标题: 哪里卖的薏米 新鲜 [打印本页] 作者: abc458 时间: 2009-4-8 13:44 标题: 哪里卖的薏米 新鲜 到中国城买的袋装薏米 打开后有股哈味, 很不新鲜, (根据包装, 在保质期内),
到老外店买的PEARL BARLEY 好象不是薏米 , 大家都在哪买的新鲜薏米 ?作者: montrealpost 时间: 2009-4-9 10:16
Believe there are 3 sizes for Barley, Pearl Barley is the smallest. I don`t know which size is the Chinese 薏米. They are available everywhere:
- supermarkets, all of them
- PA
- Zellars
- etc.作者: llma 时间: 2009-4-9 19:54
我在中国店买的放了2个月生了好多小米虫,不知道是买的时候不新鲜还是我放的时间长了作者: montrealpost 时间: 2009-4-11 11:17
I always have barley, longest time 放~6-12个月, never have problem with小米虫. Should be 买的时候'~不新鲜还' or from China :confused:.
I normally mine from PA/Zellars/ . . . . . =wherever is sales, buy from Portugese store on St. Laurent when no sales.