2。漏COOLANT的话,我2个月加一桶4升,10$, 300$可以买30桶,60个月。对车的性能有没有影响。
3。车行的价格合理吗? :rolleyes:作者: kapagi 时间: 2004-4-29 20:28
call me:8804874.I think I can help you to fix it.作者: DonCherry 时间: 2004-4-29 20:55
no, 不要紧. Because it just heater leaking, not radiator or water pump.
But you SHOULD fix it. With lower level of coolant , heat may damage
your engine. You can find a used heater at junk yard (check yellow page).
It's about $20~$40. Install it yourself or ask kapagi or any garage install
for you. Installation is not complex, because acoording to your describle,
it is not leaking under the dashboard. So fix should be easy.
Maybe you should call Kapagi first and ask the price.