咱们中国一直在掩盖事实,西藏本来就该独立,西藏一直是中国的一个黑洞,西藏人民好贫穷,没有人权等等。”


我 昨晚才看了一个video的评论,写的非常好的几个问题,我特地记下来,已备万用。我看着那个哦螺丝的女生,那个正在为脱发而烦恼的女生,笑着问她,: “Have you ever been to Tibet? OH,gosh! I hate using this stupid Britsh name.!From now on I will only use "XI ZANG "which is all of our Chinese have been using!!"


我问:“Have you ever talked with XI ZANG'S people in XI ZANG publicty or porivately?"


我问:“where did you get the info about XI ZANG? Currently,All info you have got just from one channel--medium!!"


我问:"Do you still remember how the medium fool you guys on 2003 year about IRAQ?"

"Think through above question ,you make refresh your brain about this issues!!"

噢 罗斯女生没想到我是有备而来的,nnd,她本来就应该了解我在班上是出了名的心理学家!!!就连著名的报纸撰写者Amy(专门回答各种读者问题的)的每次 答案都没有我回答的全面和精彩,这是所有同学和老师都知道的。当然,这和我天天上华人也有关,嘿嘿,吸取所有大家的精华评论。

话说我一 连串的问题,噢罗斯女都没发搭上腔回答,或者可以说她根本就不知道怎么回答。!!但是,噢罗斯女的刁难是出了名的。此女看着大家都不说话了,只有几个巴西 的女生不停的说,支持我,我说的真好。也表达了她们的想法。(同学们,拉拢关系,做好统战工作是多么的重要啊!!!)挑着眉毛问道我:“你去过西藏吗?你 怎么就知道你了解的就是事实呢??”


“很 抱歉,我爸爸以及他的兄弟姐妹就是在西藏出生长大的。我爷爷奶奶在西藏生活了20多年,为虾米呢?就因为要和平解放西藏,解放那些一直生活在农奴社会下的 藏民们!!!!!!你想知道那些没有脚没有手的藏奴几百年,甚至几千年的过着不是人一般的生活吗?我有很多video可以放给你看,!!!!!!!!!西 藏现在有飞机场,大型shoppingmall,藏族人不需要执行计划生育政策,但是,我们汉族人就必须,像我就是独子。她们上学有优惠政策,他们不用交 税,但是,我们必须。去年才开通了青藏铁路,更方便了西藏与内陆的运输和交流,比如说,我公公婆婆就分别去了西藏旅行。"





















  ' Oh,你这个汉族人,你这个藏族人,你这个朝鲜人,你这个内蒙古人'。



'Oh, You poor Chinese guys!!!!!'











在 说上面最后的话时,我已经控制不住自己了,声音渐渐的变得哽咽,最终,我的眼泪像洪水一样涌出了我的眼眶,我的哽咽到我的泪流满面,再次震惊了所有在坐的 人。我自己也震惊了,震惊自己第一次,在异国他乡,在所有说不同语言的人因为自己热爱祖国,为自己身为中国人而感到骄傲而失声痛哭流泪。

作者: 西岛美枝子    时间: 2008-4-11 11:40
没有存在什么分裂不分裂的东西, 应该是笔误. 在边境地区都会有混居的情况, 在中国边境都有俄罗斯族, 朝鲜族, 蒙古族. 京族, 不过也有很多人移居到内地. 妹妹说的意思, 是中国跟加拿大差不多了. 加拿大还有INDIAN, INUIT, ENGLISH, FRENCH, CHINESE, ITALIAN, JAPANESE, GERMAN等等了. 多元文化.
Post by 可怜被洗脑者

作者: bignose_mtl    时间: 2008-4-11 11:46
标题: To 可怜被洗脑者
对你这种人我都不知道你为什么放着清静日子不过, 非要跑过来挨骂呢? 是不是看到我们那么多中国人大家团结在一起, 心里是不是有点狐狸吃不到葡萄的感觉呢? 如果是这样, 那我表示一下同情...
Post by 可怜被洗脑者

