
标题: 在哪个银行开户好? [打印本页]

作者: chendoudou96    时间: 2008-9-16 06:07
标题: 在哪个银行开户好?

作者: malajis    时间: 2008-9-16 19:22
I perceived TD bank
作者: fzling    时间: 2008-9-16 20:08
作者: Ads.#a    时间: 2008-9-16 21:35
作者: 牛鬼蛇神    时间: 2008-9-16 21:40
Post by fzling
作者: Saleandbuy    时间: 2008-9-17 03:00
标题: 最 差的是 Scotia Bank 。
最 差的是 Scotia Bank 。

TD 我认为最好 , RBC 财大气粗,对新客户很苛刻,不一定给你开。
作者: QC20061130    时间: 2008-9-17 08:18
因为家附近有Scotia Bank ,所以我基本都用Scotia Bank 的服务。

我很想知道为什么最 差的是 Scotia Bank ? 以前好像也有谁说过Scotia Bank 不好?能告诉一下具体是哪里不好?谢谢
作者: erose    时间: 2008-9-19 23:03
标题: 银行开户
我能帮助你开NATIONAL BANK的个人账户,活期和定期两便,

如需要的话,请EMAIL AT erose200266@yahoo.com
作者: zhouhui    时间: 2008-9-20 20:26
作者: Saleandbuy    时间: 2008-9-21 17:11
Scotia 经常拿客户当猴耍, 是我在加拿大多年来体验到的最差的服务,气死人了 。 可能不是每个人能碰上不愉快,但是最好不要和他们打交道。
作者: nicknan    时间: 2008-9-21 17:33
Scotia bank确实牛,RBC也牛。。。这两家银行现在是经营状况最好的,Scotia bank现在已经跃居加拿大第二位了。。。他们只care business acount。。。我的business acount在他那里,确实不错!
作者: 知道一点    时间: 2008-9-21 19:39
标题: reply
中文服务其实大多数银行都有,一点不新鲜.  不过BMO整天琢磨着用各种手段从小储户身上刮点手续费. 楼上几位提到的S和R银行外号牛翻天, 不选也罢.  而C银行在好多年前在北京的一次说明会上, 其员工指着在场多位潜在客户大呼: 你们中国人..., 让偶当即退场. 本地的D银行坚持法语路线, 你不会法语俺不做你生意. 所以算来算去,貌似TD还比较好用: 网点多, 营业时间长, 支票便宜, 免费账户定额低, .... 不过天下乌鸦一般黑. 哪家也不会十全十美.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-9-22 10:26
标题: Best = HSBC Internet Saving A/C + any chequing account
The best bank account:  HSBC Internet Savings A/c:
1.  High ?Daily? Interest, ~3% right now, not sure.  Same or similar to ING.

2.  Unlimited transactions - no more counting of transaction, no more worry about stupid minimum balance to avoid bank fee.

Bill payment - U can do it with telephone banking, I do it all postdated on Internet, both 24 hours x 7 days.

3.  "网点多, 营业时间长" - use bank cards at all HSBC + BMO + National banking machines.  24 hours telephone banking.

It is a saving account, hence u may need a chequing account.  Open it at HSBC or whatever bank of your choice.  Inter-bank transfer will take 2-3 business days.

p.s.When u first open account, there's a X day hold on all funds.  ???? I can't remember how, ask the agent over the phone, ??credit check ??, after talking to another woman in Vancourver for ~5-10 minutes to check on our credit reports:
- ABM daily limit $400->$600/day
- POS/Interac daily limit $500->$2000/day
- Bank to Bank transfer ?same?, anyway it is hold for 5 Business Days
- ABM Deposit hold X days -> NON
e.g. my account is $0, I deposit a cheque of $600 in BMO/National machine, then I can take $600 cash out from any machine RIGHT AWAY.  (Of cause there's a $500/? limit on all banking machine.)
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-9-25 17:25
标题: HSBC RBC ING TD BMO CIBC,到底哪家银行帐户好啊?



所以想从ING HSBC RBC这3家里面选一个
1   除了储蓄帐户,这几家银行的支票帐户哪个更加好啊
2   这几天银行的利率会不会经常变化(我知道RBC是一年变一次)
3   像ING这种银行的网点多不,我好像都没怎么见过,大家用ING的朋友感觉用起来方便嘛?
4   HSBC好像MTL的网点也不多啊,不过可以免费用BMO和NB的ATM机器啊,如果这样,那也算比较方便
5    HSBC银行是不是可以从国内的HSBC银行直接汇款啊?

