Group rate
19-54 years old 25$
5-18 years old 23$
0-4 years old free
over 55 years old 17$
From Montreal -Highway 15 or 13 NORTH
-Highway 640 WEST
-Exit # 2 Pointe-Calumet
-Follow the blue “Super Aqua Club” signs
(turn right on Rue principal south, reach avenue D'Oka then turn right,
when get the road "Montee de la baie" turn left, go forward you will see destination)作者: connie_lg 时间: 2009-8-22 22:31
我能加入吗?谢谢 #1273278125作者: hostingca5 时间: 2009-8-22 23:50
为什么加不进去了,说找不到群,能不能加我啊,我的QQ: 902362
谢谢作者: shutiao 时间: 2009-8-26 10:37
me too...cannot join. can u count me in? QQ:20407402作者: emily_yaowei 时间: 2009-8-26 21:37
加我, 我加不上群!
我无聊到死!!! 快点活动吧 !!!
想明天唱K的请举手!!! 拉拉拉...