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 11:47
Post by 0308
不要理gazette, 它与法语的仗还打不过来呢. 经济利益, 让它自生自灭吧.
作者: qing gua    时间: 2008-4-11 11:49
标题: 藏族的某些同胞希望您对自己的行为做出检讨






后来天旱草场草不好,牛羊没膘水,入冬后又下大雪了,牛羊冻死无数,我们绝望了就在这个时候,政府说成都的车队已经出发了,是给我们送物资来的我们开始不相信,没2天那浩浩荡荡的车队给我们送来了粮食,送来了棉被,送来了一切我们需要的东西。我们的父辈跪在草地上磕头,他们没感谢上天,没感谢达赖,他们是在感谢政府,感谢共产党。感谢毛主席。 .............. 我们藏族人感谢国家,感谢人民对我们的支持!





























你不要太看高自己的地位,你以为全藏族人都在你的领导之下?你错了,藏族人也是人,我们知道谁对我们好,谁在剥削我们。你会认为我们会和你站在一起?你这次的暴乱就充分说明了问题,整个拉萨不足千人,全藏区不足万人,我给你凑个整数,就算1万人,那也是300/1的人在你的领导之下,你再把你给那些人的几百块一天取消了,那我想最多剩余1000人那就是3000/1和你站在一起,根本不需要军队,我们藏族人一人一口唾沫都可以把你的爪牙全部淹死,你没人民基础还好意思说你是下个毛泽东,你这是在侮辱毛泽东。你以为百姓现在还有人在寺庙中给你钱,你就以为全藏族人都支持你?在信仰你?错了,那只是老一辈人在这样做,下次你封的活佛在骗钱的时候看看,有多少 年轻人在给你钱,可以说基本已经快绝迹了。


现在你的势力越来越弱,你自己没察觉到吗?还有多少年轻人在你相信你?还有多少人在信任你?你的所做所为我们都把他看成是在表演杂耍,你在当藏族人的猴子吗?我的活佛!你在世界上表演,人家给了你几块钱?你丢了我们 的人呀!你一丢人,我们还怎么信任你?我们不可能信任一个猴子,你知道吗?



作者: helpwanted    时间: 2008-4-11 11:49
震撼,感动,钦佩, 敬仰!!!!


作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 11:54
作者: bignose_mtl    时间: 2008-4-11 12:03
标题: 在哪里有卖反ZD的T-shirt啊?
Post by helpwanted
震撼,感动,钦佩, 敬仰!!!!



作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 12:43
Post by bignose_mtl
作者: LOL    时间: 2008-4-11 18:58
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-11 21:18
Post by LOL

作者: Rambo188    时间: 2008-4-11 23:38
标题: 向NMR MM 致敬!

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-14 08:55

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-14 09:10

Thousands rally for China

Parliament hill. Demonstrators show support for Olympics

Maria Cook and Scott Cressman, Canwest News Service

Published: 6 hours ago
A pro-China demonstration on Parliament Hill yesterday attracted about 5,000 Chinese-Canadians from Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto eager to show support for the troubled Beijing Olympics.

"Olympics is nothing to do with politics," said Jeremy Zhang, a 37-year-old Ottawa chemist who emigrated from China in 2002.

"I think our country deserves the Olympics. Sports is a peaceful event to join all people together."

A group of Chinese community associations organized the event in the wake of chaotic protests disrupting the world relay of the Olympic torch. Protesters in Paris, London and San Francisco have condemned human rights abuses in China, including recent violent confrontations in Tibet.

Because of the Tibet controversy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said he will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics in August.

"We want the Canadian government to treat China fairly and to treat the Olympics in a sporting way," said University of Ottawa student Hong Chen. "Don't boycott it."

Amid a sea of red Chinese flags(一片红色海洋), the demonstrators said reports by Canadian and other Western media were biased and factually incorrect. It was Tibetan separatists who were responsible for violent riots and the deaths of civilians, they said.

The demonstration was billed as a show of support of "peace and the Olympic spirit," but it gave equal time to opposing the idea of Tibet independence.