作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-9-26 14:26


作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-9-27 07:18
"我原来一直用的是 . . . . .  想换一个别的银行"  => there could be other things that u need to consider before changing bank.  Figure out your own situation.

1   除了储蓄帐户,这几家银行的支票帐户哪个更加好啊
==>  Don't know.

2   这几天银行的利率会不会经常变化(我知道RBC是一年变一次)
==> always = 经常变化.  Are u sure "RBC一年变一次", I doubt it. (anyway, it doesn't matter to me)

3   像ING这种银行的网点多不,我好像都没怎么见过,大家用ING的朋友感觉用起来方便嘛?
==>  It seems like:
a.  unlimited transfers between ING and the chequing acount(s) u set up,
b.  only ~4 free($0) ABM withdrawals/per month, then there are charges($),
c.  no bill payment,
d.  I'm not sure about above, see *********.ca or ask the ING referal guy(=customer) below.

4   HSBC好像MTL的网点也不多啊,不过可以免费用BMO和NB的ATM机器啊,如果这样,那也算比较方便
==> only a few branches, but tons of ATM机器+ 24 hrs. telephone banking+internet banking, all $0.
***  I'm talking about the (Internet=)Direct Savings account, NOT the regular HSBC savings accoung ***

5    HSBC银行是不是可以从国内的HSBC银行直接汇款啊?
==> yes, but there is charge($)+waiting time, don't know details.

Any further question, please ask HSBC or www.hsbc.ca.  
(Current promotion on free chequing account for 6 months.  Check web site yourselves)
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-9-27 15:13

对了,还有刚才仔细看了一下HSBC,发现这个Direct Savings Account的3%利息,必须要balances up to $1 million


看来我得放弃HSBC转向RBC了, RBC的2.75%没有要求的
作者: Z!Z    时间: 2008-9-27 21:54
Post by thinkpad1981

对了,还有刚才仔细看了一下HSBC,发现这个Direct Savings Account的3%利息,必须要balances up to $1 million


看来我得放弃HSBC转向RBC了, RBC的2.75%没有要求的

wow,看来 您老的闲钱不少啊,超过1m了
作者: Z!Z    时间: 2008-9-27 21:56
Post by erose
我能帮助你开NATIONAL BANK的个人账户,活期和定期两便,

如需要的话,请EMAIL AT erose200266@yahoo.com

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-9-28 07:01
"  。。。。。。发现这个Direct Savings Account的3%利息,必须要balances up to $1 million, 晕倒"
==> Not 必须, up to=maximum.   They pay u ~3% for $0.01 up to a maximum of $1 million.

"看来我得放弃HSBC转向RBC了, RBC的2.75%没有要求的"
==>  if 0.25% difference, it's insignificant.  U may want to consider other things, e.g.:

- cost of printing cheque,
- compare other investment products/services offered by the 2 banks,
(e.g. HSBC investments are not as flexible as BMO/RBC, may be fewer choices)
- the bank of the credit card(s) that u are using, etc.
(e.g. When I pay my RBC credit card from HSBC, it'll take 2-3 business days to clear.  May be 0 day from RBC)

etc. etc.  Put that little brain of yours to work  . . . . . .
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-9-28 10:26



作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-1 09:59
标题: Internet Bank Accounts
Saw ING+ ?Bank advertisement on TV the other day.  Say a few more words:

1.  Generally, all the "Internet Banking Accounts" offer higher interest rate than traditional regular accounts.

2.  I'm only aware of 3:
a.  ING Direct Savings account
b. Royal Bank e-Savings account
c.  HSBC Direct Savings account.
If anyone have info on other account, please share info.

3.  Since Royal Bank e-savings is "2.75%", I assume both HSBC+ING to be about the same.  Please note that all bank rates fluctuate with current marketing rate.

4.  ING+e-Savings are "URE" Internet accounts = u need to use them in conjunction with a chequing account.  There's a $5 charge for counter or whatever service by RBC.  Both RBC+ING cannot do bill payment, except HSBC.  

That's all I know.  

