
标题: 找网球partner [打印本页]

作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-3-31 14:55
标题: 找网球partner
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-13 19:25
补充一下:我的email是jimmy9210@hotmail.com. 欢迎联系我。
作者: antoine    时间: 2004-4-13 19:54
作者: X-man    时间: 2004-4-13 20:08
Knight!!!快出山吧!!montreal网坛需要你一统江山!!! :d
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-13 20:42
To Antoine:

本人还处在进阶阶段,能和你打球实在有幸。不幸的是,和你打的那场球太贵了,:cool: 485$,今终于交了钱,把车取回来了。现在还郁闷呢!

To Knight:

作者: 熊眯眯    时间: 2004-4-14 11:05
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-14 15:51


身体协调:想想人是怎样从走路到奔跑的。身体协调到一定程度后就可以跑了。网球也一样,先得有球感,具体的说就是球是怎样弹跳的,你对弹跳的路径得有个判断。如果你对球感感到陌生,就拍拍篮球或者足球吧,看看它们是怎样弹跳的。接下来就可以用球拍拍网球了,熟悉一下网球的弹跳规律。可以先拿个用旧了的网球,因为比较软,容易控制。好了,接下来就可以练练挥拍了。最好找个动作标准的朋友给你看看你的正手挥拍动作,要不然也可以从网上下载网球的教学片,看看正确的动作是如何完成的。然后可别急着拿拍子打,建议空手挥拍至少一个月,刚开始的时候,我可是空手挥拍练了7个星期啊,现在觉得这7个星期的意义太大了。要注意的就是动作一定要正确,否则以后后悔都来不及。(待续)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>

作者: color18_m    时间: 2004-4-16 03:38

to Antoine, how r u recently? Will call u again when the outdoor court is available.

to Knight, sorry for not get your phone call that day. Busy with the renovation of my house. Good luck in your stock.

Wish more 4.5 tennis players could show up this new season.

作者: antoine    时间: 2004-4-16 07:29
color18_m, we plan to play tomorrow afternoon at Verdun if it doesn't rain, you are welcome, and it seems you know my phone number.;)  or you can send me an e-mail.
作者: Skier One    时间: 2004-4-16 19:49
标题: learn to play tennis
I am a beginner but very quick to learn - because I play other sports very well. If anyone can teach me tennis, I promise to coach you downhill skiing (so that you can ski like a pro within a short time ).

My dedication to master tennis is partially proven with my newly aquired tennis racket, a high end from a sports shop.

Anyone who has the enthusiasms to teach, please email to [email="mr_skier101@yahoo.com.cn"]mr_skier101@yahoo.com.cn[/email]
作者: Maggieyin    时间: 2004-4-18 05:12
标题: tennis racket and court
I enjoy a lot playing tennis and will land soon. by the way, are  tennis racket and court fees high in montreal? does it need to bring racket from China?

many thanks.
作者: 巴黎    时间: 2004-4-18 14:56
作者: color18_m    时间: 2004-4-18 23:59
To Antoine, buddy, I am still busy with the renovation and moving. Wish I could join you guys ASAP.

To Skier one, good suggestion. Can we exchange? I plan to learn skiing the coming winter.

To Maggieyin, welcom to Montreal. But no free racket here. :-)

Happy tennis season.

作者: Edy    时间: 2004-4-22 17:55
标题: another big tennis fan
I am a new comer to Monteal.
I've played tennis for 10 years, on and off.
hope to meet montreal's good players in this summer.
call me: 481-6685
or email me edywise@hotmail.com
if you welcome my joinning in the tennis community.
Geng Wang
作者: zeng11    时间: 2004-4-23 12:30
If there is activity please let me know. I am "game for fun" level. louiszeng2002@yahoo.com
作者: 雪千寻    时间: 2004-4-23 12:52
;) Jimmy,我是jerry,刚才打电话给你的!如果你知道了那个网球地址:

请发email to: jerryxutian@hotmail.com

作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-25 22:43
don't know the exact address of Jerry Parc, but you can call this for more information: 514-2720101
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-27 09:43
标题: 网球二十四“心法”

  (1)底线抽击 底线抽击的关键在于击球点的位置,这需要准确的预判断能力和快捷有力的步划来保证。优秀选手的击球点位置固定,变化很小,因此底线抽击有力稳定性好。业余选手击球点位置上下前后变化不定,因此击球质量差,这要靠训练判断能力和步法来改进。