"We don't want anyone separating from our country," said Ling Wang, a 30-year-old Toronto medical researcher.

Early in the afternoon, a dozen pro-Tibet protesters crashed the rally. The pro-China faction surrounded them, shouting accusations, said Nicole Demers, a volunteer with Friends of Tibet.

Police told the counter-protesters that they were not safe and moved the group down the street. The protesters, some splattered with fake blood or wearing gags, waved Tibetan flags there under police supervision.

"The tone was hateful and quite intimidating when there's a dozen Tibetans up against a thousand Chinese," said Russ Hillier, a Carleton University student who's part of Students for a Free Tibet.

"They wouldn't let us be 15 people voicing our opinion in a free country," Demers said.

"Really, what these protesters are saying is very similar to what the Chinese government is saying," Hillier said. Their allegiances are not to "the ideals of freedom and justice that Canada is built on."

One of the rally's speakers was Henry Lu, chairman of the Chinese Community Association. The excited crowd punctuated his sentences with raucous cheers and flag-waving.

"Open your eyes. If you really want to know China, go there," Lu said. "Don't say things from outside."

China has made real improvements, he said, but Western media still judge the country too harshly.

Ottawa Citizen
Dalai Lama denounced, Page A14(最可气的是文章结尾竟然通知去A14看渥太华公民达赖喇嘛的发言

'If violence becomes out of control my only option is to resign'(如果暴力发展到无法控制我只有辞职不干)

Emma Graham-Harrison, Reuters

Published: 6 hours ago
Chinese media denounced the Dalai Lama and his supporters yesterday as "anti-human rights," and branded top U.S. politician Nancy Pelosi as "the least popular person in China" for her stance on Tibet.

The belligerent commentaries by the official Xinhua news agency came the day after Beijing said nine Buddhist monks had been arrested for bombing a government building in Tibet.

A Tibetan source with strong contacts in its capital, Lhasa, said the city was swirling with reports of fresh clashes between monks and security forces at the important Drepung monastery.

Beijing has accused the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, of orchestrating March 14 riots in Lhasa and the unrest that followed in other ethnic Tibetan areas, as part of a bid for independence and to ruin the Olympic Games.

The Dalai Lama, 72, says he wants autonomy for Tibet, not a separate state, and denies he was behind the unrest, which China says killed 19 people. Exiled Tibetans give a far higher death toll.

The Dalai Lama told a news conference in Seattle yesterday he would resign as leader of Tibet's government in exile if violence in his homeland spread out of control.

"If violence becomes out of control then my only option is to resign," the Nobel peace laureate said. "If the majority of people commit violence, then I resign."

Xinhua earlier denounced the Dalai Lama as a sham and said he dreamed of restoring the Tibetan feudal system of serfdom.

China has gone on the offensive in the face of mounting international criticism of its handling of the deadly riots, wider unrest and a subsequent crackdown, which is clouding the run-up to the Olympic Games in August.

Beijing considers its Western critics, who have raised pressure on leaders to boycott the Games' opening ceremony and marred part of a global torch relay with chaotic protests, are unfairly mixing sports and politics.

In Dublin, Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern denied reports of a diplomatic row yesterday after China's ambassador walked out on a speech in which Environment Minister John Gormley accused China of human rights abuses in Tibet.

Television footage showed China's envoy to Ireland, Liu Biwei, conferring with an aide before walking out during a speech on Saturday night in which Gormley said Tibet had been "exploited and suppressed and suffered for too long."
作者: stobs    时间: 2008-4-14 22:49
Post by 可怜被洗脑者
你是个王八蛋, 滚开!
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-15 09:18
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-15 09:28

Chinese Internet awash with boycott tit-for-tat

French goods targeted as Olympic protests grow

AILEEN MCCABE, Canwest News Asia Correspondent

Published: 4 hours ago
Savvy Chinese are learning that a boycott can be a two-way street.

