还有我会不会继续收到魁省的信,要求我交税?作者: needlaurel 时间: 2008-6-23 11:56
这个结果恐怕没法改了。我来告诉你以后怎么避免这种事情。请来电:514-5812231.George作者: festival 时间: 2008-6-23 23:12
个人觉得是可以更改的(前提是税法规定你可以不交税,错误是你没有正确填写税表造成的),到税局去问问吧。我前一段时间成功要求了一个reassessment(关于04财政年度的)。作者: martines 时间: 2008-6-24 12:11
多谢楼上两位的回复。2楼的朋友是教育储蓄代理,您的建议我不知道是否正确。3楼的朋友的说法,本来就是我想去做的,只是因为对这里的税法不了解,所以想先问清楚一点。总不能一分钱不赚,先交上2百多的税。作者: ironflower 时间: 2008-6-24 20:28
You don't have to report your income before your landing. That is you only have to report your income since Oct last year. If the $8000 is the income of that period, you have to pay the tax of that income. If the $8000 is the income before Oct of last year, you wrongly report you tax, just correct it. You don't have to pay the tax.
Post by martines