  (2)谁先发球 网球教课书一般会这样告诉你,比赛时应先争取先发球权。但这是对那些发球速达 每小时120mile的选手而言的。业余选手还是先挑接发球为好,这样你就有可能先 破对方的发球局,即使接发球局输了,也为自己的第一个发球局作好了热身活动。

  (3)正手网前截击 网前截击关键在于击球点应在击球者身体前方,球拍向前作稍微切削的迎推击球 动作。练习正手网前截击时,握拍手腕尽量向后扣,使球拍与小臂呈直角,拍面 微开。大臂有意紧贴身体,使小臂与身体正面呈垂直(此为练习辅助动作,练成 后就不必要了)。主动迎向飞来的网球,作稍微切削的推击球动作,就如用手将 打开的抽屉迅速推关上一般。以上为练习动作,机器人一样,但实践证明好用, 练好了就广阔天地自由发挥了。

  (4)动作模式 刚开始学球时,人们会告诉你怎样做动作才正确,而什么动作不能做是错的。其实,网球运动的动作并没有绝对模式,只有合理与不合理之区别。每个人可根据 自己的情况,发展适合自己的动作,这就是网球运动的创造性,也是这项运动的 诱人之处。

  (5)握拍 教科书将握拍方式分为东方,西方和大陆三种。初学者可先用东方式握法,这可以 养成底线抽击时正,反拍换握法的习惯。随着练习的增多,你可以探索适合自己特 点的握拍法(东方,西方,大陆或混合)。注意,不管何种握拍,只有在击球瞬间 握拍手才加力握紧球拍。其它时候应非常轻松地握球拍,只要球拍不脱手就行了。

  (6)拍弦 松的拍弦使你容易轻松地将球击出,但对球的控制能力差,击球时没有踏实感。 紧的拍弦能提高你的控球能力,击球时有踏实感,但击球时要用教大的力,对肌肉 的强健度要求高。初学者使用较紧拍弦的球拍有利于形成完整的击球动作。

  (7)手腕 击球时,加手腕动作能大大加快击出的球的速度。向后引拍时,将握拍手手腕向 球拍后撤方向扣,击球瞬间猛地回扣手腕,就将手腕的力加到球上了。使用这种击球 法应有较好的球感,否则球失控得莫名其妙。

  (8)加快球速 1加手腕动作,2加快握拍臂小臂的甩击速度,3大转肩,4转臀,5击球时重心前移压 球,6借助对方的球速即击上升球,等都能加快击球速度。但对截击球而言,3,4点 不适用。

  (9)启动步划 较合理的启动第一步是,击球边那边的脚跨第一步。双打中,网前截 击抢球者的起动步划更因如此。步划在网球技术中占十分重要的地位, 很多失败的击球都可规因于错误的步划。

  (10)香蕉与网球 电视转播国际大赛,常见球星比赛前或休息时从球袋中取出香蕉食用。香蕉含有丰富的钾 离子,食之能补充流汗造成的体内钾缺乏,防止由于体内钠钾比例失衡造成的肌肉抽筋。

  (11)选择球拍 击球时球拍的振动情况与球拍拍体的刚韧度是选择球拍的两个主要方面。以下介绍简 单测定方法。振动状况:右手握紧球拍握把,抬起左脚跟,用拍面用力击打左脚跟底部, 感觉球拍的振动情况,好的拍振动小,差的拍振动利害并有难听的声响产生。刚韧度: 硬的球拍控球性能好,但击球费力;较软的拍子击球较省力,但控球性能差。左手抓 住拍头的顶部,右手握于握把低部,用右脚膝盖定住拍的中点,拍面与地面垂直,膝 盖向外用力,双手向内用力(如是碳拍可用尽全力,拍子不会坏的),观察拍子的变 形情况,硬的拍体变形小,软的拍体变形大。

  (12)高球能赢球 不知道你有没有发现,那些习惯于挑高球而且挑的很好的业余选手,尽管平时不大受 欢迎,但却赢得很多场比赛。

  (13)球鞋与服装 若资金有限,应先用于购买好的球鞋,好的球鞋减少跑动时对关节造成的损害。好的 服装并不能帮你什么。

  (14)出界比下网好 练习和比赛时,我支持这样的看法:宁可将球击出界,也不将球击下网?