As talk around the world of boycotting the Beijing Olympics gathers steam, in China the Internet is jammed with calls for a boycott of French products and, in particular, the French supermarket chain Carrefour SA that has more than 100 outlets around the country.

A "letter to all citizens" is circulating on the Internet, by e-mail and text message calling for a May 1 boycott of Carrefour.(一封致全中国人的信在网上广泛流传:5月1日不进家乐福购物

"We suggest you go shopping in other supermarkets instead of Carrefour. If you have any inconvenience, we hope that at least you boycott Carrefour on May 1. The empty Carrefour on May 1 will send a message to the western countries that China should not be humiliated and the Chinese people should not be bullied," the letter says.

On his blog, Wang Jianshuo reported the sentiment to boycott is growing fast. "Last morning when Wendy and I were waiting in the long line at the SinoPec gas station to fill gas to our cars, Wendy said people in her company already started boycotting French products after what happened in Paris. She added: 'I will not go to Carrefour any more and I won't consider French cars in the future.' "

An angry blogger from Dalian wrote: "From now on Chinese will reject France commodity (Carrefour, Airbus, nuclear power plant, Citroen etc.) Let all France company go out of China. You made China as your enemy, OK, China will become your enemy."

France is the main target for Chinese boycotters because of the protests that greeted the torch relay in Paris last week, particularly the treatment given Jin Jing, (金晶)the much-photographed, wheelchair-bound torchbearer who managed to hold onto the torch when pro-Tibet protesters tried to wrest it from her grip.

Jin is now a "national hero" in China.(金晶是国家英雄) The newspapers are calling the pretty 17-year-old "golden girl" and her triumphant return home to Shanghai on Sunday was front-page news.

"Jin is now loved by more than 1 billion people," the official China Daily wrote yesterday.

It noted that when she arrived back in China from Paris she was on the same flight as pop star Jay Chou (周杰伦和金晶从巴黎同机返回中国)and "attracted much more attention" than the Taiwanese heart throb.

Although the torch has had an easy passage since it left North America, the anger in China that began with criticism of how the Western media reported on the crisis in Tibet and intensified when the torch relay was disrupted in Paris, London and San Francisco, is still red hot.

Speaking at a forum in Britain last Friday, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong warned ominously that there could be long-term repercussions.

"The outrage in China, especially among the young, can be read on the flooded Internet bulletin boards, all carrying virulent anti-foreign sentiments," he said. "ity they are in unintelligible Chinese ideographs.

"Were they in the English language, young Americans and Europeans would realize that these displays of contempt for China and things Chinese will have consequences in their lifetime, well beyond the Olympic Games."

So far, the government in China has done nothing to dampen the nationalist frenzy it has allowed to flourish in the month since the peaceful demonstrations in Tibet demonstrations turned into riots that seriously rocked the social "harmony" Beijing works so hard to maintain.

Indeed, at times the official government media seems to be taking its cue from the angry bloggers, as in the case of Jin Jing, who was a "video star" on the net for several days before the mainstream media adopted her, too.
作者: angel3417    时间: 2008-4-15 13:56
作者: angel3417    时间: 2008-4-15 14:03

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-15 15:27
Post by angel3417

作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-16 10:55
China worse polluter than previously thought, U.S. study finds(中国环境污染越发严重)

Peter O'Neil - Europe Correspondent, Canwest News Service

Published: 1 hour ago
PARIS - China's greenhouse gas emissions have been grossly underestimated, according to a new study released on the eve of a U.S.-led conference here this week involving major emitters seeking ways to deal with climate change.

The University of California study, citing previously unavailable evidence, said China probably passed the U.S. to become the world's top emitter in 2006.

The report, to be published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, estimates that China's emissions will increase by anywhere from 600 million to 1.2 billon tonnes of carbon between 2000 to 2010.

A Chinese man passes by a power plant in Beijing China.

That's far higher than previously believed and dwarfs by between five- and 10-fold the estimated 116 million tonnes reduced through efforts made by the countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol.

The report underscores the challenge facing western countries in dealing with climate change when major polluters, like the U.S., China and India, have refused to commit to major sacrifices.

