
标题: 德国总理:粮食涨价主要是印度人一天吃两顿饭,中国人居然喝牛奶了 [打印本页]

作者: 7Quebec    时间: 2008-4-22 21:47
标题: 德国总理:粮食涨价主要是印度人一天吃两顿饭,中国人居然喝牛奶了

2008-04-22 14:57:15 来源:中军网

“伟大的”默克尔女士说了,全球粮食涨价,主要是因为现在的印度人一天吃两顿饭,而且,中国人居然喝牛奶了! 为了洋大人的生物燃料,亚非拉穷鬼们就饿着点好了,多么伟大的想法!

德国总理默克尔不象许多(研究)社会(发展的)政治家一样把食品价格飞涨主要归咎于日渐增长的生物燃料。"主要原因是‘发展中国家十分不健全的农业政策 '。"她在萨克森州福莱堡市举行的(世界/德国)第一座第二代生物燃料精炼厂的落成典礼上如是说。(她还指出,)另一个原因是对发展中国家饮食习惯的改变没有足够的预测。



   默克尔用这些话否定了例如世界银行,甚至另一些国家的政治家和德国发展合作部部长Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul在华盛顿国际货币基金组织和世界银行新年研讨会上的的观点。一份世界银行的调查报告中说,生物燃料生产的增加从某些角度来说大大滋长了食品价格的上涨。Wieczorek-Zeul对这份报告表示支持。报告指出,生物燃料的生产要对农产品价格的上涨承担30-70%的责任。她(Wieczorek-Zeul)呼吁对汽油混入生物燃料这一规定从进行评估。




   默克尔支持(德国)环境部部长Sigmar Gabriels(社会民主党)的由于几百万辆老式汽车(改造)的技术原因而停止实施在汽油中掺入更高比例生物燃料的决定。"这是绝对正确的"这位总理说。"有人认为,推迟(实施)这一政策会动摇总的气候保护方针,他错大了。"她强调说。


  按照绿色和平组织的看法,第二代生物燃料还是"从农田里来",所以会与食品(生产)形成竞争。如果不进口原材料就不能满足(生物燃料生产)设施巨大的需求。 "因此(在这个精炼厂里)烧掉的不是德国的废木料,而是来自世界各个角落的能量作物(译者:专门培植的用来提炼生物燃料的农作物。)。" 绿色和平组织专家Ulrike Kallee指出," 生产第二代生物燃料甚至比(生产)酒精和生物柴油更贵。因为所需的设备十分昂贵。只有(政府)巨大的补贴才能使这种燃料具有市场竞争力。"
Planet Ark : Bad Policy, Not Biofuel, Drive Food Prices - Merkel

GERMANY: April 18, 2008

BERLIN - Bad agricultural policies and changing eating habits in developing nations are primarily to blame for rising food prices, not biofuel production as some critics claim, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday.

Environmentalists and humanitarian groups have stepped up campaigning against biofuels, arguing they divert production away from food and animal feed while contributing to sharp rises in the price of cereals and milk products.

But Merkel, whose country is Europe's largest biofuel producer, said the rise in food prices was not mainly due to biofuels but to "inadequate agricultural policies in developing countries" as well as "insufficient forecasts of changes in nutritional habits" in emerging markets.

"If you travel to India these days, then a main part of the debate is about the 'second meal'," Merkel said.

"People are eating twice a day, and if a third of one billion people in India do that, it adds up to 300 million people. That's a large part of the European Union," she said.

"And if they suddenly consume twice as much food as before and if 100 million Chinese start drinking milk too, then of course our milk quotas become skewed, and much else too," she said referring to EU limits on dairy production.

Biofuels, which are seen by supporters as a way to increase energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, are made mainly from food crops such as grains, oilseeds and sugar.

Critics argue there are few, if any, environmental benefits for so-called first generation biofuels. They have also been blamed for increasing grain demand and pushing up prices at a time of growing threat of famine in some parts of the world.

The FAO and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have said biofuels were "one of the main drivers" for forecasts of food price increases of 20 percent to 50 percent by 2016.

(Reporting by Gernot Heller, editing by Kerstin Gehmlich and Mary Gabriel)

作者: 左眼瞪右眼    时间: 2008-4-23 12:20
作者: s030604    时间: 2008-4-23 15:42
标题: 有趣啊
"If you travel to India these days, then a main part of the debate is about the 'second meal'," Merkel said.

"People are eating twice a day, and if a third of one billion people in India do that, it adds up to 300 million people. That's a large part of the European Union," she said.

"And if they suddenly consume twice as much food as before and if 100 million Chinese start drinking milk too, then of course our milk quotas become skewed, and much else too," she said referring to EU limits on dairy production.


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