premiums paid to private health services plans (other than those paid by an employer, such as the amount in box J of your Quebec Relevé 1 slip)作者: CQM2005 时间: 2009-3-5 18:55
根据那些条款的规定,我理解是可以申报MEDICAL EXPENSE的,没错吧?作者: limtl 时间: 2009-3-5 20:37
据我的理解是可以算省税,但是不算联邦税。是吗?作者: Montreanr 时间: 2009-3-5 21:52
我昨天给一个老人报税,她有600多刀的premiums paid to private health services plans,我都将其算为medical expenses.
这句话应当怎样理解啊? 我有group insurance plans, 有谁知道个人所缴纳部分在报联邦税时可不可以算在medical expenses里?我知道魁省可以算,另外个人所缴纳部分又分了medical,dental 费用,这两种肯定能报,那其他的呢?比如:life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment, long term disability? 有谁知道吗?是分开还是把那两项剔出来?谢谢!