
标题: 请教小孩回国3个月要不要通知政府部门, 还有没有这3个月的牛奶金拿?谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: qian22    时间: 2009-3-12 19:41
标题: 请教小孩回国3个月要不要通知政府部门, 还有没有这3个月的牛奶金拿?谢谢!
请教小孩回国3个月要不要通知政府部门, 还有没有这3个月的牛奶金拿?谢谢!
作者: 2dian    时间: 2009-3-12 20:54
作者: bellefille    时间: 2009-3-12 21:08
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: nware    时间: 2009-3-12 21:48

To get the CCTB, all the following conditions must be met.

作者: lkp    时间: 2009-3-13 01:56
如果半年以上孩子和监护人不在加拿大,例如长期在中国住,孩子可以领牛奶金吗?配偶是加拿大公民,have residential ties. :confused:

Post by nware;2178434

To get the CCTB, all the following conditions must be met.

作者: nware    时间: 2009-3-13 11:25
Residential Ties In Canada

  ¶ 4. The most important factor to be considered in determining whether or not an individual leaving Canada remains resident in Canada for tax purposes is whether or not the individual maintains residential ties with Canada while he or she is abroad. While the residence status of an individual can only be determined on a case by case basis after taking into consideration all of the relevant facts, generally, unless an individual severs all significant residential ties with Canada upon leaving Canada, the individual will continue to be a factual resident of Canada and subject to Canadian tax on his or her worldwide income.
  ¶ 5. The residential ties of an individual that will almost always be significant residential ties for the purpose of determining residence status are the individual's
   (a) dwelling place (or places),
  (b) spouse or common-law partner, and
  (c) dependants.

  ¶ 6. Where an individual who leaves Canada keeps a dwelling place in Canada (whether owned or leased), available for his or her occupation, that dwelling place will be considered to be a significant residential tie with Canada during the individual's stay abroad. However, if an individual leases a dwelling place located in Canada to a third party on arm's length terms and conditions, the CCRA will take into account all of the circumstances of the situation (including the relationship between the individual and the third party, the real estate market at the time of the individual's departure from Canada, and the purpose of the stay abroad), and may not consider the dwelling place to be a significant residential tie with Canada except when taken together with other residential ties (see ¶ 17 for an example of this situation and see ¶ 9 for a discussion of the significance of secondary residential ties).
  ¶ 7. If an individual who is married or cohabiting with a common-law partner leaves Canada, but his or her spouse or common-law partner remains in Canada, then that spouse or common-law partner will usually be a significant residential tie with Canada during the individual's absence from Canada. Similarly, if an individual with dependants leaves Canada, but his or her dependants remain behind, then those dependants will usually be considered to be a significant residential tie with Canada while the individual is abroad. Where an individual was living separate and apart from his or her spouse or common-law partner prior to leaving Canada, by reason of a breakdown of their marriage or common-law partnership, that spouse or common-law partner will not be considered to be a significant tie with Canada.
  ¶ 8. Generally, secondary residential ties must be looked at collectively in order to evaluate the significance of any one such tie, therefore, it would be unusual for a single secondary residential tie with Canada to be sufficient in and by itself to lead to a determination that an individual is factually resident in Canada while abroad. Secondary residential ties that will be taken into account in determining the residence status of an individual while outside Canada are
   (a) personal property in Canada (such as furniture, clothing, automobiles and recreational vehicles),
  (b) social ties with Canada (such as memberships in Canadian recreational and religious organizations),
  (c) economic ties with Canada (such as employment with a Canadian employer and active involvement in a Canadian business, and Canadian bank accounts, retirement savings plans, credit cards, and securities accounts),
  (d) landed immigrant status or appropriate work permits in Canada,
  (e) hospitalization and medical insurance coverage from a province or territory of Canada,
  (f) a driver's license from a province or territory of Canada,
  (g) a vehicle registered in a province or territory of Canada,
  (h) a seasonal dwelling place in Canada or a leased dwelling place referred to in ¶ 6,
  (i) a Canadian passport, and
  (j) memberships in Canadian unions or professional organizations.

  ¶ 9. Other residential ties that the Courts have considered in determining the residence status of an individual while outside Canada, and which may be taken into account by the CCRA, include the retention of a Canadian mailing address, post office box, or safety deposit box, personal stationery (including business cards) showing a Canadian address, telephone listings in Canada, and local (Canadian) newspaper and magazine subscriptions. These residential ties are generally of limited importance except when taken together with other residential ties, or with other factors such as those described in ¶ 10.
作者: 51741    时间: 2009-3-14 08:31
Post by qian22;2178307
请教小孩回国3个月要不要通知政府部门, 还有没有这3个月的牛奶金拿?谢谢!