  (15)比赛与练习不同 初学网球的人一般都有这样的体会,平时练习可来回对抽多次,比赛时却打不出来, 似乎发挥打了折扣。其原因在于,比赛时你都得在运动中击球,击球准备动作做得 仓促,因为对手在调动你,而且来球快慢高低变化多。这些都是平时练习出现较少 的情形,因此比赛对你来说陌生,不是发挥打折。

  (16)场地几何 网球的战术简单说来就是让对手击球困难,使自己击球容易。场地几何的概念,有 助于你战术应用。如将你击球后球在对方场地的落点分别与你方场地两个边线与底 线的交点连成线,就能预测对方回球的可能范围。你球击的越深,对方可回球角度 越小,你就能轻松地回球。

  (17)发球 网球各种技术学有难易之分,应用发挥亦有难易之分。发球属学很难,但比赛中最 容易发挥的技术,因它不受对手的牵制。曾用一法教人发球,效果尚可,如下:让 学习者握拍作把球拍从头上方扔过球网的动作(只是想象扔过网),而后找一比发 球击球点略高的树叉子,让练习者站好位置作从地面蹬起扔拍并击打树支的动作。

  (18)球龄与伤痛 随球龄的增长,球越打越快,比赛越来越激烈,玩弄的高级技巧越来越丰富。但身 体专项训练没跟上,承受不了技术对身体素质的要求,于是上痛下痛,前痛后痛, 手痛脚痛关节痛。于是,一有比赛,各种护绷带,杀痛喷剂充斥球场,惨不忍睹。 爱惜自己,作些专项身体素质训练吧!

  (19)能与顶级选手一样好的技术 网球技术的特点在于懂得怎么做以后,还要有一定水平的人与你一起练习才能进步, 一般说来与你练习的人水平有多高,你的水平就可能到达多高。由于种种因素的制 约,很多情况下你的技术永远无法到达定级选手的水准。但有一项技术例外,那就 是发球。练发球无需陪练,只要得要领,就一定能成功。此外,发球是一项提高了, 就立竿见影提高比赛成绩的技术。

  (20)球星技术的相同点 网球球星的技术动作千差万别,但有一点是相同的,那就是球拍作用于球瞬间的动 作。个人认为,对于爱好者来说,打球的注意力应集中在击球瞬间,去领会击球的 感觉,而不是在被过份强调的引拍和收拍动作。

  (21)大力发球 1。加大弯膝度并腾起击球。弯膝在发球时向下并向后引球拍时开始进行。有的选 手弯膝过程两脚间距离保持不变,有的选手则后脚向前脚移动。 2。抛球抛得前一些,并尽可能在高一点的位置击球。 3。极大地扭转臀部和肩部。有的选手转到背部都被对手看见。 4。充分利用手腕动作。

  (22)网球教科书 对于网球教科书上的同一段描述,随着球龄和技术的提高,你会有不同的领悟和理 解;而同一项技术,对不同球龄和技术的球员的要求也不尽相同。如底线抽击中的 附加手腕动作,对初学者来说是大忌,而对有多年球龄的球员来说则是提高击球速 度的一种很好的方法;底线抽击,初学者宜用关闭式步伐,而高水平球员采用开放 式步伐则更有利。又如,高水平球员双打比赛应双上网,而一般爱好者双上网则很 难赢得比赛。因此球员不可不加分析生搬硬套教科书上的说法,也不必视教科书上 的说法为金科玉律,应选择适合自己的合理的技术动作和战术。

  (23)漂亮动作 要作出漂亮的网球技术动作其实很容易,只要四肢不要僵硬,把动作作得很完整而 且随着击球后把身体重心前移就行了。但漂亮的动作不一定能击出漂亮的球来,初学者应采取实用主义,注意领会球拍击球瞬间的感受,学会击出好的球,而不是把功夫花在漂亮动作上。在初学者中常听见“某某的动作很漂亮”,而在高水平球员中则常听见“某某的球速很快,球路很刁钻。

