作者: QQ8*8 时间: 2008-5-2 15:11
ANGRIGNON Shopping Mall 中的Zellers就是我去的那家zellers,也许你的吸奶器和消毒器是BPA FREE的,所以不给退吧,我的是AVENT PHILIP的.
现在还在出售的应该都是BPA FREE的,我退了之后,又买了MEDELA的吸奶器,给厂家打了电话,说是百分百BPA FREE.作者: QQ8*8 时间: 2008-5-2 21:34
AVENT吸奶器和消毒器套装里各有两个AVENT 奶瓶,我觉得即便吸奶器,消毒器是BPA FREE的,但那四个奶瓶就是现在正在RECALL的含BPA的奶瓶,我觉得你最好还是不要再用AVENT奶瓶了。作者: jem'enfous2 时间: 2008-5-3 18:04
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: Andy Mama 时间: 2008-5-4 15:05
我家宝宝用的是Garber牌子的奶瓶,都推掉后,改用玻璃奶瓶。有谁知道现在到哪里去买玻璃奶瓶?谢谢告知!作者: mas 时间: 2008-5-7 01:13
Just a small update. Today I went to Point Claire Zellers returned Avent microwave sterializer (Express II) and Avent ISIS breast pump (I don't have the original receipts, but I did brought original packages). Both of them were not on the recall list. However, after the service lady verified with her supervisor, they said that as long as the package came with Avent bottles, those items should be recalled. So without any further question, the service lady apologized to me and I got over $100 gift card back in less than 10 minutes. In fact, I got 40% for what I paid originally.
So if you had trouble to return your Avent product, make sure you go during a less busy time, say Tuesday, Wednesday early afternoon, so the customer service can have a chance to verify.作者: wonder_wang 时间: 2008-5-7 14:57 标题: Avant 's Magic cup is bpa free ot not? Thanks! up up up作者: fyh1973 时间: 2008-5-7 18:25 Avant 's Magic cup is bpa free
玻璃奶瓶在zelles有卖;397 victoria Ave. 也有卖,但有些贵。电话514-9372891 去之