标题: 康大的同学,留学移民 [打印本页] 作者: victoria999 时间: 2004-3-12 03:31 标题: 康大的同学,留学移民 本人法语中级,有2年半的外企秘书工作经验。我已经申请了康大的经济学硕士(1年)和jmsb的金融硕士(2年)。不知该选哪个?因为经济学是一年,这样我一入学就可以申请魁省移民。但本人比较喜欢商学院的金融。不知商学院的专业能不能在暑假多选学分,这样就可以提前毕业?如果能一年零1个学期拿下金融硕士,并且学校给我出具证明,我就可以在入学一个学期的时候递交申请?另外,康大提前毕业,移民成功能省下一些学费吗?哪位哥哥姐姐在康大,能给小妹我提个建议吗?万分感谢!作者: megiddo_woo 时间: 2004-3-12 11:53
我不是经济专业的,你说的读书情况我不大清楚,但就读书移民而言,如果读硕士,一般毕业时候能拿到移民,想省学费不大可能了,好运作者: 1835 时间: 2004-3-12 14:15
That depends, if you finish your imm before the deadline of tuition fee refund, you will be lucky enough to get some of your money back. Usually twice one term, you can come to 185 or ISO to ask the detail info. In addition, you can ask for insurance refund. it also has deadline. You can only get the refund of last term. and besides this, your high tution fee will be paid back again.
More, during this time when you want to refund, you should come to 185 or iso everyday, coz they are very lazy.