Post by 道逍遥
LZ: 应该就19日晚烛光悼念追思会单独开贴. 晚安!
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Post by Mike-yu
有些朋友的孩子和西人的孩子都想能为这次灾区募捐,他们经验丰富,只要吃饱了精力充沛了就行:rolleyes: ,我告诉他们我不是组织者,只是这次的一个志愿者,所以,你们组织定夺吧,可以的话,告诉他们怎么做,不行的话也回个话吧
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Post by lian123
Post by OneChina
1. 从银行直接转入MCCCC基金帐户(就是这次筹委会的专项地震慈善基金)
2. 联系OneChina安排转交,
3. 24日晚在文化宫有一个赈灾义演,可以现场捐款。
Post by 道逍遥
1. MCCCC是文化宫的简称, 这次华人社区的捐款由他们出具免税单, 善款由他们统一后交给中国红十字会;
2. MCCCC可以加入1+1, 昨晚公布的;
3. 所捐得款项1+1后全部交给中国红十字会, 由他们统一管理. 其实, 我正在想壹基金是不是更好?
Post by OneChina
1. 我们可以应要求对任何数额的给开报税收据,这点是没有疑问的。
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Post by quebeccity
被你们的行动感动着,骄傲着. 不能前往,但想做点儿什么. 请问不在蒙城如何捐款? 多谢!
祝福中国! 祝福每一个好人!
Post by 道逍遥
1. MCCCC是文化宫的简称, 这次华人社区的捐款由他们出具免税单, 善款由他们统一后交给中国红十字会;
2. MCCCC可以加入1+1, 昨晚公布的;
3. 所捐得款项1+1后全部交给中国红十字会, 由他们统一管理. 其实, 我正在想壹基金是不是更好?
Post by OneChina
Post by OneChina
1. 自己直接在网上捐款:
2. 通过我们筹款委员会一起捐款:
Comité des Donations pour Séisme en Chine de la Communauté Chinoise à Montréal / CDSC Montréal
China Earthquake Donation Committee of Montreal Chinese Community / CEDC Montreal
MCCCC-fond de solidaritè pour les sinistrés du tremblement de terre en Chine
Bank Name(银行名字):Caisses Desjardins Quartier Chinois
Address(地址) :988 Rue Clark, Montreal, QC H2Z 1J9
Tel(电话): 514-8668888
Transit number: 30588-815
Account number(帐户) :5985
Cheque(支票抬头):MCCCC-fond de solidaritè pour les sinistrés du tremblement de terre en Chine
Centre Communautaire et Culturel MCCUC
1088 rue Clark, suite 300, Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1K2
Tel: 514-7888986
Post by WuFei07
Sorry, my Chinese is not good enough (reading and writing), so I have to ask you the question in English. I went to the show tonight at the MCCCC on Clark at Montreal (organized by CDSC (Comité des Donations pour Séisme en Chine de la Communauté Chinois à Montréal) and donated 80$ + 30$ for the show but I don't even know where exactly the cash will be sent. They reached a grand total of approximately 18 000$ during the night. I don't mind to donate money since I'm very concerned with this tragedy but I just want to make sure the money will be sent to the right destination. I would be very frustrated that my money is not sent to help those victims.
Post by OneChina
Hi, WuFei07, thanks for your question.
First, I think that you have got the receipt and write down your address, if that is the case, you will get a official donation certificate for Income Tax Return of year 2008. It will be mailed to you by MCCCC.
CDSC is the committee of Montreal Chinese Community. OneChina(us) is responsible for the street donation. For all the donation via us, we will be responsible for the donation certificate mail. Yours will be responsible by MCCCC, a key member of this committee.
But we are very glad to answer your questions. Yesterday CDSC collected around 20,000 dollars donations and the total donations have exceeded 250,000 dollars. Canada government will promise another 100% for this amount. your $110 will be part of this 250,000 dollars.
The total money will be deposited in the special account for China earthquake. And the final amount will written on the cheque, it will be written to" Chinese Red Cross" and may be transferred by China's Embassay of Ottawa. That is, the money will be withdrawn directly from the special account. However, some people advise CDSC not to donate to Chinese Red Cross, so they are discussing to make the final decision.
We will declare the total amount and where it will be sent once it is donated. Tracking report is possible for this big amount. You can check with us later if you don't have other way to know it.
Hope that you get it.
Post by WuFei07
Thanks for your fast and complete answer. I apreciate it. Since I think that just donate money is not enough, I would like to participate actively by collecting money from my colleagues and friends but since it would be my first time collecting money for a good cause, I don't know from where to start. It would be cool if I can make receipts for them too for Income Tax Return if they donate 50$ or more. What are the procedures to follow so I can legally collect money and to which of your organisation should I send? MCCC, CDSC, OneChina or else?
Thank you
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