作者: 51741    时间: 2009-3-14 08:37
Post by lkp;2178611
如果半年以上孩子和监护人不在加拿大,例如长期在中国住,孩子可以领牛奶金吗?配偶是加拿大公民,have residential ties. :confused:


作者: lkp    时间: 2009-3-14 23:55
谢谢你的回答, 问题是, 孩子和两位家长都长期住在中国(也许不回加拿大了), 而他们也没有给加拿大政府交税(有报税),但其中一位家长是加拿大的公民, 这种情况可以拿牛奶金吗?   我周围的朋友真的有这种情况。。。。

Post by 51741;2179570


作者: 51741    时间: 2009-3-15 09:18
Post by lkp;2180343
谢谢你的回答, 问题是, 孩子和两位家长都长期住在中国(也许不回加拿大了), 而他们也没有给加拿大政府交税(有报税),但其中一位家长是加拿大的公民, 这种情况可以拿牛奶金吗? 我周围的朋友真的有这种情况。。。。





作者: 2dian    时间: 2009-3-15 09:23
作者: 51741    时间: 2009-3-15 09:37
Post by 2dian;2180473



1. You must live with the child, and the child must be under 18 years of age.
作者: lkp    时间: 2009-3-15 10:03
谢谢你的回答!  这些牛奶金对回国发展的低收入家庭有一定的帮助。 我有朋友的家庭真真实实是这种情况。 不过, 我希望他们将来发达了,能真实的向加拿大政府报税。 不能只拿别人的,而不贡献啊!

Post by 51741;2180469





作者: canaintex    时间: 2009-3-15 22:04


还有楼主说的你有朋友确实是有这种情况的,那你有问清楚他们有向政府报备说小孩是长期寄养在中国的吗?其实如果要知道是不是合法的很简单:如果那位长期和小孩在中国的人是有向金政府报备了小孩是长期寄养在中国,但他还是正常的每月或每个季度能领到牛奶 金在一年以上(如果很短的时间也是是政府部门工作效率的问题,不一定是真的能合法领到相应 的牛奶 金的),就是说是合法的啦。

Post by 51741;2180469





作者: 51741    时间: 2009-3-16 10:07
Post by canaintex;2181127



CCTB: Application and Eligibility :
1. You must live with the child, and the child must be under 18 years of age.

2. You must be the person primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child. We define primarily responsible on the previous page.
If a child does not reside with you all the time, see "Shared eligibility".


3. You must be a resident of Canada for tax purposes.
We consider you to be a resident of Canada when you establish sufficient residential ties in Canada. For more information, see Interpretation Bulletin IT-221, Determination of an Individual's Residence Status.

4. You or your spouse or common-law partner must be:

When should you contact the CRA about your CCTB ?
1. You have changed your address
If you move, be sure to let us know. Otherwise, your payments may stop, even if you use direct deposit and your bank account doesn't change. See How to change your address.

2. b) A child for whom you are receiving the benefit is no longer in your care
If a child for whom you are receiving the CCTB is no longer in your care, stops living with you, or dies, call 1-800-387-1193. Let us know as soon as possible, in order to avoid getting overpaid and receiving a request to pay some of your benefits back.

6. You or your spouse or common-law partner's immigration or residency status has changed
If this is the case, please call 1-800-387-1193.


作者: nanu    时间: 2009-3-17 21:21
标题: 牛奶金
作者: nware    时间: 2009-3-18 09:35
标题: 又在误导
Eligibility for child assistance payments

To be eligible for child assistance payments, a person must meet the following conditions:

To receive child assistance payments, both spouses must have filed a Québec tax return even if one or both of them had no income to report.
作者: 51741    时间: 2009-3-18 13:30

You must inform the Régie rapidly if your situation changes. This information is important because it allows us to calculate the amounts to which you are entitled.


参看链接:http://www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca/en/enf ... ituation_change.htm
作者: cn2004    时间: 2010-12-25 22:20
作者: 芭蕉叶    时间: 2011-1-3 11:49
只有一个银行帐户不能算作sufficient tie, 不能算作税务居民,也不用报税。当然也不能成为领取牛奶金的理由。

在境外超过183天,需要有sufficient tie作为税务居民,比如房产,或多个资金往来帐户。

Post by 51741;2181362

CCTB: Application and Eligibility :
1. You must live with the child, and the child must be under 18 years of age.

2. You must be the person primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child. We define primarily responsible on the previous page.
If a child does not reside with you all the time, see "Shared eligibility".


3. You must be a resident of Canada for tax purposes.
We consider you to be a resident of Canada when you establish sufficient residential ties in Canada. For more information, see Interpretation Bulletin IT-221, Determination of an Individual's Residence Status.

4. You or your spouse or common-law partner must be:


When should you contact the CRA about your CCTB ?
1. You have changed your address
If you move, be sure to let us know. Otherwise, your payments may stop, even if you use direct deposit and your bank account doesn't change. See How to change your address.

2. b) A child for whom you are receiving the benefit is no longer in your care
If a child for whom you are receiving the CCTB is no longer in your care, stops living with you, or dies, call 1-800-387-1193. Let us know as soon as possible, in order to avoid getting overpaid and receiving a request to pay some of your benefits back.

6. You or your spouse or common-law partner's immigration or residency status has changed
If this is the case, please call 1-800-387-1193.



作者: 马虎妞    时间: 2011-1-4 13:15
标题: 当然没有
Post by cn2004;2764131

作者: sonia    时间: 2011-1-15 18:09
Post by nanu;2183005

作者: linda_2008    时间: 2011-3-3 01:27
Post by cn2004;2764131

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