
标题: 那里能买到比较不错的大碗大碟 [打印本页]

作者: evaluating    时间: 2009-3-15 14:47
标题: 那里能买到比较不错的大碗大碟
作者: 生活在别处    时间: 2009-3-15 15:51
作者: evaluating    时间: 2009-3-17 08:14
标题: 谢谢,今天就去找
作者: canaintex    时间: 2009-3-17 11:29
听说这期的canada tire 就有三个一套的玻璃碗(大中小)在打特价,是可以用微波炉和烤箱和洗碗机的,才3.99加税也就4.5,非常划算,班上同学今天才跟我讲的,他说昨天去买的,但我自己还没去找.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2009-3-17 11:56
三个一套 does sound good price, check that out.

Another place to go: - basement of Complex Dejardine (above Chinatown)
Look for the SAQ in basement (right next to stairs/escalator)
1.  2-3 stores to left of SAQ, there's a discount kitchen place (quality not too good)
Many cheap wine glasses, not sure if they still has the 1 set Pasta dishes = 1 big deep round plate +4 spaghetti plates, ~$4.99-$6.99

2.  ~Across from SAQ, ~the other side of stairs, it's a Benix or similar store.  It's big, better quality.

Check out Dollar stores, sometimes u would be surprised at what u find.  If not inconvenient, check out the basement of Dollar store on St. Catherine, outside Papineau MTR.  The one to the East side that's owned by Chinese, not the one on West that's owned by Middle Eastern.
作者: evaluating    时间: 2009-3-22 07:33
标题: 买到了
去zellers看了,最后在canadian tire买的,35刀,17件,四小碗,一大碗,四大碟,四小碟,四mug杯子,感觉真不错

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