"Emissions growth from 2003-04 by China is roughly equivalent to Canada's total annual emissions," co-author Max Auffhammer told Canwest News Service in an e-mail.

U.S. President George W. Bush, meanwhile, was expected to announce Wednesday emission caps on U.S. power plants, according to The Guardian newspaper in London.

The announcement would coincide with the start of the latest in a series of meetings, initiated by the Bush administration, involving major emitters.

The 16 countries represented in Paris include China, Brazil, India, Russia, Canada and several major European countries.

The U.S. government, the only major western country not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, has expressed reluctance to take serious steps unless major polluters like China and India do the same.

But both those countries have said it is unfair for them to make sacrifices, given that the more industrialized western countries are principally at fault for the accumulation of greenhouse gasses over many decades.
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-18 11:24
MP to meet Dalai Lama to discuss Games issues(保守党议员将会见达赖喇嘛商讨奥运会事项)

Richard Cuthbertson and Becky Rynor, Canwest News Service

Published: 6 hours ago
Calling China "the worst human-rights abuser in the world," Tory MP Rob Anders is heading to Ann Arbor, Mich., today to meet with the Dalai Lama to discuss concerns about the coming Olympics in China.

"I want to go and talk to the Dalai Lama," Anders said yesterday. "artly, by doing so,

I think we're highlighting the issue, but, as well, I want to ask him about the cultural genocide that is going on there."

Anders compared this year's Beijing Olympics with the 1936 Games held in Berlin when Germany was under Nazi rule, arguing that China is the wrong choice to play host to the Games.

"I absolutely 100 per cent think it compares with the Berlin Olympics in 1936," he said. "You've got Falun Gong practitioners, which are not allowed to participate in the Olympics. Adolf Hitler had issues with Jews being able to participate in the Olympics in 1936."(相比1936年柏林奥运会,中国政府本次不允许******人员参加奥运会,而当年希特勒却同意犹太人参加

No Canadian politician should attend the Games, nor should Canadian athletes be used as "propaganda tools," Anders said.(加拿大政界将不参加奥运会,加拿大运动员们也不必被当作中国政府的宣传工具

The MP for Calgary West is a member of the Parliamentary Friends of Tibet, an all-party group concerned about the political situation in Tibet. Eight years ago, Anders crashed a Chinese event on Parliament Hill wearing a Free Tibet T-shirt(8年前,安迪就曾因中国西藏事件在国会山上穿着一件自由西藏的T恤).
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-23 09:32
作者: lmctala    时间: 2008-4-23 14:33
看看今天的中国,和共产党,似乎外国人更不存在这种力量来谈西藏。 既没有资格,且没有能力,岂不是变得很可笑。
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-25 08:56

China's old foes find common ground

20-minute encounter could help to thaw out relations between Beijing and Taipei(20分钟会面可帮解冻两岸关系

HARRY STERLING(前外交官,渥太华评论员), Freelance

Published: 4 hours ago
It was a brief meeting, lasting only 20 minutes, but the encounter between Chinese President Hu Jintao and Taiwan's vice-president-elect, Vincent Siew, was a historic event for the two adversaries. It was the highest-level meeting between the two regimes' officials since Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan in 1949 following the Nationalists' defeat by Mao Zedung's communist forces.

Some would like to think the meeting signalled a willingness by Beijing to be more pragmatic in its policies, with possible implications for the leadership's approach to human rights in China, including in Tibet.

Taiwan's president-elect, Ma Ying-jeou, who won a resounding victory in last month's election with more than 58 per cent of the vote, said the meeting has "started to thaw the ice" between Taiwan and China.

Ma, who assumes office May 20, ran on a platform calling for renewed dialogue with Beijing and expansion of trade and direct transportation links. He said he hoped the encounter at a regional forum in southern China would lead to direct negotiations.

"Thanks to the meeting, some of the barriers for the resumption of talks have been removed," he said. "The mainland authorities displayed goodwill."

