New York - Up to 13 people may have been killed on Friday in a rampage by a gunman believed to be holding dozens of hostages at a civic centre in upstate New York, local radio reported.
"A dozen or more may have died in the last two hours," Bob Joseph, news director of local WNBF Radio in the town of Binghamton, told CNN, quoting sources.
全文:作者: 888mark 时间: 2009-4-3 14:49
李伟光还没结束,现在有人跑美国去了。作者: xiaoxiao123 时间: 2009-4-3 15:17
枪手叫Jiverly Voong, 是亚裔, 还不知道是哪国人,不像中国人的名字.作者: 7Quebec 时间: 2009-4-3 15:40
NBC also reported the gunman may have been a Vietnamese immigrant named Jiverly Voong.
Jiverly Voong is believed to be 42: "Jiverly Voong, a 42 year old local man of Vietnamese origin."作者: 2dian 时间: 2009-4-4 05:24
越南人....作者: sheng 时间: 2009-4-4 08:41
据今天Gazatte报,名字叫Jiverly Wong,42岁,莫非越南华人?作者: bellecomme 时间: 2009-4-4 15:18 标题: 精神问题 他要是明白什么是身外之物,就不会当此恶魔了。