
标题: 彩蛋召集 -- Montreal Asian Youth Association [打印本页]

作者: ppmelody    时间: 2009-1-27 09:13
标题: 彩蛋召集 -- Montreal Asian Youth Association

40名SWAT队员--- 室内彩蛋游戏

用:40加币/人 --- 含汽车接送,午餐(烤鸡),100枚子弹,半自动枪,面具,护具
集合地点:CONCORDIA 大学HALL BUILDING 门口(1455 De Maisonneuve W)

人数有限,请尽快联系我,说明参加人数和自己的等级: mayamtl@gmail.com


Get bored at home? M.A.Y.A is calling on the active ones for a painball practice.

You don't need to be good as most of us are new for it!
You gotta be brave and strong enough to play the WHOLE day!!

We need more than 40 S.W.A.T for a group deal of $40/person ( Transportation,semi-automatic with nitro, 100 paintballs, camo clothing, head wrap,full face mask and a meal from chiken St-Hubert.).

We will have a bus to pick us up at the gate of Concordia Hall building at 9am, 22nd Feb. Isn't it even better?

Reservation/fee has to be paid before Feb 6th, Friday.
作者: ppmelody    时间: 2009-1-27 09:32
标题: 行程
2月22日早9点,在CONCORDIA HaLL BUILDING门口集合,大巴接我们准时出发----〉10点左右到达,有专人发用具和衣服,做讲解 ---〉11点前,开打 --- 〉12:30左右,吃中饭,交流经验 ---〉1:30, 又开打 ---〉4点左右,看大家体力情况,结束,返城。

作者: ppmelody    时间: 2009-2-11 15:10

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