教练教的也一般,一点儿都没耐心。每次提前10分钟就不练了。要是2个小时的training,能提前20分钟。作者: u2hearts 时间: 2004-4-2 11:01
Thank you, exposfun.作者: Mengge 时间: 2004-4-2 11:11
算我一个,但不知哪个驾校比较好?作者: argyle 时间: 2004-4-2 11:19
If you find a suitable school, inform me (989-2908 Mr.Fu)作者: zynsh 时间: 2004-4-2 15:49
我也想报名,算我一个吧.我去过老赵,感觉还可也.作者: 无云晴空 时间: 2004-4-3 21:43
hope含税报价247/人,两人九折,人多面议。:p作者: 西风瘦雨 时间: 2004-4-4 10:41
报驾校千万要小心。邱师傅那里千万别去。他总是先提前收费,然后无休止的给你补钟再要钱。12小时是一次性付305。而且他很马虎。经常会让你莫名其妙的收到missed road test的罚单。所以大家报驾校还是要小心的。不然花钱不算,还很让人恶心。作者: toby_yan 时间: 2004-4-4 11:11
什么时候开始,通知我,kelvin2952915 ,谢谢作者: furture 时间: 2004-4-4 16:20
don't go to HOPE. I think there is no hope.Teachers are not good. Top was ever better than now.作者: 无云晴空 时间: 2004-4-4 20:28
it seems laozhao driving school is not bad, we would like to take a driving course recently, if you have same idea ,pls tell me.作者: u2hearts 时间: 2004-4-5 20:29
If everyone agrees that we should go LaoZhao, maybe let's decide to go to this driving school.
I will contact you guys soon, and I hope the school will give us a good deal, if we have so many go together. 作者: 无云晴空 时间: 2004-4-6 19:09
我们准备去学,约个时间吧,下周一怎么样?作者: sextogether 时间: 2004-4-6 20:07
西风瘦雨,不明白你是如何得到 missed road test罚单的?我看到你3月27日作为新移民找教练,昨天4月5日你就去考路试?考过了吗?你和970622唱双簧骂教练,好象不是正常人干的事,做上海人要厚道!作者: u2hearts 时间: 2004-4-6 20:43
准备下周一去南岸老赵驾校报名, 如有意者, 请留下电话, 或者email: u2hearts@yahoo.com
To: 无云晴空, 如你有兴趣, 请留下联系方式, 我们大家一起报名。 作者: frankjun 时间: 2004-4-12 23:20
我想参加,pls call me 768-3814作者: u2hearts 时间: 2004-4-14 11:02
We have already registered in LaoZhao driving school. The price is around $240(including tax) for basic 12-hour course. If you plan to take driving course in LaoZhao, I recommend you register earlier, because their practicing schedule is already pretty full in May.