Considering frequent tension in the past between China and Taiwan, which increased following the election of independence-minded President Chen Shui-bian in 2000, this month's unprecedented meeting is regarded by many as a potential turning point between Beijing and Taipei.

Despite the residual hostility of the civil war, Beijing clearly prefers to deal with its old foes in the Kuomintang rather than President Chen's Democratic Progressive Party. That's because the DPP favours formal independence from China. Both Beijing and the Kuomintang support the "One China" policy of 1992 - which leaves the precise definition of what constitutes one China conveniently unclear.

Chen's unwillingness to work for a meaningful rapprochement with Beijing made many Taiwanese uneasy, especially after China's parliament passed legislation in 2005 threatening the use of force should Taiwan declare independence.

That uneasiness, coupled with growing worries over a stagnating economy, influenced many Taiwanese to give the Kuomintang an overwhelming victory during parliamentary elections in January, causing Chen to resign as head of the DPP.

Then in last month's presidential elections, Ma Ying-jeou easily defeated his DPP opponent, Frank Hsieh, returning the Kuomintang to power after an eight-year gap.

Putting aside the sensitive issue of Taiwan's political status - Beijing considers it a rogue province - there are many reasons for the two sides to establish better relations.

In spite of past tensions, Taiwan has been a major investor in mainland China for several years, with investment totalling more than $45 billion U.S. between 1979 and 2007. Nearly 650,000 Taiwanese business personnel and their families actually live on the mainland.

Taiwanese investments grew so large that the Taiwanese government started to impose restrictions, claiming businessmen were endangering Taiwan's technological advantages.

Ma, however, regards expansion of trade with China an important factor in overcoming Taiwan's present economic malaise. According to Chinese data, two-way trade in 2007 was $112.7 billion. More than 15 per cent of Taiwan's imports were from China.

Ma pledged to relax restrictions on Taiwanese investment in China and called for the creation of a "common market" between China and Taiwan. Greater tourism is to be promoted, as well as direct flights.

While the prospects for increasing trade and other co-operation appear encouraging, differences within the political sphere aren't as easy to reconcile.

Although Ma and the Kuomintang are far less strident about Taiwan's autonomy, he has made it clear Beijing must respect Taiwan's self-rule. He pointedly said "Taiwan is neither Hong Kong nor Tibet." During the election he promoted his "three nos": no independence, no reunification, no use of force.

Ma's more pragmatic approach to China has been welcomed by other nations, including the United States, which had come to view Chen's policies as unhelpful and provocative - especially since the U.S. had given assurances of American support for Taiwan's security against a Chinese invasion.

Given Ma's openness to a meaningful dialogue with China, Beijing could show its own goodwill by removing the 1,100 missiles aimed at Taiwan。
To cite an ancient Chinese proverb: The longest journey begins with a single step.
Harry Sterling, a former diplomat, is an Ottawa-based commentator.
作者: xqrjbk    时间: 2008-4-25 09:05

China to meet Dalai Lama aides amid Tibet tension(中国会见达赖喇嘛助手)

Nick Mulvenney, Reuters

Published: 8 minutes ago
NYIMU COUNTY, China (Reuters) - China is to hold talks with envoys of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism whom it blames for a wave of unrest, state media reported on Friday, as the Olympic flame arrived in Japan.

The move comes after concerted pressure from the West on China to talk to the Dalai Lama and marks the first serious step to defuse tensions aside from coming down hard on protesters and lambasting Tibetans' spiritual leader.

Beijing has stepped up its vilification(北京继续污蔑) of the Dalai Lama since anti-government protests hit Tibet and rippled across ethnic Tibetan parts of China in the past weeks.

[url=javascript:void window.open('storyimage.html?id=cddd5921-7338-4f9a-b14c-73436aa4dfcd&img=5653aba7-1779-47ef-9e42-26d77318ad54&path=%2fmontrealgazette%2fnews%2f', 'storyimage', 'width=760,height=550,location=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')] View Larger Image[/url] The Dalai Lama at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 21, 2008. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

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"In view of the requests repeatedly made by the Dalai side for resuming talks, the relevant department of the central government will have contact and consultation with the Dalai's private representative in the coming days," the official Xinhua news agency quoted an unnamed official as saying.