Read OLIVERCA's 不要以为存银行就保险了.. @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=2017216#post2017216
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-1 10:22
Post by thinkpad1981
  . . . . . 我还保留了CIBC的,作为日常或者visa的使用的

U can use HSBC Direct Savings Account for 日常使用+ pay Visa/MC from all banks. (=ATM+Telephone+Internet)

I don't work for HSBC . . .  no commission  :frown:
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-10-2 17:05

今天把帐户的事情都搞定拉(主要依据了 各行的利率和费用,还有方便程度)

---在RBC开了3个户(加币储蓄rate2.75%,美金储蓄rate1.5%, 学生支票帐户).      如果需要用钱,可以在网上银行把钱从储蓄帐户转到支票帐户,是不限制次数,不收费的: 感觉RBC的储蓄帐户(不管加币还是美金)利率很高,而且不设存款金额的要求(TD和CIBC的高利率储蓄帐户需要最低5000刀的要求,否则利率是很低或者压根没有)

---在TD开了一个学生支票帐户和一张VISA(1% rebate)

以后平时开支用TD的VISA和支票帐户, 储蓄用RBC的,
原来的BMO和CIBC最近都应该就不用拉(BMO利息太低, CIBC对我来说不方便)

对HSBC的3%利率的储蓄帐户还是非常的难忘, 可HSBC银行还是太少拉,可能对我不是很方便, 而且他的支票帐户, 信用卡也不是很好
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-10-2 19:28

我怎么样才能用HSBC Direct Savings Account去付我别的银行的VISA啊?

还有这个HSBC的帐户可以Bank-to-Bank Transfer function offered through Personal Internet Banking,  是不是说我可以转到别的银行的帐户,  好像别的银行不能这么转的吧!
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-10-2 19:36


作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-2 20:28

Post by thinkpad1981

还有这个HSBC的帐户可以Bank-to-Bank Transfer function offered through Personal Internet Banking, 是不是说我可以转到别的银行的帐户, 好像别的银行不能这么转的吧!

作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-10-2 21:09

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-3 08:00
1."我怎么样才能用HSBC Direct Savings Account去付我别的银行的VISA啊?"
- BILL PAYMENT function - City tax, Hydro, Bell, Visa, MC, etc. etc.  (no income tax yet)
- "Real-time" payment can be done via Internet or Telephone Banking.
(I sort of think they only do batch process overnight, confirm with HSBC)
- Post dated payment can only be done via Internet.
(I do this once a month to pay ALL bills)
- no service charge

2.  还有这个HSBC的帐户可以 . . .  是不是说我可以转到别的银行的帐户, 好像别的银行不能这么转的吧!  
=> I don't know how other bank works.  fengfeng has already given u a GREAT ANSWER.

3.  "那这种转账是实时到账的还是需要等几天的啊?"
-  Transfer out from HSBC, no hold, except it may take 1-3 business days for your bank to show transfer.
(Call TRANSFER by HSBC, in reality it'll show as DIRECT DEPOSIT at your other bank)
(I believe they only do overnight batch process, confirm that with HSBC)

-  Transfer into HSBC, HSBC hold for 5 business days.

-  I do transfer out through HSBC internet.  Transfer-in, I use my BMO cheques to avoid the 5 B-days hold.
作者: thinkpad1981    时间: 2008-10-3 10:32

他的transfer不是实时到账的(可能双方都需要时间来准备,需要2+5天),可能像老兄你说的用BMO cheques快点,可是还是需要另一方银行1-3天的时间



作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-3 15:15
U are welcome!

For term deposits, I find BMO better and more choices than HSBC.  For savings+payments, I'll keep HSBC.  Actually, I'm contemplating in opening a chequing account at HSBC to eliminate the transfer out "wait".  Our BMO doesn't hold most of our cheques.

Nice weekend!
作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-6 15:09
以前还真没注意HSBCDirect Savings Account可以用来付帐,只是将它作储蓄账号用。那么请问它可以用作DIRECT DEPOSIT PRE-AUTHOZIED PAYMENT账号吗?我想应该是可以的吧。

我是用普通银行的个人信用账号作“支票”账号用,好处是有免费的支票,不过不象INGHSBC那样还有利息可拿。唯一不便的是不能从中买RRSP。如果HSBCINGPRE-AUTHOZIED功能,那么我想ING(HSBCDirect Savings Account)加上普通银行的个人信用账号,完全可以取代支票账号,不压那笔钱了。

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-6 15:41
DIRECT DEPOSIT => Yes, we have our pay cheque go straight into HSBC

PRE-AUTHOZIED PAYMENT => should be OK, but not sure.  Ask HSBC, then please let us know.

??something?? . . . .  u CANNOT pay SAAQ driver license at HSBC.  Something about setup between bank and SAAQ, I don't understand.
作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-8 17:03
Got confirm from HSBC, you can also use this account as pre-authorized account, just offering your institution # & branch #, same as Direct Deposit.


PRE-AUTHOZIED PAYMENT => should be OK, but not sure. Ask HSBC, then please let us know.

