十九、活到老,学到老,开心到老。作者: Fred1971 时间: 2004-4-22 01:49
Your definition of girl? 15 to 28 female? As far as I know, in China no girl in that age band is allowed to have brother because of One Child policy, twin is an exception. Chitchat between sister and brother appears only happen in fictions. Wanna have a sister to prove your story.作者: Stephen 时间: 2004-5-15 23:46
Hi, 千鹤
The letter is so nice. It's not only for women, but also for men. I love it. Thanks!作者: mirroronthewall 时间: 2004-6-13 00:37
是这里少有的好文章,可惜现在才看到作者: seaeagle_j 时间: 2004-6-14 13:12 标题: That's wonderful! 的确是好文章!引起单身女孩的共鸣理所当然!
你是不是在国外呆久了,我就是一个活声声反驳你的例子!我在15-28之间,但是我有one elder brother.而且在我认识的人中大有人在!相信出身乡间的朋友有更多的这种情况!
该了解了解国情了!老兄!作者: cyxmdk 时间: 2004-6-28 21:04
我也可以证明 , 我在15-28 岁(22岁) , 也有一个同父同母的姐姐, 其实有兄弟姐妹是很正常的, 不要找这个来否认别人的好文章!引起单身女孩的共鸣理所当然!
Fred1971作者: GiganticBalls 时间: 2004-6-28 21:20