An envoy to the Dalai Lama said on Friday he had received notice of China's offer to hold talks with representatives of the Dalai Lama.

"We have been told verbally, through private channels, that a meeting has been proposed," Dalai Lama envoy Kelsang Gyaltsen told Germany's Deutsche Welle broadcaster.

"We neither know the date, the location, nor the topics that must be addressed at the meeting," he added, speaking in German.

China denounces the Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet after a failed 1959 uprising against Communist rule, as a traitor and has accused him of orchestrating the unrest, a charge the 72-year-old Nobel laureate denies.

But Tibet has become a flashpoint for anti-China protests that have disrupted the Olympic torch relay around the world and has led to calls for state leaders to boycott the Beijing Games, which open on August 8.

"It is hoped that through contact and consultation, the Dalai side will take credible moves to stop activities aimed at splitting China, stop plotting and inciting violence and stop disrupting and sabotaging the Beijing Olympic Games so as to create conditions for talks," the official was quoted as saying.


Recent official denunciations of the Dalai Lama had usually referred to the Dalai "clique," rather than Dalai "side."

The United States and France have urged Beijing to hold talks with the Dalai Lama, while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said he would meet the Tibetan leader when he visits Britain in May.

France and the United States welcomed the announcement of talks.

"This is a major step. This renewed dialogue carries real hope," French President Nicolas Sarkozy's office said in a statement.

The U.S. embassy in Beijing said in a statement that the dialogue would be "a very positive development."

The European Commission also backed the talks.

"As far as I understand the Chinese position, the Chinese say they are ready to discuss everything except sovereignty for Tibet," EC President Jose Manuel Barroso said.

Reporters were allowed into Tibet on Friday and there was a heavy troop presence lining the road between the capital Lhasa and Shigatse, the second largest city in Tibet.

Japan called for calm but braced for trouble with tight security, as low-key protests began ahead of its leg of the torch relay that begins on Saturday in the central city of Nagano, following emotional scenes at other venues.

Nagano police arrested a man carrying a knife near the site of the relay start, Japanese media said on Friday. The man claimed to be a monk and was carrying a document protesting the torch relay, Jiji and Kyodo news agencies said.

The flame is meant to transmit a message of peace and friendship, but its journey has been largely turned into a political event and the torch has been granted the sort of security usually reserved for state leaders.

The flame's arrival in Nagano was greeted by right-wing activists in trucks roaming the streets, displaying huge Japanese flags and blaring "go away."


In Hanoi, Vietnam state-run radio reported that a U.S. citizen of Vietnamese origin had been expelled on accusations of planning anti-Chinese protests at next week's Olympics torch relay in Ho Chi Minh City.

Reclusive North Korea, for its part, vowed to "astonish the world" with pomp, ceremony and safety during its stage of the relay on Monday, Chinese state media reported.

The Olympic torch is supposed to enter Tibet in early May to ascend Mt Everest and is to travel to its capital Lhasa on June 19, legs China has vowed to see through, despite the tensions.

The Dalai Lama says he is seeking meaningful autonomy for the strategic Himalayan border region, but China denounces that as a sham and says he is bent on splitting the country.

The Communist Party boss in Tibet has called the Dalai Lama "a jackal in Buddhist monk's robes, an evil spirit with a human face and the heart of a beast."

But before the protests soured relations, China and envoys of the Dalai Lama had been engaged in a tentative dialogue process, though several rounds since 2002 had yielded little progress.

(Writing by Lindsay Beck and Ben Blanchard; Additional reporting by Chisa Fujioka, Yoko Kubota and Isabel Reynolds in Tokyo, Chris Buckley in Beijing, Kerstin Gehmlich in Berlin and Francois Murphy in Paris; Editing by Nick Macfie and David Fogarty)

("Countdown to Beijing Olympics" blog at http://blogs.reuters.com/china )

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