??something?? . . . . u CANNOT pay SAAQ driver license at HSBC. Something about setup between bank and SAAQ, I don't understand.[/QUOTE]
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-9 07:43
标题: Thanks!
I can't remember details, talked to someone @ HSBC, they posted me 3 VOID cheques for direct deposit, free of charge.  One cheque used for payroll deposit.

Trust u read #13 below, have your credit report checked to eliminate the "~HOLD".
Post by fengfeng
Got confirm from HSBC, you can also use this account as pre-authorized account, just offering your institution # & branch #, same as Direct Deposit.

作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-9 10:14



Post by montrealpost
I can't remember details, talked to someone @ HSBC, they posted me 3 VOID cheques for direct deposit, free of charge. One cheque used for payroll deposit.

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-9 10:41
怎么那位客服不跟我提?==> institution # & branch # = void cheque(just printed and no mistake)

The company asked for void cheque for payroll deposit, so we gave them void cheque.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-10 12:10
标题: Reminder: Term Deposit
I don't have that much money   , for those of u who has spare $$:

BMO   4.25% 24 months-lock in, min. $1000
HSBC 4.25% 17 months-lock in, min. $5000
HSBC 3.25% 12months-cashable (after 89 days).
作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 10:44
1.5 year, 4%
2 year, 4.25%
3 year, 4.5%

I n G, no minimum
Post by montrealpost
I don't have that much money , for those of u who has spare $$:

BMO 4.25% 24 months-lock in, min. $1000
HSBC 4.25% 17 months-lock in, min. $5000
HSBC 3.25% 12months-cashable (after 89 days).

作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 10:47
这里为什么没有用icicibank? 操作相当于I n G和 HSBC. 日常利息 3.4% 如果refer开户有20$ bonus.


I N G现在促销有taxfree saving account.
作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 10:47
他们的点比较少, 如果你附近有就好了.
Post by 起子
national bank, good?

作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 10:51
do you mean "credit line"? 我倒是不知道他们的支票是免费给的. HSBC对支票的要求很严格, 一定要有姓名地址, 才给开户. 我当初问客服信用卡支票可以吗? 他说no

从中不能买RRSP是什么意义? 似乎有支票就能买RRSP啊.
Post by fengfeng

我是用普通银行的个人信用账号作“支票”账号用,好处是有免费的支票,不过不象INGHSBC那样还有利息可拿。唯一不便的是不能从中买RRSP。如果HSBCINGPRE-AUTHOZIED功能,那么我想ING(HSBCDirect Savings Account)加上普通银行的个人信用账号,完全可以取代支票账号,不压那笔钱了。

作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 10:54
他可能是说他去HSBC in person的, 银行给了他一些check, 那种不是pre-printed的支票不能开online direct deposit帐户.

Post by fengfeng



作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 10:55
SAAQ只接受BMO或national bank或desjardin的payment.
Post by montrealpost
DIRECT DEPOSIT => Yes, we have our pay cheque go straight into HSBC

PRE-AUTHOZIED PAYMENT => should be OK, but not sure. Ask HSBC, then please let us know.

??something?? . . . . u CANNOT pay SAAQ driver license at HSBC. Something about setup between bank and SAAQ, I don't understand.

作者: VVMM    时间: 2008-10-20 11:03
我当初就是在唐人街的cibc开的户, 那个点的服务至少要比BMO要好很多. 而且CIBC的点也不少啊, 至少我生活的附近都有点. 他们的服务时间也不短啊, downtown都到5点, 生活区虽然到4点, 但是周四会开到7点, angrignon mall里的那个cibc周六也开呢, 这点比RBC好多了. 当然TD的open时间最长了.

我在TD, RBC, BMO, HSBC等都有过帐户. 总的来说cibc的服务算中等吧. 反正用到现在也没什么大问题.
Post by 牛鬼蛇神

作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-20 13:21
是的,我说的就是"credit line account",支票是免费的) 当然要不让它产生利息,balance必须为正.

不过因为它是信用账号,如果从中转钱去买RRSP,是不是相当于贷款买RRSP呢,所以当时银行没容许我这么干,我只能从普通支票账号去买。现在知道HSBC也可以PRE-AUTHORIZE PAY能,所以这一问题就可以解决。


Post by VVMM
do you mean "credit line"? 我倒是不知道他们的支票是免费给的. HSBC对支票的要求很严格, 一定要有姓名地址, 才给开户. 我当初问客服信用卡支票可以吗? 他说no

从中不能买RRSP是什么意义? 似乎有支票就能买RRSP啊.

