Post by sspring
新人来报到,刚到魁北克市一个月,打算申请互联网,因为没有开通固定电话,请教各位久住魁城的老移民,在魁城申请互联网不需要有固定电话的,除了videotron之外还有哪些公司? 上网的质量如何,是否稳定? 哪种性价比高些?
Post by shenyj
Post by duoyan
Rogers portable internet is very convenient. It can work without a residence phone in most of the cities in Canada. You just plug the modem in an electronic power and connect it to your computer. Start your computer and then you will have internet. When you move to a new place or another city, you can still use your internet without any changes. WHen you travle, you can bring the modem with you and you will always stay with internet. For details, browse the " portable internet" at rogers homepage. The monthly fee is $27 plus tax.
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