前一段时间我考虑是不是也报个税, International Tex Service Office 回信说:
Please note that we will accept late filed returns. However, if you owe tax for 2000 and did not file your return by due date, we will charge you a late-filing penalty. The penalty is 5% of your balance owing for 2000, plus 1% of your balance owing for each full month that your return is late, to a maximum of 12 months.
就是说我现在报税会被罚款17% of the balance owing for 2000. 但是我的问题是: 这个BALANCE owing for 2000 到底怎么算的? 这个BALANCE到底是指什么? 是我2000年应该纳的税吗? 还是我欠的税款(应纳税-已经从工资里扣除的)? 我人为我事实上不欠税款, 工资里扣除的部分其实是比我应纳税多的.如果我应该拿退税的话, 这个罚款又怎么算?
谢谢.作者: Tiggr 时间: 2003-8-19 10:14
it's the owing. not the tax you paid. If you owe some tax, there is an penalty. If no owing, zero penalty.If you have refund, might get some interest.