作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-20 13:29
很可能是这样. 我后来曾在电话里再提及这一问题,他们只说你只要提供institution#, transit # and account # 就是一样的了。

Post by VVMM
他可能是说他去HSBC in person的, 银行给了他一些check, 那种不是pre-printed的支票不能开online direct deposit帐户.

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-21 08:33
Thank VVMM for sharing info.

"是不是只能在HSBC的ATM上存支票?" => No

I've deposit cheques in BMO+National machineSS, never problem except once last week.  But it was BMO machine problem(identical problem to my BMO account at the time), not problem with HSBC/HSBC account.  

Or did u try to deposit your cheque into Chequing Account on machine, it's supposed to be Savings.  I always check balance first before any transaction, to avoid mixing up the accounts.  :p

Some National machines doesn't allow deposit, e.g. the one in Central Library(withdrawal only).  I had to walk down to the National Bank in ~Place Duplus on St. Catherine.  Info on National machines are listed on the EXCHANGE web site, hours, functions, etc.  Ask telephone banking for address.

"他们只说你只要提供institution#, transit # and account # 就是一样的了。" => 是一样的。

I asked the HSBC girl who helped me to open my account,  I told her THE SECRETARY ASKED FOR VOID CHEQUE, I may need some for Bell/Hydro.  She asked me how many void cheques I wanted.

If u prefer a paper (VOID CHEQUE), call your Account Manager, she'll get that done and have them mailed to u.  May as well get your credit check done(read reply #13 that I've written below) at the same time.  Much better with less hold on your tansaction(s).  Call telephone banking, they will tell u 2 names + 2 1-800# for your Account Manager (believe the other may be assistance or whatever)

Error message: Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 600 seconds.

#$%^& $%^&* !@#$% !@#$%
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-22 07:13
Post by fengfeng
  . . . . 不过因为它是信用账号,如果从中转钱去买RRSP,是不是相当于贷款买RRSP呢,所以当时银行没容许我这么干,我只能从普通支票账号去买。现在知道HSBC也可以PRE-AUTHORIZE PAY功能,所以这一问题就可以解决。 . . .  

I have no idea what credit line account is, don't understand why pre-authorize pay function can be used for RRSP.  Just want to remind u to be careful with inter-bank transfer, believe they charge ~$15/25 per transaction.

(Interbank transfer for pre-set-up account(e.g. my BMO accounts) in HSBC Direct Saving is "Direct Deposit" in my BMO, no charge.  Requirement: same name)
Post by montrealpost
  . . .  BILL PAYMENT function(HSBC) - City tax, Hydro, Bell, Visa, MC, etc. etc.  (no income tax yet)   . . . . . .

Correction:  The payee list of HSBC includes Montreal School Tax, Federal income tax.
No Quebec income tax, no Montreal Property Tax listed, i.e. u can't pay these 2 over the internet, nor telephone banking.  They are working on these 2 right now.

The girl at HSBC branch told me that she saw people paying their Quebec income tax at HSBC machines.  The payee list at branch is a bit different from the web+telephone banking.  U can pay Quebec income tax at counter, but there will be a service charge + :

U cannot do anything with Direct Saving Account at any HSBC counter, they don't have access to the internet account.
作者: fengfeng    时间: 2008-10-22 10:50
你说得一点没错! 因为是第一次使用这张卡,所以错误地试图往支票账号中存支票。多谢提醒!我会再试的 )

credit line account 和信用卡的CASH ADVANCE类似,可以赊钱,利息却比信用卡低多了,普通信用账号利息在7-8%。当然它不是刷卡使用,而是手头缺钱时随时取来用的,不过利息立刻产生。

Post by montrealpost
Thank VVMM for sharing info.

"是不是只能在HSBC的ATM上存支票?" => No

Or did u try to deposit your cheque into Chequing Account on machine, it's supposed to be Savings. I always check balance first before any transaction, to avoid mixing up the accounts. :p

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2008-10-26 12:45
标题: HSBC . . . . Chequing Account
For those of u who has Direct Savings account in HSBC and ~need . . . . . . . . chequing account?

I`ve talked my account manager to give me 150 free cheques  :p  for opening a chequing account.  10 temparay cheques in mail already with ~welcome package. (talked over phone ~10 min., check credit again  :confused: , done)

There`s a promotion for 6 months NO service charge for chequing account, expiring Oct. 31.  Check their web site (hsbc.ca) to see if u`re OK with their plan(s) first.  The Performance Plan that`s free for 6 months is too expensive(~$10-12/mth.), be prepared to change to a plan that`s suitable for your need right after 6 months.

Good luck and have fun!

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