  (24)击球位置 底线抽击中球拍击球瞬间的位置对你击出的球的质量有很大的影响,从高度上考虑, 击球位置低较为有利;从前后上考虑,击球位置靠前较为有利。练习时最好养成击 球位置上下前后相对固定的击球方式,以步伐来满足击球位置,不要因懒得跑动而 让击球位置随不同的来球变化。
作者: 雪千寻    时间: 2004-4-27 12:15
作者: color18_m    时间: 2004-4-28 01:16
Ding Ding Ding.
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-28 08:37
桑普拉斯,辛吉斯, 萨芬库尔尼科娃等的动作分解,链接请点击这里
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-4-30 23:13
标题: to Jimmy
Hi Jimmy,
My string was broken today. Where did you change your string yesterday? how much did you pay?
Thank you.
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-4-30 23:44
sport expert , at st. catherine and mansfield. 10$ plus tax
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-4-30 23:45
thank you, Jimmy
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-5-6 13:24
大师赛Roma站,激战正酣,TSN live broadcast @1pm today.May 6
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-5-13 12:08
tennis master Hamberg is on TV now, 1:30pm TSN, May 13.
作者: color18_m    时间: 2004-5-14 01:34
Just downloaded Master Rome, Moya won. Nice game.
作者: 龄予    时间: 2004-5-14 16:30
标题: downtown有没有打网球的
作者: Daniel_LI    时间: 2004-5-14 17:55

有空的话CALL我, 450-6793302 晚9点后
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-5-14 21:47
Nun Island has good courts to play. Today we had games full of fun playing together. Hope you guys can come regularly for both single and double games. I am feeling getting more and more control over the ball while playing with you guys. You are great. Thanks.
作者: daya    时间: 2004-5-14 22:01
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: thousandsnow    时间: 2004-5-15 09:09
Hi, Jimmy, would you please add me next time? I really want to play tennis with you guys, although I cannot play as good as you. Last Saturday we ever played together at the court in Lachine. It's really wonderful. But just Saturday is not enough. Whatever
Friday, Saturday, or Sunday you guys play tennis together, please inform me and give me a chance to play with pros. I plan to get a really tennis season. Thanks! My E-mail address is meilisnow@yahoo.com


作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-5-15 10:12
To lily, you are surely welcome, will email you in advance next time.
作者: kenlu    时间: 2004-5-19 22:37
我有10年球龄,中级水平。在quebec City得laval大学,我们这里得网球俱乐部高手众多,可是除了我以外没有中国人,如果哪位朋友有机会到quebec City来,欢迎找我打球。有quebec得朋友也请联系我。
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-5-20 14:31
if came to Quebec city, I will definitely call you for tennis. By the way, which month is the best for traveling to Quebec city?
作者: kenlu    时间: 2004-5-20 15:40
Post by jimfun
if came to Quebec city, I will definitely call you for tennis. By the way, which month is the best for traveling to Quebec city?

Right now, it is the best time for visiting Quebec city, and of course, the best time for tennis. This summer, we joined a club that organizes matches on clay courts. It used to be the training courts for professional players and is very well maintained. If anyone comes to Quebec city, just drop me a line. I may invite you to play on these courts.
作者: antoine    时间: 2004-5-22 09:10
作者: jimfun    时间: 2004-5-22 13:13
Post by antoine

作者: color18_m    时间: 2004-5-24 00:20

Knight 怎么没到?另外,还有一个跑不死的Danny已回蒙城。今年夏天有戏看了。
作者: my man    时间: 2004-5-26 15:14
标题: tennis action this coming weekend
playing tennis(especially play game) need inner power (QiGong term), resent Western term is mental power(I believe it's from eastern term or Chinese term), so tennis game is also called mental game, believe it or not is up to you, if you believe it, it means you already feel it, if you don't believe, it means you have not felt it yet, don't worry, maybe some day you will, it's just sooner or later if you keep trying enough, and trying hard enough.
look at the world top 50 professional men and women players, there is no same forehand or backhand ground stroke, but they all can play very good tennis. so it's not about the outside look , but about the inside stuff , the stuff behind the face.

I am not tall, I am not very fit, I have injury in my both knees, I can not move fast, I don't have big weapon, but to tell you the truth, I still can play solid game, I won East Canada Chinese Tennis Tournament single championship twice about 10 years ago in Montreal, I don't win it anymore, probably I can say because it's not hold here any more.

now I move worse, have too much weight on my almost broken knees(75 kg), I have not played very much game for several years, but I still believe I can play solid tennis game, and I want to meet any player who want give me challenge to push me go higher(and make my knees worse), so see you this coming weekend.

