
标题: 急,关于续约,遇到坏房东 [打印本页]

作者: 孤独一剑    时间: 2004-5-10 20:36
标题: 急,关于续约,遇到坏房东
我于今年三月从别人处transfer lease一套房子,并和原来的租客有transfer lease agreement. 并且房东在上面也有签名,旧lease房价较低并于今年5.31到期,之前我曾去询问关于续约的问题,房东一直拖着说要等5月涨房租的信发出才行,后来因为5月放假回国,说好6月1日回来之后签lease,可是昨天收到一封email要我在5月31日前搬出,说房子已经租给别人了,其实就是为了涨房租,请问我现在该怎么办?因为我不在montreal是否可请人代理处理此事?



Apt. XXX has been reserved for somebody else. Mr. XXX ( former tenent) had
not renewed the lease for another year. The lease ends May 31st, 2004 and
you must vacate the premises by then.
Therefore, you are not permitted to remain in apartment XXX after May
31st, 2004.

Should you wish to lease another apartment in the building, please inquire
to the undersigned.
作者: papaya100    时间: 2004-5-10 20:52
Did you sign the Assignment Form(which should be picked from Rental Board) with the former lessee  and did he or she send this Assignment Form and noticc about thi transform to the landload by registered letter? If he or she have done this, and the landload did not give any reply within 15 days, you have the right to live in this appartment continuously.But if you did not do anything I said above, unfortunately you should move.
作者: 孤独一剑    时间: 2004-5-10 21:46

我和原来的lessee签了assignment form并且是当着landlord的面签的,上面也有landlord的签名, 而且landlord也调查了我的credit history. 这样是否就没有问题了


作者: 孤独一剑    时间: 2004-5-11 10:43
Mr. XXX ( former tenent) had
not renewed the lease for another year.

作者: stylo    时间: 2004-5-13 17:02
:confused: ------------------
作者: 一剑封喉    时间: 2004-5-14 16:09
If the apartment has been transferred officially to you, then the former tenant has given all his obligations and rights to you. In other words, the former tenant has no right to renew or not-renew the lease.

Second, if you receive no letter from the landlord before, then the lease is already renewed, automatically !

If you have given all information here about your case, I am sure you can live in this apartment for the next term.

An exception:  
If the former tenant told the landlord, before the assignment of the lease, that he/she will not renew the lease, it becomes another story, becuse at that time, the former tenant still had the right to terminate the lease upon the term. Therefore, what he/she informed the landlord is VALID.
作者: 孤独一剑    时间: 2004-5-14 17:26
但是我当时并没有被告知他们已经terminate the lease. 他们有内部协议,我怎么会知道呢?
而且landlord和原来一直在欺骗我说我可以renew the lease,请问我现在该怎么办呢?
作者: sino000    时间: 2004-5-15 20:01
真的可怕,这里的房东这么坏吗?担忧 ing....
作者: VVMM    时间: 2004-5-15 23:59
对你的遭遇很同情, 据我所知, transfer lease有两种, 一种是经房东同意换一下名字, 但是正式的lease还在原先的房客名下, 如果你不付房租, 房东还可以找他; 另一种是通过rental board把前房客的lease买过来, 这不需房东同意, 不过需要花100多的手续费, 但是lease就是你的了.

看来你属于前一种情况, 我觉得你或者可以据事实向rental board起诉, 估计你赢的可能性也比较大, 因为rent board大多数不会把你无故赶走; 或者可以联系一下你的前租客, 看看有什么方法可以补救把他的lease正式买过来. (最好你先去rental board咨询一下)

坏房东是很可恶. 我觉得你如果继续租下去, 说不定以后他还会为别的事为难你.
作者: j:)j    时间: 2004-5-16 08:18
标题: 180天
作者: j:)j    时间: 2004-5-16 08:24
标题: 赔偿
作者: hipi    时间: 2004-5-16 11:57
作者: 孤独一剑    时间: 2004-5-17 12:03

作者: 孤独一剑    时间: 2004-5-21 13:08

It's the answer from Lawyer, from legal point of view,

1 Landlord has the right to let you go. You have to move. Unless you could reach an agreement with the landlord.

2 If you go to the court, the former tanent is the one you could sue (not landlord). You could claim all the expense incurred by your moving and let it paid by the previous tanent.

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