Saturday: from 10 am to whenever you like stay there(but only you).
Sunday: same time.
place: parc rene-veillet at park lane(street), greenfield park(city) in south shore.
it's hard court, surface is not bad, and it's free(for you, since I buy the key for the court)
for detail, email: yongtaoz@hotmail.com
or call: 450-465-8345 (home), or 514-286-9504 ext 232 , speak to Michael.

by the way, if you need re string your racket, I can do it for you, I charge much less than the store, and I'm much more professional(I have done a lot of research and test on stringing racket with different string for my daughter to help her improve tennis level) and I do the job much faster(basically as you request).
and I also provide tennis lesson, but sorry so far I can not give free lesson although I have the passion on teaching.
<!-- / message -->
作者: antoine    时间: 2004-5-26 20:27




作者: my man    时间: 2004-5-27 08:30
标题: enjoy in tennis
I totally agree with Antoine that the most enjoyable thing in tennis playing is your improvement(physically, mentally, emotionally, technically, tactically, strategically... a lot more), and there is no end to the improvement.  when you play game, if you pass a level, you immediately go for the next higher level, if you pass all the level, then you won't play that game any more, there is no challenge on you, and you don't need improve much any more.  your opponent in the tennis game is the same, you always want him/her higher than you, or you always want enough challenge from your opponent, you never feel very happy for beating a beginner(unless you win big money by that victory, you will get very happy and excited if you beat a player you never beat before(you have a break through).  if you feel your 100% effort(performance) is not enough to beat a player , then you have to try 110% effort(I assume you improve 10% in this case), if still not enough, then 20%, 30% more....., if one day, your opponent still play the same high level tennis, and you beat him/her, then that means you really improve(or improve enough for beating him/her).  so real good competition is cooperation between two opponents(actually prefer using "partners"), both players must be honest, or give each other all the problem they can give to let opponent solve(improve), give enough challenge to each other to make them better and tougher(physically and mentally tougher).
same as in school learning, the exam mark(tennis game result) is the only the test or mark on how much you learn(how high performance your can play ),  for 1+1 = 2 question(play with beginner), you get 100% mark(extremely easy win), but  if you play with Agassi, you can not win single game even you try 200%(even you break your arms or legs or lose all the energy or water in your body), so we should not pay more attention to who we beat, who we lose to, but how much we enjoy our playing, performance, improvement, how much fun we get in our game(sorry winning always has more fun in losing although you learn more from losing than winning), you win you improve(learn), you lose you even improve(learn) more. just in montreal, I can beat a lot of players for sure, but at the same time, there are tons of players can beat me too. if a player consistently beat me, I will like consistently play with him/her, the only thing I feel bad is if I can not give him/her enough challenge to push him/her to go to higher level, in this case I am not good partner, since I get more than I give.

talk to you later.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-5-27 10:03
标题: tennis shot
when you just rally, if you hit a great shot in 10 tries, you feel so cool from the great shot; when you play game, you hit 10 good shots but not win a point yet, only one bad shot make you lose a point, and you feel so bad, that's the difference between the rally and playing game on testing how your shot look like, so play game as much as possible to let it stand real test.

when you play a lower level player, your favorite forehand shot give you a lot of winners, but when you play against a much higher level player, suddenly you feel your shot get broken, instead of giving you a lot winner, it give you a lot of errors, in stead of killing your opponent, it perfectly set up for you to get killed, it means you need get better, realistic picture of your weapon, so go around to find better player to make your shot improve.

my plan:

create a website;
create a chinese tennis player club(not exclude other player);
create a player profile database(you manage your own profile), and easy to search;
rank all the players(sorry not by what you say, but by the performance in the tennis action we have), so it's easy to find your own level player;
hopefully, you will see these in half a year.
provide more tennis info:  free court(map for the postion), cheap tennis clubs or special membership, tennis tournament in montreal, tennis equepment and store with good discount , demo(you can try for some days etc.);
provide more comunication media;
provide media for player trade equepment, info etc.
etc. etc. whatever is good or helpful to tennis lovers.
welcome all new ideas.

but first, start the action: find all the good free courts in montreal, post it here, routine play tennis somewhere, and start to play game for putting you in the correct position in the list, but if more than 6 players, we need arrange two places.
作者: antoine    时间: 2004-5-27 10:20
great. me me me me me.
作者: zeng11    时间: 2004-5-27 12:50
标题: cool!!!
cool, cool, cool!!!

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